.32 S&W ammo Question

Real Gun

New member
Let's remember that folks used 25 and 32 calibers for SD for a long time with great success.

Internet legend. There had to be reasons why heavier calibers were subsequently developed.


New member
Let's remember that folks used 25 and 32 calibers for SD for a long time with great success.
Internet legend. There had to be reasons why heavier calibers were subsequently developed.
At the time these small cartrides were developed medical attention was not what is today. Almost any gun shot could mean eventual death.. Even the lowly 22 rimfire was a viable self defense cartridge as no one would take the risk of being shot.


New member
Come on, FrankenMauser! You're falling behind!

Here's my I frame Regulation Police...
And my Colt Police Positive
Lots of fun to shoot...
You hurt me. ...Deeply.

I feel like I've just been shanked. ;)

I don't know why, but I consider the Colts to be more ugly than the I-frames ... yet, simultaneously more elegant and sexy.
I guess it's a bit like a pubescent teenager pining over "the girl next door" (S&W), while secretly watching the attractive older woman across the street (Colt), that doesn't always close the drapes...

Bill DeShivs

New member
"At the time these small cartrides were developed medical attention was not what is today. Almost any gun shot could mean eventual death.. Even the lowly 22 rimfire was a viable self defense cartridge as no one would take the risk of being shot."

I'm not aware that anyone today will take the risk of being shot. :rolleyes:


New member
I started to post this earlier but was too lazy...I read a ballistics test (in gelatin) few yrs ago for self defense in these lowly calibers. It caught my eye because I carry 25acp & 32L at times when nothing else is concealable. I don't remember where but it was online. They tested jacketed round nose and hollowpoint ammo in 22, 25 acp & 32Long. The round noses penetrated deep enough to hit vitals. The hollowpoints didn't expand at all and had substantially less penetration.



New member
I'm not aware that anyone today will take the risk of being shot.

Well our jails are filled with repeated offenders and gang members who go out on the streets to just take the same chances over again that gave them badges of scares that they brag to 8 and 9 year olds who decide to be a follower of their hero's. So I am sure that if you don't associate with the likes you very well don't think about it in your day to day.
32L was the primary caliber for police for years and years.
It was more accurate than the 38S&W and was just about as lethal.
There is a reason millions of S&W and Colts are available.

Now days though, there are many many modern choices and your adversary will most likely be employing one of these. So it might be a good idea to at least be on a par with them.

I have more than a few 32's and most likely have not quit adding to the pile.
I even have a couple stashed around the house as a get me to the other gun, gun.

But I do worry about the Meth Heads out there. If they are jacked up and not feeling pain or fear.
A 32 may be just a make em mad now and die latter type of option.


New member
I guess I should reread this thread as I don't recall anyone saying anything about people wanting to get shot but an indication of not being afraid as most people would be was.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Let me rephrase for you.
Everyone except crazy people are afraid to get shot. Getting shot hurts and it can kill you. Everyone knows that. Leroy the thug doesn't weigh the option that maybe he could get to a hospital and have his life saved. :rolleyes:


New member
I will shoot 32acp out of my h&r magnum revolvers every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Why not? They can easily handle the pressure.

I won't shoot them out of my 1912 vintage SW long.

No one wants to get shot. No one wants to have a gun "blow up" in their hand.
The Colts are far uglier than the S&Ws. I've never cared much for the look of a Colt.

For years I didn't own any. I even traded away the Detective Special I owned.

Then one day something went click in my head and I said "I need to get me a Colt."

Now I have 3, and am looking for more.


New member