9mm vs 7.62x39


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Although many disagree, I think a pistol caliber carbine makes a splendid home defense weapon for many. I just wouldn't try to use it beyond 100 yards, at least if my life depended on it.


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A PCC makes a fine HD long gun, especially if suppressed.

The OP is asking about use past the 100yard mark. They dont make much sense past that distance. Think of them in terms of Shotgun range.


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BTW- what y'all think of my close range option that I keep talking about? Looks cool, right? It is pretty fantastically capable at close range. I just don't believe that it's not. This is my go to for inside the home defense if SHTF. Based on all of your advice, gents, it would seem that if I want something for outside the home that provides significantly greater range (ie something that puts much tighter groups on paper at 2-300) I am much better off going AR than AK.
Well, I guess it depends on just how likely you think it is that you would need to defend yourself with a long gun at 200-300 yards. I personally do not see that as a likely scenario to occur during the remainder of my lifetime, but you may feel differently or your situation might be different.

When it comes to making holes in paper I definitely feel I can make them closer together at ranges of 100 yards or greater with one of my ARs than I can with my AKM. On the other hand, in the unlikely event that I would ever need to pick up a rifle to defend myself at ranges of 100 yards or less, I do believe that the 7.62x39 round is a bit more capable than the 5.56x45. I know that many will disagree.


New member
defend myself at ranges of 100 yards or less, I do believe that the 7.62x39 round is a bit more capable than the 5.56x45. I know that many will disagree.

Entirely depends on what ammo you have loaded in each. With standard milspec fmj, i would agree, and ive seen more then a cpl people shot with both calibers


New member
Before you get an AK, watch the 5000rd tests from AK Operators Union on YouTube.

Not many make it through their tests without at least minor issues, if not serious issues. Problems with the bolt lockup that lead to the head space becoming dangerously out of spec was not uncommon.

On a related note, be sure to Google the "Filthy 14" article. A properly-made AR (in the case of this article, a BCM) will run tens of thousands of rounds with almost no cleaning and the minimum required lubrication.

As marine6680 said, a good AK will survive too, but it almost needs to be a foreign factory-made rifle (VEPR, Saiga, MAK90, and some Arsenals). And almost all of those are quite expensive now, since VEPRs, Saigas, and MAK90s have been banned from importation. The good news is that, aside from the weak wood used in their furniture (easily replaced), current WASRs are quite good rifles, if a little rougher in apperance compared to the other factory-made AKs.


New member
You might also want to consider a 300 Blackout pistol if you don't need to knock down elephants past 100 yds. It has plenty of velocity and energy out to 100 yds and is far easier to shoot without a stock than some make it out to be.



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Yeah, my point on the videos is to be sure you pick a good one.

Replacing furniture is easy enough, but it does add to the final cost.


New member
You guys are all fantastic for chiming in. I really appreciate it. Healthy debate and all these different points of view go a long way for someone like me who is so unsure. I'm still something of a novice.


New member

We're so far off track here......the original question was concerning a 9mm carbine v. an AK pattern rifle in 7.62x39 x39mm. "Accuracy" was the concern, with an understandable developing sidebar to "power".

Early on it was mentioned that we were comparing an intermediate rifle cartridge to an pistol cartridge, and a relatively modest pistol round at that by many peoples standards. There is no comparison ballistically, the x39 wins hands down. By a lot.

The matter of accuracy seems a bit confused. Top end AK, top end 9mm carbine, machine rest, stable conditions, they might shoot equally in terms of mechanical accuracy, meaning group size. But "practical accuracy" ie, the ability for a a human shooter to get hits while compensating for wind and distance, on real "targets", the rifle round wins again. It is faster and flatter, and will allow hits much easier past 100 yds. And I'd maintain that stance, even if the AK is a clunker and only 6-8 MOA capable, or worse. The tremendous drop of the 9mm at the longer ranges being discussed will make hits difficult to achieve without walking them in and accurate range estimation. Real targets, either fur or threat, will not stand around and let you shoot at them till you lob one in.

While I'm at it, I can tell you with absolute certainty, that the x39mm cartridge will take medium game cleanly and consistently, well past the 25-50 yds suggested in this post by someone. It is 30-30 class cartridge , generally speaking, and fully as capable as the old classic on deer, hogs, and perhaps small bears. Likewise, the AK and its x39 round are plenty dangerous at ranges past 200 yds.

Good bit of trolling here, c'mon guys.