1000 yard shot, which gun and cartridge?

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New member
You wanna go for blood at 1000 yards - go join the army.

I would take 1000yard shots with my 300 Win Mag or 7mm mag. But never at a game animal. Its totally irresponsible. A 55 gallon barrel is good to shoot at that range.

You'd need a laser beam at that distance, to assure a clean kill, not a bullet.


New member
A friend of mine wanted to hit an animal at 800 meters once with a 7mm Rem Mag, He went to a butcher and got a bunch of pig heads and set them up instead. Turns out he's not as good as he thought he was and if he was taking lung shots on any animal at that distance, I guarantee he would have hit everywhere else but the lungs.

Try that instead of wounding something living cause you'll never catch it.

The idea is to get input as to what people use for those long shots whether animals or paper.
Just remember there is a BIG difference between calibers that can kill animals at 1000 and calibers that can kill paper at 1000.


New member
google in (1000yd record group for rifles) and see what the long range boys are doing. when i was into long range hunting we shot at a regular place and knew the range and took sighter shots to zero the rifles and took only standing shots. wind is the real bugabo in hunting as the heat is not to much of a problem in the winter. its not for every body,but hunting deer with dogs is not either. eastbank.


New member
I know nothing of extremely long range shooting or hunting. But reading over these posts makes me realize the amount of time and work one would have to put in to earn the right to hunt deer at 1000 yards. It's not enough to be able to make the shot. You would have to expect to make the shot.

Right or wrong I would be much more willing to make an extremely long shot on a coyote or hog.


New member
Sharps .45-70 or .45-90 handloaded with blackpowder and paper-patched bullet. I couldn't do it, but there are long-range target shooters who can, and that's what they use.

(I think Billy Dixon used a .50 Sharps at Adobe Walls, but that might have just been a lucky shot :D)


New member
Remington A3-03 .3006 180 grain, if you can use an iron sight! The Springfield or Smith Carrona forerunners did that in WWII!


New member
I have a REM 700,300wm CUSTOM sorry no pic yet 26'' Collinsworth barrel great trigger Ultimate sniper stock I use a portable shootin bench/sand bags range finder/windgauge.I shoot berger 180gr. alot I help a couple of farmers try to control hogs on large bean/corn fields.Iget to shoot the same place i hunt that helps alot.I use 55 gal drums from 500-1000yds.I got a sow 3wks.ago about 750yds. it ran about 150yds and floped.but your 7STW is way man enough for the job.With a good high turret scope /practice/pratice/pratice.Because misses/Gut shot critters aint COOL AT ALL and at 500 or better its going to happen trust me. GOOD LUCK:D

PS My rig it just over 19lbs.


New member
Now that's what I call RISING TO THE TASK!!!That Thompson Long Range Video seemed to make it look easy!!! Talk to the guy's up there and they'l say that there's alot of instruction on shooting that distance, also they never mentioned the wind, which is the rod that beats the mule, so to speak. Killing animals at that distance isn't for this rifleman unless starvation pushed me to it. But it's not impossible...:p

Thanks for coming!:cool:


New member
I'd want to use a Canon....or a Nikon or even that old Minolta in the bottom of my gun safe. I could probably hit my truck @ 1000 yds with a rifle but this old fat guy loves his truck.
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New member
a long range hunter is nothing with out a seasoned spotter(maybe 2 or 3) and good glass. at out last varmit shoot we had 33 shooters and the largest group for 5 shots at 500yds was 4.785 inches with a 6.5 gibbs unlimited class and the smallest group for 5 shots at 500yds was 1.82 inches with a .22BR unlimited class. the winner for a total of 149 out of a possible 150 used a 30BR,the shoot consists of 5 shots in 6 minutes at 200,300 and 500 yds. the early relays are the best for tight groups most of the time.. eastbank.


New member
I will say that although this is not undoable, if you do it, you better do it right. If you do have the equipment, the skill, the training that it takes, then it better work! If it doesn't then you're an irresponsible SOB and I wouldn't hunt with you. It would seem to me to be too many variables and if conditions weren't perfect you couldn't take a shot, and it takes two people, a special rifle scope mount configuration that is not really suitable for normal range hunting. Not conscientious or practical IMO.
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Zak Smith

New member
I am an experienced long-range shooter and I would not take a first-round shot in most situations at a deer at 1000 yards.

