Search results

  1. T

    Need help: .45 Colt Hot n' Mild

    Digging this one back up because I just found an immaculate stainless blackhawk for $250. :D Did a search and couldn't find exactly what i need. Weshoot...or anybody that wants to answer... I'm probably gonna use Bullseye. Gonna shoot straight wheelweights out of a (hopefully) .452 cal 255...
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    Emerson failure.

    I have an Emerson CQC-7 that I like a lot. Today, I found that VERY light pressure on the spine of the blade when locked open defeats the lock and closes the blade! All screws are all tight and the liner lock comes over on the base of the blade to where it always has. Pressure on the back...
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    Armed strangers: Good or bad?

    This thread is an offshoot of another. In that thread, many of our stalwarts make it plain that they do not like the idea of "people [they] don't know" with guns. This one seems to be a poser for quite a few folks, and I...
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    Who's your favorite member?

    And why? I did a search and couldn't find a thread on this, though I'm sure some have veered into the topic. My favorites are: Dennis-Always thought provoking, even on issues i don't agree with him on. Tamara-Common sense, a good command of the language and a sharp toungue combine for great...
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    Ultra-Slim grip panels for 1911

    I'm about to order some of these (the Chip McCormick ones) for an Officer's ACP sized pistol. Has anyone else installed these? I know they use different bushings. Any difficulty or is it "a little Loc-tite and done" kind of thing? Does anyone know of a cheaper source than Cheaper than Dirt...
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    More tripe from HELLKNIGHTT

    So I started a "discussion" with the guy referenced here: Just got this from everyone's favorite WebTV user. Let's not let this thread deteriorate. Here's his email addy if anyone else wants to play:
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    Mall Ninja has a Website!!

    This is the funniest site I've seen in awhile. And it IS (marginally) gun related. I seriously fell to the floor laughing.
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    Are those loaded rifles guarding our airports?

    During Desert Storm (actually Shield) I spent my time doing guard duty with an unloaded weapon. I've known of other situations where soldiers were in harm's way sans ammo. Does anyone know if the troops in our airports have live ammo? Not commenting on whether or not I like seeing them there.
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    Rosie loves Bush?

    Matt Drudge is reporting currently that he has a developing story that Rosie is changing her stance regarding our President. The headline is "I love Bush"...attributed to Rosie. So many jokes... :D :D
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    Hoorah for Foxnews

    Check it out...on their homepage nonetheless: Gun control advocates used to claim that more guns meant more crime. Research demonstrated, though, that more guns meant less crime. As the criminology argument faded, gun control advocates began arguing guns were a public...
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    Shall-Issue CCW states

    Currently, is only listing 30 states as "shall issue." Is this correct? I thought there were more.
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    I want to schedule a get together for TFLers around my parts, but I'm afraid a lot of folks don't check out the "Lock and Load" section often. Any suggestions? I don't want to post in the wrong section.
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    Dallas, Texas

    How many of us are in the Dallas area? Seems like quite a few. Maybe we should get together. Anyone?
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    Texas CCW wait

    It took mine almost two months, but that was awhile back. My friend just sent her packet today and wants to know when she'll have her permit. They told her 60 days. Has anyone recieved their concealed handgun license in Tejas lately? How long did it take?
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    Thank you, WAGCEVP...

    for all your pro RKBA efforts here at TFL (and elsewhere, I'm sure). A lot of us talk the talk, but with your research, email addresses, articles, etc. you really make it easier for us to walk the walk. Just thought it needed to be said.
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    Hillary gets hers

    Matt Drudge is here for us again: You might have to copy and paste this link. Scathing denouncement of the Clintons in liberal newspaper.
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    Need opinions: Griffon 1911

    Please help... I was just offered one of these for a fairly good price. (3 and a half.) Any opinions? I believe it's from a S. African manufacturer, but I don't know who.
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    Beretta Elite II 96 question

    I bought one used when a customer brought it in on trade at the gun store I used to work at. Owner always gave employees cost on any purchase, so I got a GREAT deal on it. I loved that gun as a shooter, but couldn't justify keeping it at the time. I sold the darn thing and now I miss it. I...
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    Isreali house guns

    I've heard a lot about this subject from different "experts," from people claiming that every household is issued a Galil to those who say that most homes lack firearms. Does anyone know for sure what government firearms the average Isreali home contains, if any? The subject might come up in...
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    Jeff Cooper's Commentaries

    I was playing around the 'net just now and remembered that I hadn't checked in on ol' Col. Cooper lately. I did a search for his Commentaries and guess what I found? Did I miss something? Is Jeff Cooper somehow associated with TFL's...