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    Northern Illinois University shooting?

    CNN has a breaking news headline. Anybody know anything?
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    A tale of two cities (Chicago vs. Houston)

    So last week in Chicagoland (where the serfs are disarmed), we have a goblin shooting up and killing 5 of his unarmed victims at a mall. Here at a local mall last night, another goblin tried to rob an armed citizen and got his just reward.
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    Rasmussen: McCain beating Clinton and Obama Pretty interesting, no?
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    Double Holster

    Threw this together last week as a joke. Thought you folks might enjoy it. What do you think?
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    New Hampshire Republican Primary Thread

    With 6% reporting, it looks like McCain is walking away with it, followed distantly by Romney, with Huckabee bringing up the remote rear.
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    DIY Pocket Holster

    I cross posted this over at THR. Sorry for the duplicate for members of both. I picked up a PPK/S at the funshow yesterday to carry when I'm not carrying a real gun. I figured I could throw together a pocket rig for it...all in all, this took about an hour. Whaddaya think? (Really sorry for...
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    My, look at all the new members

    Quite an influx of very proliferate posters here in L&P lately. Not really a big surprise, but this is a little earlier in the election cycle than normal. The Dean contingent was probably the most fun, especially when they were doing the "I really am a gun owner" bit. Usually about as subtle as...
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    Dan Wesson CBOB Review (Pics)

    I just realized that I didn't post this at my original online home...apologies to those who have seen this elsewhere. At the 1999 SHOT show, I visited with Ed Brown while he was introducing his Bobtail treatment on some of his custom guns. I’ve always been a fan of the feel of a 1911, but the...
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    Desert Eagle .50 IWB (Pics)

    So, as an exercise in the surreal...What do you guys think? Comments welcome!
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    A flash of sanity over at DU?

    Pro gun lefties do exist. Well, even a blind pig...
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    Help with media figure.

    I'm involved in a discourse with our local T.V. "Crime Buster." He publicly advocated gun registration recently as a means of fighting gun crime. I plagiarized a number of TFL posts in my response, but I believe I was successful in defending our position. He now asks for an alternative means...
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    New Rollmark Colt

    Okay, I have to admit, Colt might be back. I recently bought one of the new rollmark 1991s. I've spent the last 11 years badmouthing Colt in general, but they got it right this time. This is NOT the 1991 of the past 11 years. They should have called this the New Model 1911. It truly lives...
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    Remington 552 help

    I'm visiting my parents and dad has a 552 that fails to extract. It leaves the case stuck in the chamber. The extractor hook doesn't make it over the rim. This is probably because the gun is excessively dirty. When I was younger, I shot this gun to death and never cleaned it properly...
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    Thanks for the .45 Colt help.

    I finally settled on Unique since I have so much of it. 9.8 gr. gave me the best groups overall. The bullet is cast wheelweights from a Lee .452 255gr. mold. 8.6 grains of Unique was also quite accurate and a lot of fun to shoot. Here's my two best 6 shot groups at 25 yards, the top being...
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    Rogue's Gallery: Let's see your pics!

    Sam, if that's you in my October issue of S.W.A.T., you look exactly like I figured you would. (That's a good thing.) Got me to wondering what the rest of you critters look like. I know this has been done before, but it was a long time ago and most of the old links are dead. Let's try again...
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    Silma shotgun?

    I've noticed that Academy sporting goods offers what appears to be a quality over and under shotgun made by an Italian company called Silma. The price is under $600. Does anyone have any experience with this company or their shotguns?
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    Hey Rich, I did a search and found nada on this: Could we start posting "Get Together/TFL Gathering" threads in General Discussion? It would give the Live Fire section back to the live fire posts and also give the Gathering threads a lot more traffic. I think you'd see an increase in...
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    Unique in .45 Colt

    I've settled on a load of 8.9 grains of Unique for milder fun loads. I can't find the max load listing for 255 gr cast lead with standard primers. Alliant's page is up, but their "technical info" page is down. My manuals are all I'm shooting a stainless Blackhawk. What's...
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    Sizing bullets

    Let's say that I don't resize my (.45 Cal 255 Gr.) water quenched, self-cast lead lead bullets: How bad of a thing is that?
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    CZ 97 price check

    Okay...okay...I'm convinced. I'm getting one. How much should I be looking at paying?