Search results

  1. J

    Russian AK (SAR-1)

    A friend of mine is looking at a Russian AK-47 (SAR-1, right?) Anyway, he's been offered the gun for $350 NIB. Good? Bad? More info? Thanks!
  2. J

    Taliban's lack of technology.

    I hope this has not been posted before!
  3. J

    From the inbox at

    Recieved yesterday: My reply:
  4. J

    Patriot Bill passed blindly.

    I feeeeeeel soooooo secure! :rolleyes: Bastards.
  5. J

    WTB: Firearms related in a round about way...

    As some of you know, I have undertaken another Flash project. Little did I know how much I was going to have to learn in order to get it off the ground! :eek: It's still in my head, and on paper because I have found the need for some equipment that I do not own and purchasing new is out of my...
  6. J

    Libertarians: Repeal all Gun Laws!
  7. J

    What can we do about Terrorism?

    An interesting article forwarded to me... I certainly agree with him about our fouled up foreign policy.
  8. J

    FBI to redirect the Internet?,2933,37203,00.html
  9. J

    This "war" will never end...

    I was listening to the Secratary of State's press conference yesterday, and one of the questions put to him was, "When will we know when the war has ended?" His answer ran along the lines of "When America is as secure as it was before the attacks of September 11th." "When Americans can live...
  10. J

    The latest from the hate mail bag.

    They are still out there... WFD, You said, "They just want some common sense laws that provide product safety..." The gun industry is already one of the most regulated industries in the United States. "...and public safety to reduce the number of "stupid" deaths due to guns." "Stupid gun...
  11. J

    Have some fun with this one!

    In connection to this thread: What would YOU ask Jim and Sarah Brady if you were part of a press conference? I can't promise to use every single one that you guys generate, but I'll see what I can do. Have fun! And tie them...
  12. J

    In need of your searching skills

    I need photos (scanned or on the web) of Jim Brady in his wheel chair (<- note stressed text), preferably being pushed by Sarah Brady. Also photos of your favorite pro-gun news reporter if you have/find them. This is not critical, but would help. They need to be larger than thumbnails. The...
  13. J

    How do we decide we have "Won" the war on terrorism?

    How can we possibly know when we have won the war on terrorism? By what criteria will it be judged? Will standards relax after the declaration of the "victory"? Will restrictive legislation (that is sure to be passed) be recalled? I'm afraid (as I have said earlier) that this "war" will end...
  14. J

    Email solicitations for freedom infringements.

    (my reply) To Jay, or to whom ever send this, The best way to strengthen the safety of the USA is to go back to the original intent of the 2nd Amendment. Recognize the RIGHT of the people to be armed, in ALL situations. Get rid of these damning FAA regulations that hinder, if not remove, the...
  15. J

    High altitude street fighting...
  16. J

    Bring it on.

    I'm so fed up. We've got the FAA dumping more "security" in our laps... The BATF, the FBI, the G&F, the BLM, ad :barf:, all dictating "regulations" that have the same force of law as though congress passed them, the president approved them and they passed constitutional scrutiny... The media...
  17. J

    Will you be flying?

    In light of the FAA regulations now imposed upon the airline industry due to the events of Black Tuesday, will you... Please explain your reasons for your poll answer.
  18. J

    Are you going to fly?

    In light of the FAA regulations now imposed upon the airline industry due to the events of Black Tuesday, will you... Please explain.
  19. J

    Escalating terrorist attacks and the slide into the abyss

    Will this new "war" serve to escalate terrorist attacks within our borders? It seems to me (from my limited knowledge) that other countries who have engaged in such a war have had a high degree of terrorist attacks in retaliation. 1) In other countries, was the number of terrorist attacks...