anybody break Cheapshooter's golden rule of gun ownership?


New member
I have. I was young and didn't know any better. I think i've sold or traded off five or six, not exactly sure... but most all of them I really wish I had back, although I can't explain why, other than I don't have them anymore.

I had a running buddy growing up that could sell ice to a penguin. He'd start out with $50 in an RG .38 Special, and three trades later he'd have a 686. I thought, "Man, I could do that too!" After a few tries, losing my shirt in the process, I decided I'm not much of a trader. I'd see something I like and think I had to have it, no matter what. I had to give up that practice.

Since then I've pretty much decided to figure out what I want, then buy it and plan on keeping it forever. That being said, I do have a few guns on hand that I like a lot less than some of the others... and I wouldn't be surprised if I were to let them go at some point, but I just haven't yet because of "the rule"...


New member
I wont paraphrase Will Rogers, and say I've never seen a gun I didn't like. After all there's that overly complicated upside down 357 Magnum gosh awful ugly thing! But I will say I've never bought a gun I didn't like. A few of which I thought I could do without at a much younger age. But every one of them I have regretted getting rid of at a later date.


New member
I'm more of a firearms enthusiast than a collector, so I trade things around quite a lot. If I find something I really like I keep it, but I have neither the money nor the inclination to keep everything I've ever owned.
I've never sold anything so unique I couldn't get another one if I really wanted to.


New member
I guess I have...

Traded a Talon SS CO2 air rifle for a CZ 452 (was not longer legally allowed to use the air gun in my yard)
Sold a CZ 452 Trainer (kind of regret but it allowed me to be able to do an appleseed)
Sold Remington 870 18" (bead was tricky with slugs so I want something else)
Sold M1 Garand (could not hit a thing and went to a good home)
EnField (got it for free, traded for a much more accurate M44)
Sold a bolt action Mossberg shotgun to a friend for what I got it at (no loss but my mom that it was a cool gun)

I have only been shooting for 3 years and am only 21 :eek:


New member
Often break it. My needs / tastes change, and I'm not up to keeping 100+ weapons that I wouldn't get out and shoot frequently.

If you are one of the lucky ones that can afford to do that $ and time wise, I'm in awe!


New member
did it again today, i traded my Walther P22 for a Ruger MK III, funny thing is i traded it to the same guy i bought the P22 from, but he is guy i mostly do FTF deals from.


New member
I said earlier that I buy and trade them all the time. I have been known to buy the very same gun twice.

Not long ago I sold a 1955 Smith & Wesson M&P 38. Nice five screw gun with diamond Magna grips (not the original ones). It was a nice gun, but I didn't shoot it a lot. Sold it and forgot about it.

Several months later my wife said she wanted to get "just a plain 38" to shoot at the range. Well, darn...I just sold one of those that would have been perfect. We'll have to look for another one.

A week or so ago, we go the LGS, and I see an old K-frame in the back of the case. Ask to see it, and it's the same one I sold a few months back. It's back in my safe now.


Sure, I had to pay a little more for it, but it was less than a pawn fee would have been.


New member
I've only sold two guns outright, don't miss either of them ... I've traded a few because I wanted the new one more than I liked the old one and couldn't afford the new one at the time without the trade ... Currently trying to pick a gun to trade for an XDs, but it's soooo hard!!
I buy, sell, trade, gift, etc. whenever I feel like it. I'll even let them sit dirty for long periods of time.

No emotional attachment to my firearms. None of the guns I have owned have been so rare i can't buy one in better condition down the road if I start feeling nostalgic.


New member
Currently trying to pick a gun to trade for an XDs, but it's soooo hard!!

I traded a S&W 13-2 with a 4" barrel for one of those. I had to pay some to boot and several people said I was crazy, but I sure don't regret it. That was back n November and the shop still hasn't sold that revolver. I'm a little surprised about that.


New member
Have sold several that I regret . I don't miss the S&W M-59, or the blued 4" Ruger Security Six or the Charter Arms Undercover.


New member
Only once. I had a Taurus TCP that I bought at the beginning of the year that was not reliable. For this reason I knew for a fact that I'd never carry it.

I also had a North American Arms .22 that had a belt clip. My late father had given it to me several years back and I had shot it a bit. It was not very accurate and I knew I'd never use it either.

I figured there was no reason to have 2 guns I was not emotionally attached to and would never use. So I sold both to one person to fund the purchase of a Ruger SR9c and LC9. I have no regrets as I use both of these regularly and did tons of research before I bought them.

The other guns I have are older ones that have been given to me or passed down and do hold emotional attachment so I'll never get rid of those.


New member
I wish I hadn't started reading this thread. Just when I'm able to forget my great purge of 1962, the memories come flooding back. OK, I was embarking on college at a time when people paid for things before getting them and worked harder (it seems) to get them.

But I sold my Winchester 52 with Redfield iron sights that had seen me through all the years of junior smallbore competition and still had bluing you could see your reflection in. Also a great ... Oops, this this a pistol section; not rifle...

Only sold one pistol; a Ruger SP101 that just had too much recoil with 357 mag stuff for me to enjoy. Now I have a wonderful S&W 66-3 with 3" barrel that fills that need.

Hey, I'm starting to forget about the Win 52.... NOT! :D