Are you as prepared as this?


New member
But to a person outside our culture, this looks like fanaticism. THAT is why we lose the culture war.
You can have a safe like this, but why post it on the internet???

Do you really believe calling the owner (who could very well have taken a photo of the interior of a squad room safe) paranoid, delusional and mallninja does anything to help the cause you apparently are trying to support?

Besides being a generally bad idea from a safety standpoint, it makes you look like what the anti's claim we all are anyway.

What would an anti call them? Paranoid? Delusional? Mallninja?


The redcoats didn't come for this:


They came for this:


They came for communal stockpiles of weapons... ammunition and powder caches, and cannon.

I applaud someone with enough courage to store this many weapons in a serviceable condition, complete with magazines and ammunition. This is a man I want in my neighborhood. Zombies, blue helmets or bright and sunny Independence Day picnic.

That being said... I bet this pic was taken as a gag, using the contents of a dozen guys' gear.

Flatbush Harry

New member
Preparedness is cute. In many people's fantasy lives, their EBRs and plastic pistols will enable them to hold off whatever attacks them. In truth, very few if any could hold-off a platoon, or even a squad, of trained and equipped NG or zombies for as long as it takes to reload after the first spray and pray mag.

CQB is serious stuff...if the shooters I see at our local public range is any indication, the NG and others are quite safe. A couple of flash/bangs, a three-round burst and the sniper dreams of most soi-disant survivalists are done.

As to the natural disaster scenario, recall that, while the NOLA PD was busy looting, they were also confiscating privately owned weapons under a martial law scenario. That the courts found them behaving illegally some months later would be of little comfort to the survivalists.




New member
it's really a shame... all those handguns, & no mags or ammo...

That's why I'm thinking it's the safe in a team room. The AR mags are all the same make, which you aren't likely to get with various guys putting their gear together (unless they were all USGI) so that argues for a mass purchase. The handguns would be backup for duty weapons.

Alternatively, we could go with KSFreeman's concept and think of this as the long gun safe and the handguns are just flowoever from other safes.


New member
Maybe you misinterpreted the flow of info regarding this picture. Someone sent it to me in an e-mail (God only knows where he got it) and I posted it here because it's funny.

No offense meant to you. It is funny, but unless that is a squad room or something of the like, can anyone tell me a legitimate reason for keeping that many loaded mags? I'd never tell anyone they own too many guns, but keeping what appears to be around 100 mags loaded in the safe. It just seems that if an anti saw that, it would give him an excuse to view all gunowners as fanatical. Is keeping that many rifles fanatical? No. That many magazines? Probably not. That much ammunition? No. But that many loaded mags? It seems overkill.

I support people's rights to have that kind of stuff Buzz. I just don't believe it needs to be shown on the internet. Thats my right. To disagree. And I do. Not with the right to own it, but with the decision to show it off. You may see the occasional gun of mine posted on the forums, but you'll never see my safe, my ammunition stockpile, or all my guns lying out like I'm preparing for war. Thats just my choice though.

On a lighter note, God forbid that place has a fire. Several thousand rounds cooking off will make a mess of that beautiful collection of rifles.


New member

You don't need much for the handguns - they are only there to give you a chance to fight back to a spare AR15.

That guy seriously needs some 308, or at least something other than ARs - how boring!



Flatbush Harry

New member
+1 with mountainbear. Also, in a fire, the pressure inside a safe will increase sharply...combined with heat, small explosion follows. Best to keep ammo separate from rifles.



New member
Here's what a freak I am...all I could think about was
"Jeeez, I hope that's sitting on a concrete slab and not an upstairs floor!"


New member
Also, in a fire, the pressure inside a safe will increase sharply...combined with heat, small explosion follows. Best to keep ammo separate from rifles

Huh? A safe is not an airtight container...


New member

Someones comment made me think, if an EMP hit and you have an electric lock safe, uh not good. Maybe the old style without electronics is a safe bet.
If an EMP hit you would have bigger problems, but you would sure want your gun.