.380 preference: Walther PPK vs. Sig P232


New member
I went with the PPK/s myself. I also totaly refuse to stick a gun that uses that silly euro grip mag release too as I have had the things drop mags when not wanted all the time.


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The heel releases are usually much more secure than the button type. I would think if your gun was dropping the mag on its own, there was something wrong with it. I've had a lot more problems with a button type release than a heel release when it comes to unintentional mag drops. If anything, the heel type will usually retain the mag in the gun, even if it were to be released.

With a little practice, the heel releases are not all that bad, and in reality, on either of these two pistols, a non issue. I seriously doubt you'll be trying to do a games type speed reload with one.

Not as much an issue these days, with the number of small, DA/DAO type pocket pistols floating around, compared to what was available when the Walther first showed up, but the DA type trigger makes these pistols viable for safe carry with a loaded chamber. I guess you could argue the Walther is even better in that respect, as its trigger is heavier. If you have a good DA trigger, and have spent a little time practicing shooting that way, its very easy to shoot well with. If you go the Walther route, your probably going to want to sent it off for some work.


New member
I'll add another vote for the Bersa Thunder 380. The stock triggers are better than PPKs, and you will have enough change to ask a gunsmith make it GREAT.

The current Guns & Ammo, I believe, has a feature on it toward the back of the magazine.

If I get a walther, it will be a PP, not a PPK. That has got to be the most handsome gun of all time.


New member
NAA Guardian .380 is my choice. Small like a Seecamp. A bit heavy for a mouse gun but not too bad. It's solid metal and fits in the pants or jacket pocket with ease. Very high quality and mine eats everything I feed it.
NAA Guardian .380 is my choice. Small like a Seecamp.
Just for thr record, the NAA Guardian .380 is nowhere near as small as a Seecamp. It is larger in every direction...especially thickness. :)


The NAA Guardian .380 is smaller than the PPK though.



New member
I have the Walther and love it. I also have the seecamp which fits in my back pocket with my wallet. They each have their place.


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Just because the Seecamp is puney doesn't mean it is the best choice for everyone. You should know this. I think it makes folks feel better to show off their $800+ pistol. I know you aren't like this, but many are. With folks that have manly hands the small size of the Seecamp isn't a plus!!! I can't get a decent grip on the thing. I use full house DPX rounds in my Guardian and I need the finger extension that NAA offers that Seecamp doesn't. No way with my hands do I want to fire the DPX rounds out of the puney Seecamp, not to mention the Buffalo Bore GS that I just ordered!!! The Guardian has many more accessories for it as well, plus the seecamp is very picky about ammo and will only feed reliably, high dollar SD ammo, my Guardians have digested eveerything I have fed them, the extra weight in the Guardian aids in the recoil you have from a smaller gun. It's so funny to see SEECAMP owners brag about how light their baby is, but on another post they will down Glocks because they are to light and to much felt recoil. Again I am not directing this at you, but I am saying for others there are better options for Mouse guns, and for me the choice by far went to the Guardian, you know I have two, one in 32 gutter sniped and my 380 which is with me at all times. Both guns have never had a failure of any kind and that is how I will judge a weapon, not by what they cost!!
Back to the OP. I was in your same shoes a couple years ago. I shot both guns and, at the time, I read a lot about the new S&W PPK's having problems. I purchased the Sig P232SL and I can tell you this is one of the most accurate guns I have. I feel the quality of the Sig is far above the new PPK's. If you really want some good SD ammo for it try the Buffalo Bore Golden Sabers, these things are moving at 1175 fps, they are the hottest 380's I have found. I have read nothing but good things about these and have a couple boxes on order. The P232 will cost more than the PPK but it is worth it. The one below is just like mine but I don't have the nill grips, but I will soon.



New member
i never even considered the Sig.
Better stay the course then, once you do, it's all over but the buyin'...LOT's of buyin'. :D

I need the finger extension that NAA offers that Seecamp doesn't.
I never understood this line of thinking. You buy a small gun and then make it bigger. Sort of defeats the purpose.

No way with my hands do I want to fire the DPX rounds out of the puney Seecamp
Hey, shoot the most powerful ammo you feel you need, but in these type guns, paying extra for super souped up ammo is really unnecessary, or even realistic. What you do want is something that will go bang every time and hit what your shooting at, which at realistic ranges is pretty much a moot point.

I do have Seecamps, and I feed them what they recommend and designed the gun to shoot, mostly Silvertips, but the Corbons and Hornady XTP's also work fine. Take the plate out of the mag, and you can also use some brands of ball or properly sized reloads without to much trouble.

I have hands on the large size of normal, and have no troubles shooting the hotter ammo out of my Seecamps, and even without sights, good solid hits at 15 yards are no problem. Realistically, they are weapons meant to be used at contact distances and at specific targets on the body, and even with ball, the results would probably be the same.

Tim Burke

New member
I have several PPKs, a Sig P230 (predecessor to the 232), & a Colt Govt 380. I've shot the Seecamp 380.
If I were to rank them, the Colt is number 1, the Sig is a distant #2, the PPK is #3, and the Seecamp is a distant #4.


New member
A moment to refocus

I respect Seecamps for what they are - a very well-built pistol that delivers above-average results for the size of package.

And I respect Bersas for being an affordable, portable .380 that has few detractors.

I considered the above two and settled on the Sig P232 and the Walther PPK as my final two choices.

It seems to be running down the wire as to which to choose - it is literally 50/50. What should I be looking for to separate the two?

P.S. I appreciate all the advice regarding ammo, too. In .380 especially, ammo choices are highly variable.


New member
Find one of each and shoot them. That should make it pretty simple. Its the only way you'll know what YOU like.


New member
You might find a range rental in both the Walther and Sig. Shoot a box each and I'll bet apples to horses you'll know which on is right for you.

Good luck and good shooting.


Anybody have ballistic tests on these tiny guns? I'd like to see how the shorter barrel guns maintain their velocity.


New member
Find one of each and shoot them. That should make it pretty simple. Its the only way you'll know what YOU like.

Amen to that.

Unfortunately, I only have access to the P232, not the Walther. I'd love to shoot the Walther.

Ranges around here are pretty limited, so until then I'm limited also.


New member
What is your location? Maybe a member in your vicinity will offer his PPK for a session. I would be happy to do so.
I have been carrying my PPK in a Don Hume belt slide the last couple days and it simply disappears under a t-shirt. The Sig does not fair as well concealment wise. :)


New member
We must be built different. My SIG P229 and a double reload disappears under a tee shirt. :)

Dont you have a comparison overlay of the Walther and the SIG? The Walther and SIG P230/232 are not that much different size wise to make a real difference, unless maybe you put some big over sized grips on one of them. There is one plus to the Walther, you can get the mags with a flat base plate. I wish they made them for the SIG.