75 compared to P226


New member
I handled both today side by side. CZ75B and a 226 Legion. Both are very comfortable. Like the position of the SSIG controls but the gun feels kinda cheep compared to the much less expensive CZ. I have fired a P01 never a full size CZ or SIG. CZ seems to have a grip closer to the bore axis. I am looking to get a higher end CZ like a shadow. I will not have a chance to compare sxs again. For those who have shot or own both. What's your opinion on one versus the other?

Walt Sherrill

New member
Which is better is purely a matter of subjective response -- what suits YOU may not suit everybody. Either gun is a quality weapon, and you'll make a good choice whichever way you go.

I've had a bunch of CZs and a bunch of SIGs over the years. I don't like the P226 as much as other models -- so I'd suggest you NOT limit your search to just the models you've mentioned. The CZs and SIG mentioned are good guns, but not the BEST offered by those two companies.


New member
There isn't a bad choice to be made between the two, so it isn't a matter of choosing one over the other, it's which one to buy first, IMHO, the correct answer is "CZ".


New member
I've had both. The CZ has to rank as the biggest disappointment of any handgun I've ever owned. I wouldn't want another.

The Sig is my top pick in a traditional DA/SA pistol. But not my favorite overall.


New member
I think that the all-steel CZ75B/BD series is a terrific deal. These guns are very high quality, simple, and reliable as hell. Very accurate as well. I like the P226 but I decided to go CZ and I have never regretted it.


New member
I vote SIG but I don't think it's a fair contest.

It's like comparing SIG and Beretta, there not the same. If you like the CZ better, then it's better. Likewise the Beretta and the SIG.

Enjoy either way.


New member
Either is fine. It's all about personal preference. One thing to think about is do you want a decocker or a manual safety? That's a big determining factor in this equation.

I've owned both and now own niether, as neither the CZ or the P226 were any more accurate or reliable for me than many of my other handguns.


New member
I sold all my Sigs in favor of CZ's. They have a nice line of pistols, and you can get something you really like, and shoot well. There are many different models in both lines, but I like the ergos, and accuracy for ME of the CZ's.


New member
As you already know, both are very durable, accurate, and reliable guns. I don't think its possible to identify one as better than the other. And as others have pointed out, it really comes down to certain preferences:

The CZ75B allows for cocked and locked carry, while the Sig does not.

The Sig's decocker allows for easier/safer lowering of the hammer, if you prefer to carry double action. Note that the CZ 75 is available in a decocker version.

I find the CZ to be slightly softer shooting owing to its lower bore axis. The downside to this, however, is a shorter slide that is more difficult to manipulate in comparison to the Sigs taller slide. This is my primary gripe with the CZ 75.

Just a few thoughts. You won't go wrong in either one. In fact, you might just end up with both, so it doesn't really matter which one you buy first :D.


New member
MandolinMan pointed out the main considerations when choosing between these two fine pistols. Add how it fits in your hand, coupled with the cost of either, and your decision is on the way of making.


New member
I own both and much prefer the CZs.

Correction: I have owned both... I no longer own the 226. Not that it wasn't a super cool gun, I just personally found the CZs much easier to shoot due to less spongy triggers and lower bore axis.

Just an opinion.


New member
I prefer the Sig 226....its a much more solid gun in my opinion / I have buddies that have a variety of CZ's, and I'm not a fan. I don't think the CZ's are particularly well made.


New member
Got rid of 2 Sigs, now have CZ's, Browning Hi-Powers...
P238 GONE. Sticking with PPK/S.
P229 GONE. 3 CZ's and 2 Browning Hi-Power's


New member
I was a Sig guy for 20 years until I bought my CZ75 a couple months ago. I shoot it better. I wish I shot my P229 better, but I don't.


New member
Gotta love a contest that you can't lose. Both of these are excellent options. I think MandolinMan captured an important difference:

The CZ75B allows for cocked and locked carry, while the Sig does not.

Expanding on that, Sigs generally have the decocker and come in various finishes. CZ has a few offerings in stainless but I don't think that includes any of the decocker versions. Just something else to think about.