anti-gun movies


New member
Lord of War is not really an "anti-gun movie" IMO. More like "anti illegal weapons dealers, especially ones supporting African warlords movie". And we all agree that illegal firearms dealers are a bad thing, right?


I guess that no one saw last year's movie "Shoot 'Em Up" ??

I think that it was easily the most anti-gun movie ever made. Despite an all star cast, the plot was so stupid, that even the most liberal film critics panned it, despite it going after guns and gun makers.

The film starts with a team of heavily armed assassins hunting down and killing young pregnant women who are about to give birth. Now how sick does that sound?

Our hero ( played by Clive Owen ) comes to the aid of one of the young ladies. He initially saves her, and she is able to later give birth. However, after the baby is born, the assassins finally manage to track down and kill the mother despite his best efforts, leaving him stuck with a newborn.

Well, the plot thickens, as it turns out that all of these murdered pregnant women were carrying clones of a super powerful US Congressman. They were being raised so that they could be later killed to harvest organs from them to save the gravely ill Congressman's life!!

However, it turns out that this US Congressman is the leading gun control advocate in the Congress that favors a nation-wide ban on the ownership of handguns. So a leading US Gun maker ( given a fictitious name ) and the NRA conspire together to hire these inhuman assassins to kill his clones and the women that are carrying them before they can be born and be used to save his life!!

Talk about a stupid movie plot!! Paul Giamatti played the leader of the assassins, and NRA spokesman. Here is a photo of him as he is about to gun down from long range a mother and her toddler in a park:


The gunplay by the heroic Clive Owens was good at times, but then got into the ridiculous at other times.


Here is the movie's final showdown. The hero's fingers have all been broken during torture in an earlier scene. So in order to kill the main bad guy, he uses a carrot in order to pull the trigger of his pistol:


Trust me, this movie is a worthless piece of garbage. Oh how I wish I had waited to read some reviews on it before going to see it.

P.S. -- the movie ends with a notice about the President signing a ban on handgun ownership into law.



New member
Planet of the Apes (Mark Wahlburg one)- the scene with Charleton Heston

Mark Wahlberg may be a convert. Watch the extras in the movie Shooter. Wahlberg worked with instructors from Front Sight to prepare for the movie, and the same instructors worked as advisors on the set. When I took a SMG class at Front Sight, they told us that when they worked with celebrities or anyone for that matter, they preached the pro-gun gospel.


New member
How about "Bambi", that was an anti-gun / anti-hunting movie if ever I saw one. Here's the part that really gets me, the hunter that killed Bambi's mother was actually a POACHER. Think about it. Fawns are born in the Spring while deer season is in the Fall. If Bambi's mother was shot in the Spring, when fawns still have spots, then the hunter was poaching out-of-season. But the tree-hugging liberal weenies never made that connection between legal hunting and illegal poaching, thus painting all hunters as "bad". :mad:


New member
Billy Jack. Pretty anti-everything hippie movie (not that Billy Jack hesitated using a rifle).

Hey, I liked it,.. what can I say! :D


New member
shoot em up


actually the carrot scene is an after thought and not part of the main plotline

he kills the main badguy buy actually holding 4 rounds of ammo inbetween his broken fingers up to a fire causing them to go off and shoot the main badddy,

pretty absurd.


New member
I always thought that Mel Gibson's SIGNS was covertly anti. Nothing blatently said, but resorting to a baseball bat instead of a shotgun to save the world... let's get real.


New member
Lord of War is not really an "anti-gun movie" IMO. More like "anti illegal weapons dealers, especially ones supporting African warlords movie". And we all agree that illegal firearms dealers are a bad thing, right?
You might want to review the spiel at the end of the movie. Sure, it's about an illegal arms dealer, but they paint all arms in civillian hands as evil.

B.N. Real,
You ever seen Jericho?


New member
I knew it would be a bad movie, but I figured I'd go ahead and watch 'Untraceable' with my mom since she was wanting to see it so baddly. Within the first five minutes the movie rubbed me the wrong way. I'm pretty sure I heard it right, but I didn't bother going back to watch it again since I really hated the flick.

