Are you as prepared as this?


New member

As an FYI:

This is NOT MY safe.

It's my DREAM safe, sure, but unfortunately it does not belong to me, and I have no idea who it does belong to, or if it is even real or photoshopped or a gag...I got it in an e-mail & thought it was funny and so I've posted it here...


  • Prepared.JPG
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New member
Prepared for what?

If economic conditions deterioate to the extent that the sheeple begin to get aggressive in mass, the national guard and US army will be brought in to keep the peace. If you parade around with your AR or any rifle, you will be arrested or shot. The fantasy is a lot of fun to think about; the reality really really sucks.


New member
22-rimfire: It's just a funny pic, man. Try to enjoy it, dream of being able to afford all of that without going hungry or shoeless or missing mortgage payments, and smile :)


New member

In terms of number of usable guns and loaded ammo, though I own more SGs than semi-auto rifles, yes.
But I share that Prepared for what sentiment. Say or think what you want about the good ol' USA, with all it's faults this is a very stable country.


New member
Scrap, I like the picture. I just feel it infers a fantasy. It is a fantasy that many hold to. I enjoy it as well. But you throw in a EMP event that is nationwide or worldwide and we really have a problem. Speaking of that, I have a book to order on Amazon! :)


New member
I wonder if the owner of that safe is Hatfield or McCoy. Looks like one of them dug up that hatchet.


New member
If economic conditions deterioate to the extent that the sheeple begin to get aggressive in mass, the national guard and US army will be brought in to keep the peace. If you parade around with your AR or any rifle, you will be arrested or shot. The fantasy is a lot of fun to think about; the reality really really sucks.

Unless you are in that happy place where the police have abandoned you and the military hasn't arrived. Seems like ARs and ammo had a place in LA (with the Korean shop keepers abandoned to their own devices by LAPD), various locales in Katrina, Florida after numerous hurricanes, etc.


New member
Am I allowed to call this paranoid delusional behavior yet? Oh, wait, I'm going to do that anyway. Obviously the zombies should stay away from this guy.

Of course, I'm assuming he knows how to use those, and thats a big if. From the looks of the ammo, he's been stockpiling rather than practicing. God help the mallninja.


New member
Am I allowed to call this paranoid delusional behavior yet? Oh, wait, I'm going to do that anyway. Obviously the zombies should stay away from this guy.

Of course, I'm assuming he knows how to use those, and thats a big if. From the looks of the ammo, he's been stockpiling rather than practicing. God help the mallninja.

This is the problem with these kind of threads. A fun photo leads to discussions of someone's mental state and derogatory terms. I know quite a few people with gun safes that put this one to shame. They all train with their gear regularly and are very competent. But if you put the photos of their gear up, they'd be slammed instantly.

No wonder we are losing the culture war. We eat our own regularly.


New member
No wonder we are losing the culture war. We eat our own regularly.

No, photos like this are whats killing our "culture war". Do you and I understand that he enjoys shooting these, and has every right to own them? Yes. But to a person outside our culture, this looks like fanaticism. THAT is why we lose the culture war.
You can have a safe like this, but why post it on the internet???
Maybe it is a guy with a gun toting wife and 14 kids. In which case he is less prepared than I per family member. Oh the joys of being single.

I am sure there are lots of people around with dozens of SKSs and spam cans of ammo to go with them.


New member
But if you put the photos of their gear up, they'd be slammed instantly.

Furthermore, why would you post photos of your gear in this day and age? Someone hacking a database and finding your personal information is way more likely that a zombie attack requiring that kind of LOADED hardware.
Posting lists of your collections or photos like this one is a bad idea. Sure, I've posted photos here before, but never to that extent. Besides being a generally bad idea from a safety standpoint, it makes you look like what the anti's claim we all are anyway.


It lends well to USMC RULE OF COMBAT #1:
"Bring a weapon. Preferably, bring at least two. Bring all of your friends who have weapons. Bring their friends who have weapons.".


New member
MountainBear: Do you happen to know whose safe this is? And if so, how??

Is there a name on that picture that I don't see?

Is there an address on that picture that I don't see?

How would ANY hacker be able to know whose safe that is, from me posting it on this site??

Maybe you misinterpreted the flow of info regarding this picture. Someone sent it to me in an e-mail (God only knows where he got it) and I posted it here because it's funny.

It's not my safe (God, I wish it was!)

So if any hacker was able to find out my name & address & wanted to know whose safe that is, then whatever; they are crap out of luck because I have no idea, and would be no help to them even if they tortured me for info.
