.380 preference: Walther PPK vs. Sig P232


New member
Looking for experiences to help me decide my next purchase. It will likely be my only .380 and I've narrowed it down to these two.

I like the Walther's trigger but the Sig 'points' really well. The Walther is a little more compact but the Sig has a nice feel.

This will be exclusively for pocket carry.

On a side note, can anyone suggest a good personal defense ammo to go with it?

Thanks for the input.


New member
I have both the P232 and a PPK/S, both fine pistols, but for defense I carry and prefer the blued Sig because it weighs considerably less and has, at least to me, the better trigger. The Sig packs an extra round over the PPK's six round mag, another reason for the Sig. I recommend Gold Dot, Winchester Silver Tip or Remmington Golden Sabre, provided they function well in your pistol.

You say this will be for pocket carry so the smaller PPK gets the nod there, but it is a heavy thing to drop in a pocket. Be sure to invest in a sound holster for either one.
Both are very nice but I prefer the PPK.

The Sig is just too big to be a viable small caliber gun. It is almost a full inch taller (.9") and a full half inch longer. It is also about a quarter inch thicker. The comparable Sig is also heavier by almost two ounces.

It is easy to make a good small caliber gun that is large. The trick is making a small one that is accurate and easy to shoot. The PPK accomplished just that.


New member
I should clarify...

by pocket carry I mean jacket pocket. I have a j-frame for pants-pocket carry.

I like it a lot but it is tough to aim and shoot accurately out past seven yards even under the best of circumstances. I'd hate to miss 5 times in a stressful situation:rolleyes:

Both the Walther and the Sig have reputations for shootability. I was interested in what you all thought that separated the two.


New member
There's probably more similarity than difference but, the Sig is available in night sights. Both are very pointable. The PPK is known more for slide bite, but people complain about both. I prefer the Sig take down, but both are pretty easy. There are several grips available for the Sig that enhance the grip. Pachmayr makes an excellent all around grip for the Walther. The alloy Sig weighs about 5 ounces less. They really are quite similar and will perform very much alike. Which one can you grip the best, or intuitively point the best...either way you've picked a winner. There isn't much performance difference, it really is an objective call.

In this same price range the excellent Sphinx AT380 can also be had, same size, 25 ounces, 11 rounds, smooth DAO trigger and accurate. The Beretta is out there too though a little bigger than these others. The Bersa is popular. I ended up getting rid of mine for several reasons, but other people like it.


New member
I like the magazine release on the PPK, it's where it should be. Heel releases seem like an afterthought to me. I do need to get a 232 stainless, it wouldn't be the first heel release handgun I've bought. The side release shines during fast reloads, the heel release is clumsy to me. Just my opinion.


New member
The comparable Sig is also heavier by almost two ounces.
Are you comparing the SS SIG's to the Walther's? My blue PPK and PPK/s both weighed more than my blue P230's.

My US Walther was also a lot less reliable.(My German Walther was flawless) The SIG's definitely have the nicer DA triggers and are more comfortable to shoot, and easier to shoot well with. None of my SIG's, or others I've shot, have ever drawn blood. Most all the Walthers I've owned or shot took blood at every outing.

I always thought the Walther's were cool, and still do to some extent, but once I shot and lived with a SIG, it was all over for the Walther's.

Personally, I would not choose either for a pocket gun. If you want a truly small pocket pistol, skip both and get a Seecamp.
Are you comparing the SS SIG's to the Walther's? My blue PPK and PPK/s both weighed more than my blue P230's.
Of course...since the PPK is all steel. :)

BTW: All of PPK's have been 100% reliable and neither of the two I have now bite me. My older one did though. It was an Interarms without the extended tang.


New member
After doing my own research I purchased an all blue light weight P232. I really like the Euro look and German craftsmanship along with the "right size" built in accuracy.


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Between those two, I like the Walther. But I can not wait to get my Ruger LCP. Much smaller! Been on the waiting list for sooooo long.

Need to stick with FMJ or the Pow'RBall. JHP do not penetrate well.
But I can not wait to get my Ruger LCP. Much smaller
Pppffftttt...my Seecamp LWS380 is still smaller. :D



New member
Wow! This is right down the middle.

I've heard the older Walthers had problems with 'biting', but the newer ones had fixed the problem.

I like the Sig's 'pointing' as I mentioned before but the Sig's grip is 'bulgy'. PSP, are the Pachmayr grips less so? Has anyone out there put wood grips on their 232?

Playboy, your review of your Walther reignited my desire for a compact .380. Thanks - I guess;)

Bersas are great guns but I feel both the Walthers and the Sigs are a cut above (IMHO, of course) and so that's why I'm down to those two.

The Sig's action seemed 'springy' to me - I guess that's the word for it. The Walther just seemed to break cleaner. Does the Sig even out significantly over use (I know all triggers do but it seemed that the particular Sig I fired was wound really tight.)

Thanks for all the great insight so far.


New member
Yeah, Seecamps are sweet...

but honestly, I'm not looking for the smallest pistol.

I'll be honest, right now I'm leaning slightly toward the Walther (I just went by the gun shop today and felt both). The Sig is really well-built and lighter (it was the alloy model) but the Walther points just as well.

Does anyone have any accuracy reports on either? I guess that would be the deciding factor.


New member
I wouldnt say one was more accurate than the other. My Walthers were always accurate, as are my SIG's. The biggest difference, one that is instantly noticeable between the two, is the DA trigger. The Walthers are usually to almost always pretty bad, where the SIG's are usually to almost always VERY good. This alone can and will affect accuracy, especially for the round you may well need the most. At the very least, it makes shooting the gun well very tedious.


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I have no use for a double action trigger, and that's the rub I have with the SeeCamp, it has DAO and no sights. No matter what the gun was designed for I like the ability to hold it against a brace and carefully sight it. My KelTec didn't benefit from the laser, the DAO just made the dot swing wildly as I was pulling it. I found the DA trigger on my PPK/S to be better than the KelTec's, but haven't put a gage to it. At least the KelTec has sights, and just using the sights the accuracy was fair in spite of the trigger.
But no one else has to buy guns based on my opinions, nor visa versa. What a great country we live in!


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I'm not that great of a shot, but I can drive tacks with my wife's Sig (and so can she). If I had only one shot, and had a choice between my Glock and her Sig, I'd take the Sig. With the .380 being such a weak round, shot placement is key.