anti-gun movies


New member
I personally liked Ironman. That said, I am of the opinion that the liberal anti-gunners are so stupid in general, that they would have a hard time picking up on any subtle messages in the movies. :D :eek:

Sorry, couldn't resist.


New member
I didn't see Ironman for the moral lesson from Hollywood. I saw it for top notch special effects. What did Ironman use to fight all those evil man made weapons? More weapons, built into a suit that can fly. That scene where the mini missle pops up out of his arm and blasts the tank is a pretty good endorsment for concealed carry if you ask me. I can't wait for that model to come out.:D


New member
jermtheory is right Ironman is very anti. I enjoyed it, but the whole we make weapons, weapons kill people = we kill people thing sucks.

I don't think it was anti. The issue Stark wound up having was the weapons his company was making were winding up in the hands of those they were created to fight. I believe he mentioned he wouldn't support making any more arms if they couldn't control where they were going and until that point they were out of the arms business.

Given the weapons were being sold to the enemy I think he had a point.


Yes, Shoot "Em Up was awful BUT it had Monica Belluci in it and it was a lot of fun watching Clive Owen's Mr. Smith character in his road rage incident. It's a movie, not a training film!