16,000+ TFLers couldn't be bothered...


New member
I bought 500 rds. of WallyWorld 9mm in the morning and went down to my local *mom & pop* gunstore later in the day and
bought another 400 rounds of S&B 9mm plus 250 rounds of .223 S&B.....;)

I think that alot of people bought ammo
but just didn't report it...........:rolleyes:


New member
Just curious- my initial reaction to this was "hmm, sounds like a good idea".

Then I read the website. Saw that the purpose is to "send a message".

Gave that a little thought. Even had a small IRC exchange with Tom Gresham about the subject on Sunday.

What exactly is the message ?
To who is the message addressed?
What is the purpose of the message ?
What hearts and minds will be swayed by such a message ?

Now, it just happens that I purchased 1000 rounds of premium .45 ACP today, but it was not to send any messages to anyone.

It's because I was down to 500 rounds.

So, please, someone, please articulate for me the "message" and what it will do, because I guess I just don't get it. Sorry.


New member
Well, I guess there really is at least one good thing about being a Californian gun owner -- it's only 2233 here, and I just placed my order for 1000 .223 (pre-packed on stripper clips. How handy).


New member
Forgive me, Tamara, but I didn't go to town today. I did get 15 people through the Firearm Safety course over the weekend, and now they can buy ammuntion.

Well boo.

During my abbreviated lunch break today I bought 2 cases of Danish 30-06 and a case of .223. Due to the constraints of working for my Evil Multinational Corporation and making enough money to purchase copious quantities of ammunition I was unable to record my purchase.

My most profound apologies.

I figured it was the thought and intent that counted. Dollars poured into the local economy go further with me than 'signing a pledge'. Besides, I left it in the seat of the truck when I went back to my office this afternoon. I figure more folks actually saw my purchase in my truck than will read a pledge.

Aside from that, if I have a couple of weekends with nice weather I'll go buy more to replace this within a month or so. I don't need a special occasion just to spend money on my passions.


"Freedom is not empowerment. Empowerment is what the
Serbs have in Bosnia. Anybody can grab a gun and be
empowered. It's not entitlement. An entitlement is what people
on welfare get, and how free are they? It's not an endlessly
expanding list of rights—the 'right' to education, the 'right' to
health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom,
that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of
slavery—hay and a barn for human cattle. There's only one
basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And
with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the

-P.J. O'Rourke


New member
Slept right thru it...( 3rd shifter now )...I'll make up for my lack of dedication in the morning.......:D

p.s. I did buy a shotgun last week, that get me a few points?



New member
I just don't like days where people tell that I am supposed to go out and do something just because they said so. I buy ammo as I need it (which seems too often for my billfold :)) It's not just ammo day. I don't like Valentine's Day either. I buy my wife cards and little gifts to show appreciation fairly regularly. I don't need someone to tell me that I need to buy something for her today or I don't really love her. Same way with other "causes"


New member
hey are shop is closed on mondays so I had to buy 3 boxes of pmc .357 mags 158 gr &a box of .45 speer230gr lawman , and a a box of american eagle 230gr .45 on sunday ( and I reload my own I guess I needed the brass ) :rolleyes:


New member
I assembled 50 475gr 45/70 loads . Will this make you happy. I haven't purchased factory ammo in just about forever. Now components are a whole nother story.


New member
Bought 100 7.62x54 for my Mosin-Nagant M-44, about $25.

Also bought 100 .22LR for a shooting buddy, who was unable to go out to buy...his grandfather's funeral was yesterday. Gave him his "contribution" to ammo day this morning.


New member
If you're going to give away your guns because the vast majority of shooters don't like to be told what to do can I have them?

I just don't like days where people tell that I am supposed to go out and do something just because they said so.

These two posts remind me of a lot of hunters--i.e. "You're telling me I should join the NRA, but I don't want to. I don't like to be told what to do. Besides, the NRA doesn't affect me." :barf:

Nobody ordered you to do anything. It is your choice to help the cause or ignore it. Rest assured though; folks on the other side of the fence (antis) ARE working diligently to strip you of your gun rights. I personally support any collective effort (NRA, TFL, National Ammo Day, etc.) that helps our side send a message to businesses and legislators.


New member
I bought some powder, but no ammo.

However, I didn't notice much support from the industry on this. Seems to me the best way to drum up buyer support for this event is to get the big sellers involved and offer at least a slight discount on all orders placed on National Ammo Day.


Ron L

New member
Well, OK, I didn't buy on the 19th, but I bought a Remington Youth shotgun and a couple boxes of ammo on the 18th. I also took the time to log in to the website and log the purchase. I'm wondering if other folks bought something but are simply not going to the website to log it in.


New member
Sorry you're so disappointed in your fellow gun owners. However...

Apathy? What apathy?

Who in the world picked a Tuesday for this project? Must have been a committee decision. Should have been National Ammo Weekend instead. Or maybe a Saturday.

As for my excuse...not that I owe you an explanation...

6:00 a.m. - got up
7:00 a.m. - at work
4:45 p.m. - left work an hour early to go to the doctor
6:30ish p.m. - got home from the doc and the pharmacy - started on the Biaxin and the codeine cough syrup for my pneumonia.

And here we are on Wednesday and I'm back at work because I have a staff meeting to deal with.

You're not the only one with an attitude.
