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  1. J

    Philidelphia Inquirer contacted me...

    Anyone here know about the Philidelphia Inquirer? Or about this reporter? His email to me, and my response. My response:
  2. J

    Official Sniper's Rifle Barrel Length

    What is the official length of a sniper rifle barrel in .308 caliber?
  3. J

    Are you a liberal democrat? (joke)

    A teacher explains to her class that she is a liberal Democrat. She asks her students to raise their hands if they were liberal Democrats too. Not really knowing what a liberal Democrat was but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks. There is...
  4. J

    Pilots. (To lighten the mood) 8)
  5. J

    The power of one.

    The power of one to tie up resources of several states and the federal government. The power of one to strike fear or inspiration into the hearts of the people. The power of one to make fundamental changes in people's lives. The power of one to make us all turn and look. The power of one...
  6. J

    NRA behaving like HCI and CPHV against progun site?

    I don't know if this has been posted yet...
  7. J

    So where DOES that 2 million defensive uses come from...

    Just where does the statistic of 2,000,000 defensive uses of a firearm per year come from?
  8. J

    Need some help breaking something!

    Guys, with Rich's permission I am posting a request for help for a new website I am developing. What I need is people to sign up for the newsletter, which is at this time being used for a request to test parts of the site I consider in the "beta" phase, and giving feedback on design, bugs, and...
  9. J

    Do you owe a ticket in Phoenix?

    I was flipping through the channels tonight when a news story on ABC caught my attention. They claim that there is $190,000,000.00 owed to the city of Phoenix in fines and court fees. And their solution to the problem was to crawl in bed with the government and display over the next two days...
  10. J

    You can't shout "fire" in a crowded theater

    I keep hearing this and have a difficult time reconciling this with freedom of speech, because I keep hearing/reading this in the context that "because this is true" (<-according to the person saying it) we then have the ability and the moral responsibility to place restrictions upon all rights...
  11. J

    You guys are ruining it for me!

    I can't even watch a show anymore without: Trying figure out what the characters are shooting, Wondering why the characters have to rack the slide or pump the gun right at the time they need to shoot, instead of putting a round in the chamber BEFORE, Looking at the hammer of that Baretta that I...
  12. J

    M.A.S.H. helicopter

    I guess this is gun oriented only because it has to do with the Korean war... I love watching the TV series M.A.S.H. and have thought to myself how fun it could be to fly one of those helicopters that they use to evacuate the wounded. Does anyone know what kind they are and if they are...
  13. J

    Snipers, silencers, sub-sonic, and sabots

    I saw "Patriot Games" with Harrison Ford a while back and I was thinking about the sniper the other day. In the training he was using a silencer and sub-sonic ammo. Now, I know this is Hollywood producing this film, but I am curious about just how frequently a legitimate sniper would use a...
  14. J

    Sam's Club... a follow-up on the Costco threads

    I was just a Sam's club today asking about their policy on firearms. State law applies, no further restrictions. That means that open carry is alright and concealed with a permit, according to state law. I told them I was there looking into a membership at their store because of Costco's...
  15. J

    Do you fear the police.

    This is NOT to be a cop bashing thread, if there was a way of disabling comments I would implement it, just to be on the safe side. I only want your vote. If this turns in to a cop bashing fest, I repectfully request a moderator to shut it down, ASAP. Alright. With that out of the way, In...
  16. J

    NYFD Fireman's letter to Bill Clinton

    Sent to me by: Mike W. Smith GUNED.COM
  17. J

    *sigh... Google goes anti.
  18. J

    I felt like a damn criminal!

    I just acquired (on trade) a new gun, and wanted to test it out. However, going through the "starving student" phase of life once again I could not afford to go to the range, and Tonto national forest land is now closed to shooting. So, on a road trip over the weekend I pulled off of on a side...
  19. J

    A pleasant note from the Inbox at

    This came in yesterday. I've already sent the response, but can send any corrections you guys see that need to be made.
  20. J

    Well...the IRS and the Rep bug out, again... To make this gun related, should it be "discovered" that the IRS has no real authority to force taxes from us, what would your first gun purchase be with your newly "acquired" funds?