.327 Magnum


New member
If Ruger would just produce the SP101 .327 magnum in sufficient quantities, and get it out, as well as the ammunition in sufficient quantities, I would buy one in half a heartbeat. How about you guys? :cool:


New member
My shooting buddy is dying to get one. Our local gun shops haven't been able to get their hands on even one of them. In fact, one of our shops had a "Ruger Factory Sale" last month and actually had a Ruger Rep on site. He rep actually brought 10 (TEN!) LCPs to the sale but couldn't get his hands on a .327.

For the record, the 10 LCPs were sold within the first 10 hours of the sale.

As for the .327, if Ruger doesn't get the guns out and if Federal can't/won't supply the ammo, this caliber will be dead in a year.


New member
As soon as they get approved in CA I'm picking one up.

Why not just use the .357? The .327 will go the ways of the .45 GAP soon enough.

I keep hearing that, but I also keep hearing about people who are buying these and loving them.

As far as why not the .357, the answer is noise, muzzle blast, and most importantly one more round with the .327. Furthermore, while you can shoot 2 calibers out of a .357, you can shoot 4 out of this revolver. Its crazy versatile as you can shoot the lightest plinking loads or you can use full power for defense.

Sure it doesn't reach the power levels of the .357, but the .357 doesn't reach the power loads of a .44 and the .44 doesn't... well you get the idea. The .327 is plenty potent for a defensive round.


New member
I wouldn't want to carry something smaller than a 9mm for a carry round, that's just my personal preference.


New member
I recently sold my 4" SP101 and SSM - both in .32 H&RM - even got rid of my dies, reloading supplies, and loaded ammo. You can load .38's for the same moola - and find the reloading components more easily, not to mention the revolvers. I bought a new 627 Pro - and a LNIB 64 - I am happier. Of course, you have to 'get it out of your system'...

Re Ruger's 3" SP101 .327M production: my theory is they used up the glut of leftover 3" .32 H&RMs, which only needed a deeper chamber reaming and restamping the caliber to become a new '.327 Magnum'. It is unlikely the SA SSMs, BHG and short BH grip alike, will be restruck. That short gripframe won't fit the locking hammer spring/strut. They closed them out ~2+ yr back - for <$300 - that's how I got my BHG SSM!

I kept my .32 S&WL ammo and brass - I'll get more reloading stuff - if I ever find a decent old S&W .32 S&WL. Maybe I didn't get it all out of me yet! Seriously, it was fun - but plinkers from that 4" 64 and 627 Pro are also fun. YMMV.



New member
With lower blast and very similar abilities I think the 357 might lose some wind. The 327 was a long time due. 38+p are fine but not great. Like the 9mm vs +p loads. The right combo might be ok but the wrong one could be the end of you. 327 is making it way to other makers. Charter arms has the patriot and if Smith makes one then the 327 will be a regular small defensive/hunting round. Small game would be it's target, would be fine for such.


New member
I would like a revolver chambered for the caliber, I actually think it could be a better round than the .38 special for defensive purposes, but it isn't going to sell out either the .38 or the .357. There are just too many guns chambered for them. I know Freedom Arms makes a revolver chambered for it and more are sure to follow. By all accounts it would be an excellent critter killer.

If I found a Ruger sp101 with the .327 chambering I would buy it without hesitation, but honestly haven't seen one. Time will tell though.


New member
One of my local gun stores has .327Mag SP101s.

This topic has come up before, and the major sticking points is that if one doesn't like the Ruger SP101 and/or the Charter Arms Patriot- as I don't- there's no real point in considering the round.


New member
Yep. I don't have the funds at the moment, but I would.

And until .327 brass was available, I would just reload with H&R brass loaded hot to .327 specs. ;)

I plan to purchase one eventually.
....Possibly more than one if they offer it in other platforms. Redhawk... Blackhawk...


New member
I just read a review on this in one of the big Handgunner magazines.

The author was ecstatic about it, and seemed to be harboring some hope and looking for hints that Ruger would be introducing more arms for that caliber in the future.

I've got an SP-101 on my radar, and considered the 327 Mag, but I can't see it being better for my purposes than the 357 Mag. Sure it will kick less with Magnum ammo, but I don't plan to shoot much magnum ammo. I plan to shoot mostly 38 Special, the occasional +P, and keep it loaded with +P hollow points for defense. The sixth round isn't a selling point for me either.

It will be interesting to see the ballistic performance of the 327 vs. 38 +P.

As a handloader, brass & bullets are available in a HUGE variety for 38 and 357; not so for 327 and it will probably not even get there.

I don't know what is up with ammo & arms mfrs. to keep introducing new calibers left & right.


New member
I really like my SP101 in .327. I also have a .357/.38 SP101. The .32/.327mag fills a niche, and I think a little 6 shot airweight Smith would really be nice in .327 ie. the little J Frames could benefit from more versatility and the .327's lesser recoil. Maybe Smith is a little shy due to not being able to sell enough of the old 432's.

Ruger has cleaned up its inventory and adopted a barebones 'lean' inventory system, which is good for the company's bottomline efficiency but perhaps slowing things down for the consumer. Ruger is cranking out a lot of LCP's these days...but it's still barely able to keep up with consumer demand for them. If I was an executive at Ruger, I'd be smiling about consumers complaining about not being able to get a Ruger fast enough; it sure beats the days of backed-up inventory and a lack of demand. ;)

The LCP is the best selling firearm in the U.S.A.. Ruger sells more revolvers than Smith. The P95 is the best bargain perhaps of any semiauto 9mm sold in the U.S.A. The SR9 has had some problems but relatively mild for a new production firearm. Ruger has plenty of cash and zero debt. Ruger has only a few million shares of stock outstanding. I think Ruger is trying to be as lean as possible and is going to err on the side of of being too skinny rather than too fat. It's really turned around since Bill jr. left ie. rifle triggers have been improved, lots of new successful designs, cleaned up inventories - and even 15 round magazines.:cool:

Ruger is playing it smart. Ruger is nurturing the .327 for all its worth and creating a demand for it by word of mouth rather than dumping it on the marketplace. I think the .327mag just might take off.

John Moses

If Ruger would just produce the SP101 .327 magnum in sufficient quantities, and get it out, as well as the ammunition in sufficient quantities, I would buy one in half a heartbeat. How about you guys?

Not me,

While I don't have nearly enough guns, I do have enough calibers.

Shiner Bock

New member
It's not high on my list but I'm interested and would get one if they can get a foothold in the market. I don't know that they will even accomplish that the way they are going about it.


New member
I put mine on order on March 5, and I'm still waiting. Just over four months now.

IF there are actually .327 SP101s on the shelf of your gun store in Richardson, CarGuyChris, then I'd drive up there this weekend from Beaumont if I could be assured that there would be one left for me to buy.


New member
Just found the first one to hit our local store

They put it out today. Gunna see about picking it up if its still there tonight. No ammo available around here yet, but plenty of .32 S&W and H&R.
