1000 yard shot, which gun and cartridge?

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Sgt. Mike

New member
If you set up a goal to take a Whitetail deer at 1000 yards which gun manufacturer would want and which caliber? Please no .50 BMG. Kenney Jarrett seems to have a great reputation. Thoughts and ideas are appreciated. Sure I can get closer than 1000 yards but making a very long shot might be a goal I want to achieve. Thank you in advance. Michael


New member
That kind of 'hunting' is unethical, and your question does not deserve any more of a response.


New member
Wow... 1000 yard whitetails?? I thought I pushed the limit when I bagged my longshot. Thought it was 350 yards but ended up being 425 long steps. There's a whole lot of dropping going on at them ranges.

You gonna need a FLAT shooter to be sure of a hit in the boiler room. Some 30 caliber wildcat or 338 Lapua with light 200s or something.

This will be interesting to see if there's guys doing it. Doubts here.


New member
I have a Model 70 300 WM 1000 yard target rifle that I shoot 1000 yard matches.

Based on my loading, with 200 grn SMKs, a 1 mph wind will move the bullet 8.75 inches.

My question is, can you tell the difference between a 3 mph wind and a 5 mph wind AT 1000 YARDS. That's 17.5 inches, a miss, or worse a gut shot critter

If the wind is blowing 5 mph where you are, what is it doing at 1000 yards.

If you sight in your gun when its 70 degrees, what will the impact be if its 40 degrees when you are hunting at 1000 yards on some frosty morning. Using my 1000 yard target load listed above, that's a 11 inch difference in elevation.

Thats just two examples. I'm with SUNDOG, that totally unethical.

I love long range shooting, I've been doing it for over 30 years. I learned something in that 30 years about long range shooting. I also hunt, and I see no reason for me to take a shot at a critter past 300 yards.


New member
I wouldn't use anything less than an Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rifle in .338 Lapua


New member
Sgt. Mike... please don't try and take a whitetail at 1000 yards. You can't be certain enough that the bullet will land in that paper-plate sized kill zone each and every time.

Wouldn't it be just as satisfying to punch holes or shoot steel at 1000 yards??


New member
A 1000 yard white tail hunt is rather inhumane. All hunting laws that I have read state that kills must be as humane as possible. That translates to shots that inflict no or as little suffering as possible to the animal.

Too many environmental factors impact such a long shot. Wind is one, elevation difference, weather, etc. all contribute to a greater chance of failure to get a clean kill. Hunting at 1000 yard distances is challenging to the hunter and we read of many successful kills at such a distance. What we do not hear of is the greater probability of failure to cleanly kill at 1000 yards.

I regret shooting at a California mule deer many years ago. The distance was about 400+ yards and downhill, 165 grain .30-06, Remington 700. I saw the bullet impact create a puff of dust above the deer. Chances were very good that if I had hit the deer it would have been an injurious shot and resultant inhumane suffering of the animal.

Sgt. Mike

New member
1000 yard shot?

It may just be paper but I really wanted to see if someone came up with a good gun and cartridge for a long range shot. This got off track from the beginning. Any possibility of getting back to the question? Thanks, Michael


New member
This got off track from the beginning. Any possibility of getting back to the question?

No we aren't off topic. You just don't like the response. Before you consider hunting at 1000 yards, try 1000 yard shooting. The X-10 ring of a 1000 yard target is about 20 inches across.

When you find a rifle that YOU can clean 1000 yard targets every time, with most shots in the X ring, then you can re-evaluate your ideal of hunting at 1000 yards.

Yeah you hear all the time about kills made at extreme ranges, what you don't hear is muffed shots at extended ranges. People don't broadcast their screw ups. Heck, I've talked a lot about good scores, but I seldom mention missing a boil and getting a clean miss.


New member
Long Range Hunting

It's no worse then some guy or gal taking a shot at 100 or 200 yards and gut shooting the animal but it's OK cause he or she shot it at a close distance. I think not if in you mind you know for a fact that you will be the animal down with that 1000 yard shot then take it. But be more then a little sure it should be a high percecntage shot for you. If you have trouble hitting targets at 400, 600, 800 yards then you are probably not ready for that 1000 yarder yet. Yes there are misses and yes there is going to be bad hits. It's a fact of life so if you practice a lot and asre sure you can bring him down then go for it if not practice some more. SO folks will never be good enough for long range shooting for a lot of different reasons. I'm not a hunter but if I were and new I could bring him down with that long range shot then yes I'd do it.


