Anyone use CB shorts/longs for silent shooting of pests?


New member
I wanna say a couple things: I've got a box of Aguila Colibris, they're very quiet out of my Iver Johnson. But they gum up the cylinders pretty quickly. After two or three cylinders, it takes force to insert normal rounds again. Make sure to clean after you use them.

I'm not sure I'd trust them to drop anything bigger than a squirrel, though. That light of a projectile at that low velocity just seems like it wouldn't make a wound cavity big enough to drop a plus size coon or possum.


I have tried the super colibris out of a bolt rifle and they work well up close but you could be right about the regular extra slow colibris. Cb's are only good for close range to. All them shortes will gum up a chamber atleast for me. Try to use one gun for these low power rounds and clean once in a while.


New member
the Super Colibri's are awesome. seems like they are 20gr. they hit hard enough to kill but drop like 7 inches out of a marlin 60 at 25 yds as compared to POI of a 22LR


One thing about all these quite 22 's is range is at best not very far. I have not even tried 25 yards but do know 20 yards is getting out there if shooting both close up and at any distance.


New member
well, the CB's I use are the Colibris in long. They just leave a ring of junk around the head of the casing in the cylinder that makes it almost impossible to insert normal rounds again. That's why I take a brush with me to the range, now.


New member
I use 22 shorts out of a remington nylon bolt action. They work great for clearing up pests. You can't get much more quiet and still be effective.


New member
Winchester model 60 and .22 shorts. Shot in the backyard and wife didn't hear it inside. Small house little bitty yard.


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Aguila Super Sniper

60 grain bullet travels about 900 feet per second hits very hard and is fairly quiet out of a rifle with a long barrel. Most low speed round out of a long barrel are pretty quiet. Start breaking that sound barrier and it get noisey.
I have an RWS pellet rifle in 25 caliber. Head shots kill on the spot for feral cats and so on. It's pretty quiet.
Watch with the super snipers they ricochet pretty easy

Suwannee Tim

New member
I've killed a dump truck full of squirrels with an air rifle, mostly a Beeman R1 which is a pretty powerful airgun, 14, 15 or so foot pounds. It is inadequate for coons and possums. For that you would need a really powerful airgun, at least 20 and better 25 foot pounds, these are very expensive guns, my Theoben Eliminator was over $1200 without optics. Much cheaper is the CB and my fav is the CCI CB long which can be hand fed out of many 22 LR rifles and pistols, particularly the 10-22. These are adequate for coons and possums but you need a clean shot, a head shot if possible. I would not use a Colibri on a coon or possum.


New member
I did some testing of the Remington .22 CB long rifles today. This was shooting in the closed garage into a dry phone book backed by a stack of asphalt shingles.

FIREARM: Remington Model 12 pump, about 20" barrel.

NOISE: Louder than I expected for CB. Definitely not as loud as high velocity .22 LR, but still a sharp bang! Probably seems louder in an enclosed garage, so I will try having someone shoot it inside while I stand in the driveway and hear how it is then.

IMPACT: Pretty good. This is a 36 gr skived HP. It penetrated 800 pages, or about 1 inch, and mushroomed to about .35" and weighs 33 gr. Impressive for a low powered bullet. Range was about 10 ft. I think this will fine for opossum medicine. Especially close range head shots it ought to be devastating.