anti-gun movies


New member
How about posting a list so what we will know what to avoid. I have been
boycotting Stallone for years.


New member
I find it very hard to enjoy anti-gun movies. I just can’t get past the overt liberalism. :barf:


New member
Are we talking about movies with an anti-gun message or alleged anti-gun actors in gun use movies?
The Brave One was as close to a pro gun message as I've seen by an anti-gun actor (Jodi Foster)
Planet of the Apes (Mark Wahlburg one)- the scene with Charleton Heston, as an Ape-man, emphasizes the evils of the gun, one of which he has hidden in a vase or something.

It's movies, either it entertains you or it doesn't.


New member
i guess either really.

runaway jury is all about a civil case holding a gun manufacturer responsible for the uses of its products in a shooting


New member
Lord of War an anti gun movie, nah. It was just a fun movie. I especially enjoyed the golden Ak-47. Besides since when does anyone take an action flick serious enough that it conveys a message of anti-guns...? Oh wait the media, ha. ;)


New member
Not a movie but a TV show. The new Doctor Who on SciFi (and BBC world if you get it). The doctor is pretty much against guns and they are regularly made ineffectual but I do enjoy the show.


New member
Almost everything that is made today is anti gun.

The media seems to feel it's their duty to convince the public at large that the government can protect them when a bad guy is right in front of them.

Very few production companies have the courage to make a movie like "Sleeping with the Enemy." that starred Julia Roberts.

One of the only movies I ever saw that accurately portrayed how helpless a victim would be without a handgun in that situation.

Moe Howard

New member
I don't bother avoiding movies with anti actors as if I did I would never see any movie or tv show. However when I go into an action movie and it turns out to be blatantly anti gun it kind of irritates me. Like when I watched that piece of crap Shoot Em up:barf:. You just don't make a movie with a title like that and have it turn out to be an anti gun movie, you will alienate 9/10 of audience that came to see it.


New member
How about "The American President". I don't know that you would call the movie anti-gun, but Michael Douglas' character (the president) is a Democrat pushing gun legislation.

I liked the character. He was a moral president committed to his beliefs (though they aren't my own) it was pretty much a fairy tale story. :rolleyes:



New member
Iron Man?

the Lethal Weapon movies(even though i loved the first as a kid(young teen) and i had to have 92 because of it).

they're almost all anti-gun in one way or another though.if not blantantly and directly...they still portray them in negative and/or silly ways.
In RE the above. Why would anyone watch Family Guy, the main character is such an idiot it is indescribable.
At least South Park had some humor in it.

In RE the OP I seldom watch any movies anymore. and seldom if ever do I watch the kind of movies that would involve weapons anywhere in the plot. Except Silence of the Lambs in which were portrayed equaly as good and evil.

But with the above said I think there are those who read things into movies.