.300 Magnum Usefullness?


New member
I've never had anyone put a tag on a deer I've shot with my .300 Win Mag. None have went farther then 5 yards. I can not say this about the 7mm-08, .30-06, .308, .243, 30-30, .35 Remington or other calibers I've had except the .270 Win was as good on deer.

Neither have the two elk my .300 WM has killed or the black bear.

I love to watch the eyes open when I light it up at the range. Kind of a macho, ego thing I guess.... :D


New member
I think the 30-06 should be renamed the: .30 American
or maybe the: .30 North American Hunter.
Excepting for grizzlies and long range shots believed only after several drinks, it is the "one gun" for North American big game.