44 Magnum for HD?


New member
WOW is there some misinformation flying around here.

First off excessive muzzle flash ya I don't think so. I've shot many of the better 44mag SD loads Hydro-shok, Silvertips and the Short Barrel Gold dots they are all less than full power and have way less flash and blast than most 40 S&W SD offerings.

as to the OP yes I have used my 3" 29 for carry/HD I have it loaded with Federal Hydro-Shoks.


New member
Not sure where the lack of control, excessive muzzle flash, and noise is coming from. I have shot my 629 and a desert eagle out side, and it was loud but it was not crippling like some have said. I wouldn't just go shooting without hearing protection but it was not much worse than my shot gun.

I don't ever recall hearing any thing either when I shoot deer or elk,

But then a gain I have only shot them with a bow:D


New member
One of the nice things about the .44 magnum is that you can shoot .44 Special. or reload the .44 magnum to that level. CCI Blazer 200 grain GDHP ammunition chronographed at 1076-1128 in my S&W 629 with 6-1/2" barrel. It had very light recoil and had good grouping at 10 yards (1-1/2").


New member
have shot my 629 and a desert eagle out side,

Outside... That part is key. When firing indoors gunshots become entirely different on the ears...

I am not arguing against your point, simply stating that it isn't comparing the same thing.


New member
Cor-Bon makes an excellent SD loading for both the .44M and the .44 Spl.
165 gr HP with low flash powder, I keep the mag version in my Alaskan in the winter and use the Special version in the summer.
Personally, I find the crack of a hot .357 harder on my ears than a lighter .44 load like Cor-Bon's.


New member
I was comparing to an earlier post about how crippling some one said it was to shoot them out side.

I know inside would be a whole other ball game. But I still think if you are faced with shooting some one, the sound is going to be the last thing you think about.


New member
A very long time ago, when I shot IPSC, I ran this Ruger Super Blackhawk through the course for a grin.

The muzzle climb and slow recovery you get shooting a 44 Magnum works against you. While the muzzle blast will be impressive, only hits with the lead thingie count.

Penetration on people is going to be 100% in my opinion: people are just not that thick. If you are talking game animals, hey a 44 Mag is great, but people? People are not armor plated or have thick carapaces. So unless you are shooting lobster people, I don’t think a 44 Magnum is the best choice.


Now if you put 44 Specials in your 44 Magnum you will have all the power you need, medium muzzle blast and low recoil.



New member
I was comparing to an earlier post about how crippling some one said it was to shoot them out side.

I know inside would be a whole other ball game. But I still think if you are faced with shooting some one, the sound is going to be the last thing you think about.

Ahh yes I remember that one. I agree on all points.

But I still believe there are much more effective HD rounds then .44mag.

Speaking of this does anyone use a Can for HD? Wrong thread and forum I know just curious.


New member
I've seen a lot of talk about controlability for follow up shots here. I think we need to remember that controlability is relative. Yes, a .45 ACP is more controlable than a .44 Magnum, but a 9mm is more controlable than a .45 and a .22 Long Rifle is more controlalbe still. Controlability, like power, eventually reaches a point of diminishing return. Eventually, you get to the point that you're trading a slight gain in controlability for a huge loss in power.

Another thing that must be remembered is that a difference in platform can make as much of a difference in speed of follow-up shots as the cartridge can. Very few people can accurately fire a revolver (the most common platform for a .44 Magnum) as fast as they can a semi-automatic. Likewise, many people can't handle a large-frame revolver like a S&W N-Frame or Ruger Redhawk as well as a medium or small-frame gun like a S&W L, K, or J Frame or a Ruger GP100, Security Six, or SP101.

Slamfire's example of the Super Blackhawk at the ISPC course speaks more to me about the platform than the caliber. Not only was he using a .44 Magnum for a game in which speed and accuracy are of much higher importance than power (so long as the power factor is met, power doesn't make much difference) but he was also using a single-action revolver which is certainly not the best platform for shooting at speed. Besides the obvious disadvantage of having to manually cock the hammer for each shot, the single actions grip is shaped in such a way that it causes the revolver to roll up in the shooter's hand and must be repositioned for each shot.

I'm not trying to say that a .44 Magnum is the best HD gun for everyone because it certainly isn't. However, I take exception to the notion that it's not the HD gun for anyone at all.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Best is relative like everything else. If you have a 44 and you need a gun then at that moment in time its the best gun in the world.

I have a lot of ammo for mine because I shoot it often, I practice because I hunt with it. I have 44's because they are easier and more accurate to shoot when poking holes in paper at 25 yards.

House ranges will be considerably less so 44 spcl will be my choice if needed for HD but if all you have is 44 mag then load em, shoot em and take some aspirin cause your ears are gonna ring. Auditory exclusion takes the pain out while shooting but it doesn't stop the damage from occurring. That is why this old goat has 44 spcl for in house use if needed. Been enough damage done to my ears while at work, I don't need more.


New member
44mag will certainly do the trick. But I've re-evaluated both the 357 and 44 for HD because of the loud report in enclosed places, such as a house. Likely permanent hearing loss.


New member
44mag will certainly do the trick. But I've re-evaluated both the 357 and 44 for HD because of the loud report in enclosed places, such as a house. Likely permanent hearing loss.

This is exactly the issue...there are other calibers that are effective that won't harm your hearing to the same extent as a 44 or 357. I just simply fail to see why this is not a consideration. It's fine with me if you want to use it, but I just don't understand why. Now, if you live in bear country and bears are part of the problem (in terms of defense), then a 44 makes sense.

I have fired a 44 and a 357 OUTDOORS with no protection...and it HURT. Indoors would have to be much worse.


New member
44mag will certainly do the trick. But I've re-evaluated both the 357 and 44 for HD because of the loud report in enclosed places, such as a house. Likely permanent hearing loss.
This is exactly the issue...there are other calibers that are effective that won't harm your hearing to the same extent as a 44 or 357. I just simply fail to see why this is not a consideration. It's fine with me if you want to use it, but I just don't understand why. Now, if you live in bear country and bears are part of the problem (in terms of defense), then a 44 makes sense.

I have fired a 44 and a 357 OUTDOORS with no protection...and it HURT. Indoors would have to be much worse.

Any handgun can cause hearing damage and would be likely to be painful if fired indoors without hearing protection. Using a lower velocity cartridge isn't going to save your hearing.



New member
No, it's not going to save your hearing, but shooting a lower dB cartridge is going to do less damage. A few dBs makes a big difference...it's a logarithmic scale. ;)


New member
"The muzzle climb and slow recovery you get shooting a 44 Magnum works against you."
That's why my 4" mag is ported. Much less muzzle jump than my friend's 4 5/8" Blackhawk which weighs much more than my 34oz Tracker that I got for tracking wounded hogs.


New member
No, it's not going to save your hearing, but shooting a lower dB cartridge is going to do less damage. A few dBs makes a big difference...it's a logarithmic scale.

Hearing damage is somewhat cumulative. Unless you plan on being exposed to gunfire for a prolonged period of time or repeatedly for months or years, I doubt that the difference between the dB levels of a .44 Magnum and a .45 ACP, 9mm, or .38 Special would be noticable.


New member
44 Mag for HD

To the OP is this choice for the Foot pounds or the cool factor? If it's the ft/lbs use an M4, M1A, AR10/LR308 or Shotgun. If it's the cool factor it's your choice. But, a bad guy, zombie, Martian, or gang banger with a .40 Glock will out gun you. For no other reason than quantity of fire.
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