16,000+ TFLers couldn't be bothered...


New member
With all due respect to all concerned, we're approaching five pages of posts since I asked some simple questions...

What exactly is the message ?
To whom is the message addressed?
What is the purpose of the message ?
What hearts and minds will be swayed by such a message ?

And I have yet to see a cogent answer to any of them.


What exactly is the message ?
To whom is the message addressed?
What is the purpose of the message ?
What hearts and minds will be swayed by such a message ?
1. A public display of the gun community's solidarity.
2. The public.
3. Same as with any public demonstration--to draw attention to the cause--hopefully in a positive manner.
4. Some of those who hear about it--usually a small percentage. Those who find the numbers impressive or surprising. However, swaying hearts and minds is only part of the equation. Part of it was about gun owners feeling good about themselves and the national gun community by seeing all of us work toward a common goal.

If you were really constructively concerned, you would have voiced your concerns to the fellow running the website weeks ago, or set up your own alternative approach to meeting the goals which you feel are important. Picking it apart after the fact is pretty useless, no matter how you look at it.


New member
While I object to your last comment, I do appreciate your effort to clarify the purpose of this initiative.

My objection is based upon the fact the the first I heard of it was last Sunday... and I am probably in a bracket of people who think of themselves as reasonably proactive and well informed regarding Second Amendment issues.

I would point out the potential for this initiative to be misused by the media, which can be counted on to spin it in a negative light (HEADER-Millions of rounds of dangerous ammo in public circulation !)

If you don't think that's the first thing an assignment editor would spin this to, you need to spend ten years in the news business, like I did.