All outta Bullseye. Not getting any more.


New member
While simplification is a good idea, I like variety. I'm a tinkerer.

Me too; I like to tinker. I currently like having all the different powders I have right now. Keep in mind that most of these powders I plan on discontinuing, I have a several year supply. Things change, right? Paring down my powder selection is the current plan. No telling where I'll be in three or four years.

I'm out of W296 and Bullseye. HS-6 and TiteGroup aren't far behind (I'm intentionally using them up). Other than that, the others (Nitro 100; AA#2; AA#5; AA#7; & Unique) are years down the road before they're exhausted.

Every day I'm tempted to buy another powder

Yeah me too. It's proving to be a tough habit to break :p.


New member
Trying to simplify my handguns by using Promo (Red dot) and for 12 gage too.
Still have a gracious plenty of Bullseye and some Unique. Love Unique so much I use it on my food like pepper!!


New member
Love Unique so much I use it on my food like pepper!!

I have two #'s of it that I wouldn't hesitate to sell in a face-to-face transaction - my cost; or even a little less. (No, I'm not trying to sell my powder on line - just demonstrating how I feel about Unique.)

My only load recipe with Unique that pleases me is for 357 Magnum with 125 JHP's. Good round. Runs about 1300 f/s though a 3" bbl (1370 f/s 4"). And I suppose I could find other good uses for it, if I ever chose to put those irons in the fire. Maybe some day.

But all-in-all, I could give or take Unique.


New member
FM12: Love Unique so much I use it on my food like pepper!!

Nick_C_S: I could give or take Unique

I'm with FM12. I have nearly 20 lbs of unique on hand. 2 8lb jugs and a couple 1 lb bottles. :D:D

It's my go-to powder for 9mm. I figure, at ~6g/round, I'm good for a long time.

And it's my backup plan for nearly every pistol cartridge should I run out of the more job-specific powders.

If I ever got to Nick's place, looking to simplify to a few powders, I think I'd settle on three: 700x, Unique and W296. That would handle pretty much everything I would want to do, from CAS to plinking to full power magnums.

I could substitute Red Dot or Clays for 700x, probably, and 2400 for W296, but Unique would still be there in the middle.


New member
Unique would still be there in the middle.

My intermediate choice to keep is Power Pistol.

Definitely meters better than Unique (not that Unique's metering bothers me much). And makes bullets go faster than Unique. It also "turns down" better than Unique and runs cleaner in that condition. Not that I use it that way much. I generally run Power Pistol charged ammo fairly strong.

Energetic stuff - makes bullets go fast ;)