But if we set aside the hunting issue and talk just about rifles and cartridges, here's a good reference/introduction


article | Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting, Part I - Rifle & Equipment


New member
338 lapua


what your looking for is a rifle chambered in 338 lapua. whether or not you choose custom, or a factory made rifle. The 338 L. has enough energy to make a humane kill at a grand. some of the magnum 30 cal rifles will do it but trying to be humane as possible the 338 is a good choice

Thier is some video of hunting at grand on y-tube. The guy uses full custom Patriot Arms. I visited the website but didnt find much.


an alternative to the Patriot Arms would be a Rem 700 MLR in 338 lapua


I would get the MLR considering the cost to build a full custom 338
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New member
There are a lot of cartridges out there that will reach a 1000 yds, but it dosnt take much energy to punch paper. You would want something that would produce about a 1000 pounds of energy at that distance for a good clean kill. Once you find a cartridge capable of that, then the problem still remains of hitting a vital area every shot. This isnt a likely senerio because of all the factors (wind, altitude, humidity, etc) involved. Forget the live game. You can of course get a deer decoy and put it out to a 1000 yds and shoot at it to see the result.


New member
WOW, 1000 yards shots on animals... :eek:
over here there are a lot of people that shoot at a 10" target from up to 900 yards, with peep sights. they are called BISLEY shooters.

As for hunting, sorry,but shooting at any animal from that far is not hunting, but target shooting.

Here's a challenge for you. why not decide to conduct your next hunt at under 100 yards? I did it and was rewarded with the most thrilling stalks and got all my bucks.

the furthest shot I took was from 70M, the closest 44M. and I tell you what, getting that close to a bunch of 12 Blue Wildebeest beats any long-shot achievement.

Please give it some thought.




New member
If humane hunting were an issue, we wouldn't allow bow hunting. But that wasn't the question.

Someone beat me to the answer I'd give, which is an old fashioned big bore with a heavy bullet. These are not high velocity rounds, either. They won't be so sensitive to the breeze and they retain more energy at long range. Hitting the animal is a different story but there are rifles that will do it, if you are having a good day. There were rifles a hundred years ago that would do it, possibly even better than some more recent rifles. There's no question that such a cartridge would have plenty of killing power at that distance but hitting the target is still chancy.

It would help to have a spotter, I imagine, not to mention eyes that are better than mine.


New member
at the long range matches they are shooting 4-6 inch 10 shot groups at 1000yds regulaly,so its not a fluke, the winning groups are smaller than that and 800fpe to 1000fpe is easily abtained at 1000yds with these rifles.when i hunted long range i used a rem. 7mm mag with a 162gr bullet at 3000-3100fps that weighted 16lbs with a 6.5x20 leupold target scope. these rifles have more fpe and fps that a win 30-30 at 150- 200yds. eastbank.


New member
at the long range matches they are shooting 4-6 inch 10 shot groups at 1000yds regulaly,so its not a fluke, the winning groups are smaller than that and 800fpe to 1000fpe is easily abtained at 1000yds with these rifles.when i hunted long range i used a rem. 7mm mag with a 162gr bullet at 3000-3100fps that weighted 16lbs with a 6.5x20 leupold target scope. these rifles have more fpe and fps that a win 30-30 at 150- 200yds.

Sure, on a surveyed range, with wind flags, a spotting scope to read the mirage and a couple of sighting shots.

Even with a 338 Lapua (250 gr @ 3000 fps) if you take a poke at a deer you think is 1000 yards away and it is really 980 he will be off in elevation by over a foot.

If the 5 mile an hour quartering wind you estimated is really 7 mph from 55º, you windage at 1K yards goes up from 23 inches to 36in. If you are lucky you miss, if not you end up with a gut-shot cripple that will starve to death, because you will have a hard time even finding the spot where the deer was standing after hiking the half mile from where you shot.

Shooting a game animal from that distance is unethical. You may try to justify it because some assclown did it and you saw the video on youtube is meaningless, because it was unethical when he did it too.

Rationalize it all you want, it is still unethical.

You want to shoot an animal that far away, go hunt Prairie dogs. Pretty much any hit with a rifle capable of getting out that far will be dramatically fatal to a small rodent.
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