$44,000 Diamond and Ruby 1911 Grips

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Like other's, I could care less 'bout those flashy, gaudy look'in grips~! :)
I would rather spend my money more wisely; like on more firearms or
ammo. ;) :D


New member
Well judging by the pics the diamonds look low grade and yellowish in color and they did not even do a good job color matching the ruby's :barf:


New member
That gun has been on Gunbroker for the last 2 years. That was the first time I saw it. Actually I think the price has been lowered.


New member
These grips would look soooo much better on high polish blue steel!

I was thinking the ultimate fit for these grips would be a Taurus PT1911 in stainless. Nothing says classy like a diamond plated Taurus. :p


New member
As far as im concerned guns are tools, and I've never once looked at my drywall hammer and said to myself "You know what this could use? Some diamonds" that is ridiculous.


New member
Sure looks like a lousy job of inlaying. Rubies don't look like they match to me either.

$44K appraisal. :rolleyes:
The last time I had an appraisal done, the appraiser put everything down for more than I paid...


New member
Ya I paid 23,000 total for my wifes wedding ring and the appraisal was 75,000 just 3 years after I bought everything, so Im assuming these grips should be worth about one third of the appraisal


New member
If you look up that appraisal company it also looks like they specialize in home appraisals.

BTW: Do they make a set of those for a Hi Point:D