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    United States vs. Zackey Rahimi: domestic violence restraining orders

    Mr. Rahimi was convicted with possession of a firearm by a person under a restraining order. He contested the constitutionality of it, and the 5th Circuit ruled in his favor. This has been fast-tracked to the Supreme Court, and it looks like they're going to hear it next session. The petition...
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    Another post-Bruen decision, this one regarding marijuana

    Jared Michael Harrison was charged for being an unlawful user of marijuana in possession of a firearm. The Western District court in Oklahoma ruled that 18 U.S.C. § 922 is unconstitutional under Due Process grounds, and that it violates his right to own firearms under Bruen. Here's the...
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    NYSRPA v. Bruen: Amicus Curiae brief from 176 Representatives

    It looks like this may our next big Supreme Court case. At issue is New York's Sullivan Law, which requires very strict and discriminatory permitting to carry a firearm outside the home. You can read it here [pdf]. Here are a few choice quotes: They also go into the (highly racist)...
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    H.R.1446 - Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021

    This is the one they've been gearing up for. It currently has 60 cosponsors, and the NSSF says they're going to bypass the committee process and bring it straight to a floor vote. This is the relevant language: Right now, if your background check gets delayed, the government has 3 business...
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    ATF seeks to reclassify pistol braces as NFA items

    The notice is published in the federal register here, along with instructions for sending comments.
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    Gustafson v. Springfield: Pennsylvania court rules PLCAA unconstitutional

    The Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is unconstitutional. They claim it violates the tenth amendment, and that a Springfield XD pistol is defective because it lacks a magazine disconnect. The decision is here [pdf file].
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    These are the gun-control bills Congress will be considering when they reconvene on 9/4.

    H.R.1186 - Keep Americans Safe Act: bans import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). H.R.1236 - Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019: the "red flag" law. H.R.2708 - Disarm Hate Act: makes conviction of a misdemeanor hate crime...
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    Get in touch with your Senator

    We've had three terrible mass shootings in a week. The media and politicians are exploiting this, and the House has the votes to pass a gun-control bill. That leaves the Senate, who are in recess until the second week of September. H.R. 8, the "universal background check" bill, is the one...
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    Silencer case: Kettler v. United States

    The Supreme Court has declined to hear this case, and GOA is making noise about it. In the 2010s, several states passed "firearms freedom laws," seeking to exempt their citizens from federal regulations if firearms were entirely manufactured within the borders of that state. The idea was that...
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    Colorado students walk out as school shooting vigil turns political

    Story here. This is very interesting. Less than 48 hours after the shooting at the Highlands Ranch STEM school, a surrogate group for the Brady Campaign organized a "vigil" for the victims. Of course, the Brady Campaign doesn't do things like this out of the goodness of their hearts, and the...
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    Post Las Vegas legislative proposals

    Here's a rundown of what we have so far: HR 3998: the Protect America Act of 2017. What an inspiring name! This is the "terror watchlist" one that denies sales to "known or suspected terrorists." So, if you're on a vague, unconstitutional list with no notification or due process, you can be...
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    PLCAA and Electoral Politics

    If you've been watching some of the debates, you've heard the claims that there's a law granting Special Snowflake legal protections to the gun industry. As the story goes, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act completely exempts manufacturers, marketers, and retailers from any sort of...
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    Virginia AG shutting off reciprocity

    Attorney General Herring has come up with a sneaky way to punish gun owners for things they didn't do. He's ending Virginia's concealed-carry reciprocity agreements with 25 states whose gun laws are deemed more "lax" than Virginia's. This is interesting because it can be done via executive...
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    Oregon UBC System and Datamining

    You may recall that Oregon recently passed a bill to require "universal background checks." One of the arguments we've made against the concept is that it will result in the creation of a gun registry. This isn't just a "slippery slope" argument. The only way to enforce background checks on...
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    Puerto Rico Abolishes Carry Permits

    This one utterly blindsided me. There's an organization called Ladies of the 2nd Amendment in Puerto Rico who brought a class-action suit challenging the permitting system there. They won, and the result? Residents may carry without needing to pursue a permit of any sort. Additionally, there...
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    Oregon: SB 941 Signed

    Governor Brown has signed Oregon's "universal background check" bill into law. Their next target is Nevada. If you live there, start hammering your elected officials on this soon. Sometimes the perception of momentum can lead to real momentum. In an echo of the situation in Washington...
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    Bill to Allow Sale of Surplus 1911 Pistols through CMP

    Rep. Mike Rogers of Alabama has proposed it as an amendment to this year's NDAA. The full story is here. This would generate revenue for the government, and it would save these pistols from being destroyed. This could be a very uncontroversial thing if it's played right.
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    Warlock or Spectre?

    I've got one of the 22/45 Lite models, and I'm looking for a silencer. I really like the weight and balance of the Warlock. I'll probably also be using it on a 10/22. I understand the Spectre is rated for .22 WMR and such, but I'll just be using this for .22 LR. Is there any reason I might...
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    Governor Christie Pardons Shaheen Allen

    The full statement is here. Allen petitioned the governor for a pardon, which he has granted. Steffon Losey-Davis has done the same, but has not been pardoned. As it is, the Graves Act is still law in New Jersey, and judges can still hand out what penalties they see fit.
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    Heads Up: NFA Branch Declining All Forms with Errors

    The overriding priority for NFA examiners at the moment is reducing backlog. Previously, if there was an error on a form, it would be returned to the dealer. The dealer would make or have the correction made, and the form would be returned to the NFA branch. That's no longer the case. I've...