An affordable .45ACP thats not a


New member
Not to be repetitive, but

A friend just bought the Ruger 345, it's an amazing gun

I typically can't tolerate the Ruger DA trigger but this one is perfect


New member
Yeah! That's 5 votes for the Ruger P345 so far

And another.

The grip is outstanding and the gun does two inch five round groups at 25 yards. Pretty gentle recoil too.

If it had a frame mounted safety, and came from the factory without a mag disconnect, it would be even better.


New member
Don't overlook the Ruger P97DC. They were discontinued about a year ago but they can still be found new and for less than a P345. It's the same size as the P345 but without all the politically correct features like the magazine disconnect, loaded chamber indicator and key lock. I have both and I really prefer the P97. Do a search on and you'll find lots of very positive reviews of it.


New member
Wow, Ill tell him to look into the Rugers. I think I may end up looking into them myself. :p

Thanks for the suggestions. I know it seems picky but for some(like me) the GLOCK grip isnt comfortable. He dosnt like the grip safety on the XD and dosnt want to spend $5-600 on a gun that hes not completely happy with. He wants to someday own a nice 1911 but not right now. And for some reason he dosnt like the CZ 97, cant understand that one at all.


New member
Believe I would have to consider Taurus. Personally I have never been a big fan of their auto's, but my daughters boyfriend bought one and is very pleased with it. I saw a new one with plenty of extras on it in a gun store the other day for $550.00. I might just go buy it tomorrow.


New member
I am as of now looking at the Ruger P345 for myself :p

I dont like the idea of the built in lock. I am however a big fan of decocker guns. I dont like anything with a safety switch, people tend to think of them as "ON/OFF" switches and they are just one more thing for me to worry about.

I think I may just make the P345 Decocker version my Birfday present.

Gonna tell him to look at the S&W 457 as well.


New member
+1 on the S&W 457. Light weight, good capacity, reliable and accurate. Whats not to like? Regards 18DAI.


New member
Here in TX, U can find a Milspec Springer 1911 in that price range - at least if ya shop at a nice gunshow. That's the new price too.


If it were me I would get a CPO Sig P220. This is a factory certified used pistol that comes with a 1 year warranty.

They can be had all day long for $500 plus transfer.

Why settle for a Ruger when you can get a Sig at that price.


I like the Ruger it is a well built gun. They are just plain but ugly IMHO. I find them to be too bulky.


The P220 is a world class 45. It is one of the most accurate out of the box production guns on the market. The trigger on a P220 is superior. DA is smoother and the SA will be crisp. I really find the SA trigger on Sigs to be magic. Closest thing to 1911's or BHPs that you can find in DA/SA gun. They are very reliable and have great feel in the hand. They point very naturally for me.


The resale value on a Sig is much better. If you buy one today for $500 you can sell it tomorrow for $500. The Ruger will cost you $400 or so and if you want to sell it you will be luck to get $300.

To me they are just a different class of weapons. The SIG is superior. For a difference or about $100 to me it is a no brainer.


New member
The P220 is a world class 45.... The resale value on a Sig is much better.

+2 on the Sig Sauer.
You took the words right out of my mouth. If your friend is not opposed to buying something used the P220 is the (IMHO) best option if he's looking for a quality gun with a comfortable grip. If he doesn't like the way the P220's feel in his hand, I don't what you should tell him :D . The only "drawback" is that there's no external safety if that's something he really wants. The DA pull is long enough that you really don't need one, but...
