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    Leaving the country?

    Sometimes I love Fox news... This is funny: NEW YORK — Reports of Alec Baldwin's departure have been greatly exaggerated. The actor has had a line of people waiting to serve him crow (or a plane ticket) since he reportedly...
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    Membership of MMM?

    Does anyone know the figures...? Are they that organized?
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    Need quick help...

    Arguing with an anti Bush co-worker whose main point seems to be "Bush can't even pick a cabinet member without problems." Does anyone have any archived info concerning some of Klinton's problem picks?
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    Kennesaw, Ga.

    I have a vaguely anti-gun friend who lives in Kennesaw. Can anyone tell me what penalties she might be subject to as a homeowner without a firearm? Actually, she lives in an apartment. I haven't read the exact verbiage of the ordinance(not ordnance, heheheh) so I don't know. Any help?
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    Mak, Mak, Mak...

    all you guys ever talk! Okay, I'll admit it: Truly great gun. Trigger could definitely use some help, though. Does anyone have a resourse (preferably online) for tuning up the trigger?
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    Best gun game...

    I've seen so far has to be counterstrike. I just bought it. It looks like a pretty good tactical sim. I searched TFL and found a couple of threads already. Anyone feel like sending me some pointers? Maybe help me connect for a game? I would really appreciate it. Unreal Tournament's a lot...
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    Guys...I posted a topic: Kindred spitits in TX... in the wheelguns forum. Could someone send that over to the general handguns forum for me? I figure reposting it would be the wrong thing to do.
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    Kindred Spirits in TX...

    Hey everyone...I just moved to the Dallas,-Ft. Worth area not too terribly long ago. I lived in Ga for awhile and, as you know, when you live somewhere for a long time you develop a kind of shooting support structure. Anyway, I'm here now and really don't have a whole lot of folks to shoot...
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    Let's say, as was suggested in another thread, that I went out and purchased a genuine Class 3 M-16, then sued to recoup my lost transfer tax on Second Ammendment grounds. Or better, have someone from a "no class 3 weapons" state do it. Would it ever reach the Supreme Court? Would the NRA...
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    Shiner Bock

    I need help. My shooting buddy doesn't believe that you can purchase Shiner anywhere outside the State of Texas. Can anyone help me out here. "Notes from all over" would be appreciated...
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    Franklin's of Athens

    Anybody here ever shop at Franklin's Sports in Athens, Ga? I used to work there and I was just wondering how the place is getting along...
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    Good quotations...

    Everyone...I'm putting together a list of "quotable quotes" concerning firearms ownership and personal liberties in general. I've found a few, but I know that you've all got a few of your own favorites. I'd appreciate any that you'd care to share. Thanks...
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    Great Web Page!

    Check out this page! If any of you guys loved G.I. Joe as a kid, try to imagine a Joe with absolutely correct weaponry, gear, etc. I'm talking MP-5s with surefire lights and b-square mounts. Check out the photo gallery, especially the infamous "Elian Gonzales" picture recreation...
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    CCW reciprocity between GA and Tx

    I have a Press advisory from the Attorney General of Ga dated 9/11/1998 that states that my Ga CCW permit is good in Tejas. Can anyone verify this? Also, any of my old friends from Frankilin's gunstore give me a holler. ------------------ Ronnie
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    CCW reciprocity between GA and Tx

    I have a Press advisory from the Attorney General of Ga dated 9/11/1998 that states that my Ga CCW permit is good in Tejas. Can anyone verify this? Also, any of my old friends from Frankilin's gunstore give me a holler. ------------------ Ronnie