The leads are tracking an online credit card scam and trace it a wifi router in someone's home. Now, this someone is a RN, and of course, she can't possibly be responsible for the crime. They trace her router usage to a neighbor, who, as best I can recall, had no prior records, but was leeching her wifi internet. Now, the big insult came (as I recall) when they found records indicating that he was a registered owner of a few firearms. So they immediate knew he had to be the criminal, and sent a no-knock swat team in to raid his place. So basically, the deciding factor of this one was that the man legally owned firearms; therefore he must be the criminal.

I'm pretty sure that's how it happened, but like I said, I could be mistaken. Either way, that's how I took it, and the movie was bad enough to hate without this extra insult.


New member
You might want to review the spiel at the end of the movie. Sure, it's about an illegal arms dealer, but they paint all arms in civillian hands as evil.
Isnt "lord of war" just a tru storry showing how illegal
arms-dealers work. Love that movie:eek:


New member
when they found records indicating that he was a registered owner of a few firearms. So they immediate knew he had to be the criminal, and sent a no-knock swat team in to raid his place. So basically, the deciding factor of this one was that the man legally owned firearms; therefore he must be the criminal.

I remember that scene. Pi$$ ed me off to no end. :mad:


New member
Lethal Weapon 4!!! I couldn't even make it half way thru the movie. If I recall correctly, they even had an anti-gun/anti-NRA poster hanging right in the police station durring one of the scenes.

Lord of War? Anti US govenment, Anti war & anti making $$ off of war, yes. Other than that...........????/




New member
I always thought that Mel Gibson's SIGNS was covertly anti. Nothing blatently said, but resorting to a baseball bat instead of a shotgun to save the world... let's get real.

Now that I think about it, there IS something weird (in an anti sorta way) about that movie ... and whatshisname (JS Night or something?).

If you want to see a movie that'll really get you pi$$ed, see Safe House. It doesn't come off as being too anti, but imagine that movie without seeing the last minute. Made me hate Patrick Stewart (yes, I know he's nuts anyway)... :mad:


New member
I always thought that Mel Gibson's SIGNS was covertly anti. Nothing blatently said, but resorting to a baseball bat instead of a shotgun to save the world... let's get real.

What self respecting farmer is not going to have at least a shotgun. :confused:

Moe Howard

New member
I knew it would be a bad movie, but I figured I'd go ahead and watch 'Untraceable' with my mom since she was wanting to see it so baddly. Within the first five minutes the movie rubbed me the wrong way. I'm pretty sure I heard it right, but I didn't bother going back to watch it again since I really hated the flick.

I saw that movie, thought it was pretty good overall but I have very low expectations from Hollywood. There was that little anti gun moment, but to show the idiotic, do as I say not as I do, mentality of Hollywood, did you notice what she (Diane Lane) grabbed when she thought her daughter was in danger? That's right, she grabbed her Glock out of the pistol box. Ever notice how LEO in movies and TV always grab their gun whenever something goes bump in the night but in the same episode there will be some anti gun rant? I guess the rest of us are supposed to defend ourselves with our toothbrushes. What do you expect from people who lie for a living?:rolleyes:


New member
Secondhand lions was one of the better movies I have seen in the last few years..... How sad is that? Firearms are not shown as anything special, no "spin" of any kind that I could see.


New member
Moe Howard:
<sn> in movies and TV always grab their gun whenever something goes bump in the night but in the same episode there will be some anti gun rant? I guess the rest of us are supposed to defend ourselves with our toothbrushes.

Acording to Hollyweird, the rest of us don't need/own toothbrushes. :D


New member
jermtheory is right Ironman is very anti. I enjoyed it, but the whole we make weapons, weapons kill people = we kill people thing sucks.

I also had a hard time with jeff bridges as the bad guy. he's the dude, man, so, thats what you call him, the dude, or el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.


New member
Not a movie but an actor.
From Daniel Craig, the new 007.

“I hate handguns,” said Daniel Craig, Agent.007 in the latest movie based on Ian Fleming’s hero. “Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other. That’s a simple fact.” Craig went on (and on), “I’ve seen a bullet wound and it was a mess... t scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that’s what’s scary about them.”