anybody break Cheapshooter's golden rule of gun ownership?


New member
My wife knows the score when I sell/trade a firearm. The money gained goes back into my shooting budget not into household expenses. :D


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In 2012 I sold seven, gifted two, traded one and bought three. So, I guess that makes me down six over all. So far, don't regret any of them.


New member
Selling, buying and trading guns is almost like another hobby in itself

Absolutely it is part of the fun. Like collecting baseball cards when I was a kid.

I will trade you a Topps Carl Yastrzemski for that Fleer Reggie Jackson


New member
Well I regifted a Charter Arms .44 special to my niece's husband, I got it for birthing a foal for a neighbor. Not sure if that goes against "The Cheapshooter Rule"


Edit, I got him a .327 mag, he likes the. 44 special better.:eek:
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New member
I've traded plenty, never purely sold.

My only regret was trading my S&W 686+. I desperately want another revolved in .357 magnum, though this time one with a 6" barrel.


New member
When I was younger, many were sold for financial reasons, and yes there are a couple of regrets. Lately, I have traded up to better firearms. A Taurus PT92AF became a Berreta 90-TWO after two trades. A eastern block PPK copy became a P232 with minimal cash added. I believe now, as finances are much better, that I have nothing left to trade, as all are now a better grade of guns. Makers such as SIG, S&W, FN, Springfiled, etc. now reside in the safe. But that does not mean that I will never sell or trade again. But now money will go back into the collection, not back to household expenses. So, in a sense, they never leave, just change.


New member
I actually have always disliked Cheapshooters signature line. Its shortsighted and makes assumptions. I can almost bet he would have made at least some of the trades I made, and sold for the some of the $$$ that I got.

My collection is what it is because I did not keep everything. When that good gun comes along, and you dont have the money, because you decided to keep a rusted reblued model 12 shotgun, or a cut down 357 S&W, or whatever, you will see the error in your ways. I don't regret really any of my sales or trades, but I also did it right. If his signature said "be careful when selling or trading your firearms" I would be ok with it, because I am careful and coincidentally, happy with what I've done. I look at my collection as a shrub, and so occasionally I trim it up, but that makes it look better, puts money in my pocket, and allows for new branches to grow. As long as you buy low and sell high, you can never go wrong.

When people say they regret a trade or a sale, its usually because they didn't know what they had, they made a hasty decision, they needed the money for some reason, or some othe similar reason. If you sell and trade right, its often better than keeping the gun.


New member
I buy, trade and sell all the time. If a gun doesn't particularly do it for me ill sell/trade it for something else I want. I am also in the mindset that I don't need two guns for the same purpose. For example, I have a Ruger SR9C. I'd like to pick up an M&P9C in the future but it makes no sense to keep the Ruger and the M&P so the Ruger is going to be sold. Heck I'm in the process of selling my Sig 232 I picked up just a month ago. Great gun, but the fat grip on the gun takes away from the slimness of the slide and the frame, I realized I carry a compact 9mm easier than the 232 in .380. Live and learn.

As long as you buy low and sell high, you can never go wrong.

More often than not ill take a slight loss when selling or trading usually to sell it more quickly. That extra $25-50 I dropped off the price I can live without, and usually it's the difference of finding a buyer for my gun in a week or so compared to a month or more.
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New member

This past Monday I traded a Taurus 627 for a three screw Blackhawk 357. The owner of the BH had darn near missed a golden opportunity on a follow up shot on a wounded hog, and wanted something double action. I had toyed with the idea of a BH to not rattle the Taurus to death with my hand loads. Worked into a great deal, thanks in a large part to Single Six.


New member
I have traded a Beretta 9000S in to a LGS to get a TCP. Dumb trade on it's face, -Beretta +Taurus. But, I hated that gun, I've said it over and over here... Probably some guys sick of hearing me say it.

Suffice it to say, I've only broken his rule once...

I spend too dang long deciding what to get and saving up the money for it to not be exactly what I wanted. I'm NOT a spur of the moment gun buyer.


New member
Dozens of times over the last 25-ish years.

I have only regretted two or three, and even if I had those few back, I would probably end up not shooting which case they would be sold or traded away. :)


New member
It is apparent after reading this thread signature does not apply all. I have been thinking about it and there is not one trade (or sale to buy another) that I would go back and undo. No of the guns I have gotten rid of I would even consider buying again. I have taken a very minimal loss on all of them to boot (maybe no loss whatsoever, because of several trade ups)

I like cheapshooter a lot. I love his post and think he is a great contributor her. I hate his signature. It is bad advice IMHO
lol oh man...I have broken Cheapshooters cardinal rule a dozen times. I've sold or traded an: XD45, RIA 1911, Glock 34 & 27, Walther PPQ, CZ82, FNX9, Mossberg 590, Smith and Wesson 642...I know they're a few more. They aren't coming to mind right now. But mainly they were trades for something else I wanted or preferred.

See signature.

Edit. Oh and a Kahr CW9 and Taurus PT-145.
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New member
If you are getting something you want and both parties are happy, I don't see anything wrong with selling or trading. I understand the point made but seems unreasonable if you have something you will never use.


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I regretted selling the first rifle I let go and for a while I was totally against selling any guns but after a while I realized I had a gun or two that I never shot and/or just plain didn't like. I started selling my crap guns to buy better versions now I just sell anything I want to sell. I don't do it on a whim though, if I sell a gun it's gun I don't shoot and don't have much use for and don't have any attachment to. It's also a gun I can replace easily if I later regret selling it.

P5 Guy

New member
They Come & Go

Sell, trade the guns I'm tired of to buy the latest and greatest and when those prove to be boring out they go for the next phase.


New member
I traded my early colt delta elite because I needed cash for a berreta 92 when I was going into police academy. Went home sick to my stomach. Next day, I went back to gunshop to buy back, but he had already sold it.

Lesson learned.....will never do again!


New member
If I don't like a gun, then it's gone.
Life's too short and money's too tight to waste on something useless.

I consider a gun that I don't like and that I won't ever shoot to be something useless.

Next to useless is a gun I like, but for one reason or another don't shoot.
I'll be culling those out some time in the near future.