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  1. J

    A gift from the Clinton Administration

  2. J

    Is America REALLY that strong?

    Along with the tread on the addition loss of freedoms I have been wondering just how strong is America? Is it strength to further erode people's rights and freedoms, in the name of "security," "protection," and "safety"? I'd say not. Bob Locke (of this thread...
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    So, what rights are we going to lose now?

    With this action against the USA, what rights do you foresee being further restricted and to what end would these restrictions be put in place?
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    Fear of the inanimate mechanized object

    Honestly, Does anyone reading this have a fear of any inanimate object?
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    Flying America West

    I'm flying out today on America West, and I called them about their procedure for checking/transporting a firearm. The gal I spoke to seemed a bit confused about how they do it, so I didn't get a definitive answer. I did a search for this specific airline and nothing came up, so I'm turning...
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    Is it just me, or are things getting worse...

    Is the ride speeding up? It seems that things are happening at a faster pace... or is it just me?
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    Anatomy of a gun-controller

    Go to the link to check out the links in the article:
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    Klamath Falls' invisible foe
  9. J

    Need info on VPC

    I'm looking for photos of Violence Policy Center's leadership, and some photos of Sarah Brady and whoever is heading that oganization. I'll admit that my "search" skills are not even a shadow of what some of you all have. Your help would be greatly appreciated. These photos would potentially...
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    Pernicious virus warning...

    I just recieved this warning! The Amish virus You have just received the Amish virus. Since we have no electricity or computers, you are on the honor system. Please delete all the files on your hard drive. Thank thee. --- And to keep this gun related: An Amish man was awakened one night...
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    Escalante to join Virgin, Utah?
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    I'll be on the Alex Jones radio show...

    I recieved a call from the Alex Jones radio show ( They will be talking to me about the attack by HCI against the parody sites. It's all going to happen twice, this Tuesday at 10am and Thursday at 7:30pm. I'm not sure if it's a live broadcast. I hope I don't make myself out...
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    U.N. to Rule over America?
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    What to do with your tax "refund"?

    Instead of spending it on another gun, you may find this idea a better bet in the long run:
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    Identity chip raises privacy concerns

    This could be embedded into any firearms as well...,,s2090580,00.html
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    Anti-UN Utah towns...

    I think I'll move there myself! :D
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    Fly the flag, pay the fine...
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    Ignorance knows no bounds...

    Just one classic example of why we are where we are today... From the cphv.webmaster mail box: :barf:
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    A liability form for your nosey doctor

    The attachment is a .html file of this form. Feel free to pass it on as it was passed on to me. ;) The article "Don't Borrow Trouble" follows but was too long for this post (over 1000 words) It is included in the attachment. Enjoy!:D
  20. J

    The root cause of crime Continued...