New member
Sgt. Mike said:
If you set up a goal to take a Whitetail deer at 1000 yards which gun manufacturer would want and which caliber? Please no .50 BMG. Kenney Jarrett seems to have a great reputation. Thoughts and ideas are appreciated. Sure I can get closer than 1000 yards but making a very long shot might be a goal I want to achieve. Thank you in advance. Michael
I'd suggest a .69 caliber flintlock musket using buck n ball, or 10 gauge shotgun loaded with #2 birdshot, and try for the 1,000 yard head-shot!


New member
Gunwerks!! 7mm STW? 30-378? 338 lupua? Now before you guy's judge me I want you all to know, I have no reason in the world to hunt a whitetail at 1000 yds( I probably couldn't hit a bus at 1000 yds) unless,,,With the tutoledge of one of you old snipers or Long range Match officianodos.. Hypothetically Speaking what is the answer.. Gunwerks rifle with Huskimaw scope I'm sure (in the above mentioned calibers) would do the job.. Now Sgt. Mike has given what we crave here with a bonified problem,,You old riflemen can easily solve this riddle! ( i'm not going to judge,nor should anybody else)

Thanks for nothing hooligan1 :eek:


New member
Go here: http://www.jbmballistics.com

Run some numbers and see how unbelievably stupid this idea is. Make sure you set the "Range Increment" to 25 yards, and the max range to 1100.

You will learn that even the biggest monster eargasplinninloudenboomer cartridges are still dropping about a foot each 25 yards way out there. If you are not balls-on with the range, you will miss or cripple.

Oh, and if you miss the wind call by a couple MPH and a few degrees? That is another foot-plus miss or cripple.

You want to see if you can shoot 1000 yards, go to 1000 yard range and try it.

Sgt. Mike

New member
1000 yard shot!

Very nice rifle. I appreciate the input on the different calibers. Currently I have a Remington Sendero in 7mm STW and it is a tack driver. Easily took a nice doe at 300 yards. Sometimes the questions we ask may seem stupid to some but any question can help others. The idea is to get input as to what people use for those long shots whether animals or paper.

New calibers are arriving and with so many wildcats around perhaps something new will emerge. The greatest reason for the question is to get information from the truly great shots. Information, no matter how gathered is always helpful. Michael


New member
Long Shots

The truest statement here is caliber. Yes your round drops 175 gr. .308 will drop anywhere from 31.00 to 33.50 MOA's at 1000 yds. That translates into 310 to 335 inches roughly. In a 10 mph full value wind your bullet will move about 8.25 MOA's thats 82.50 inch. Making the guess at the range is not to hard if you practice plus you can have your range finder do the work. What separates the men from the boys is your ability to read the wind and wind meter is good but they just tell you what the wind is doing at your location to find out at your target go out with your wind meter every chance you get and see what the wind is doing if it 5 mph where you are see how the grass bends the trees move and so on. It won't happen over night but it will happen if you practice.


New member
The idea is to get input as to what people use for those long shots whether animals or paper.

OK I can answer the PAPER part:

1000 yard HP, Any Rifle: Model 70, 300 WM Single Shot, 29 in. Douglas Supreme Barrel

1000 yard HP, Any Rifle,/F Class, Model 70 Win. Vietnam Era Sniper Rifle clone, 30-06, 175 Grn SMKs.

(I built the two above guns)

1000 yards Service Rifle: M1A Super Match, 308, 175 Grn SMKs

1000 yards Service Rifle: AR w/White Oak Upper, 1 in 7, .223 using 80 grn SMKs

I also dabble at 1000 yard matches with a M1 Garand, using 175 SMKs and 174 Millitary Pulled Match bullets.

Black Powder Creedmore (800, 900, & 1000 yards) Browning High Wall 1885, 45-70, 537 Grn Cast Lead Bullet.
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