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    National Microstamping Law

    You just knew it had to happen, right? One of the YouTube channels I subscribe to (TheGunCollective) has a new video (Firing Pin Microstamping Law? - The Legal Brief!) House Bill 3458 This is a national Microstamping bill. It most likely will go nowhere. But is...
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    Domestic Violence Convictions in the 10th Circuit

    U.S. v. Pauler (16-3070) decided and published on May 23, 2017. In 2014, Aleaxander Pauler was indicted and subsequently convicted for violating 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9) by possessing a firearm after having previously been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence. The difference...
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    Idaho becomes the 8th State for "Constitutional Carry"

    I wasn't going to say anything about this, mostly because I didn't want to "jinx" anything. Last year we had a bill before our legislatures that would have given us permitless concealed carry. The bill went into committee, never to be seen again. This year, a slightly modified bill was...
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    New Idaho Firearms Laws

    With Senate Bill S1254 (Campus Carry) becoming law on the 12th, another Firearms related bill has just passed both houses and is before the Governor. This bill is a slightly different twist on State nullification laws. It makes it a crime for a State Actor to assist in confiscations by the Feds...
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    Dearth v. Holder

    Recap quit working when I upgraded to the latest version (27.0) of Firefox. So I have to do this manually... Going to have to see if I can return to the previous working version! As you may recall, this case is about a US citizen who is living in another country (Canada) and is opposing the...
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    Silvester v. Harris - CA 10 Day Waiting Period

    After two years, there is finally something to report. As Librarian reported (in the 2A Current Cases thread), the CA DOJ has lost it's bid in a Motion for Summary Judgment. Using the newly implemented standard in the 9th Circuit (Choven, a case in which the 9th Circuit adopted the two step...
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    Reflections on the L&CR Forum

    We are rapidly approaching the 5 year mark, when this, the Law & Civil Rights forum, opened to the public on TFL. Even though this opening post will be rather long, if you decide to comment, you would be well advised to read this whole post. OK, so its time for reflection. A little over 6...
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    Warning! Beware of Malicious PM's

    Earlier this evening, several staff members received a PM from a new member. When clicking on the PM, a popup appeared and asked for a login. TFL does not use popups in this manner. Since you are at your msg list, you must already be logged in!!! Simply close that window (or tab) and...
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    Another Friend Has Left This World

    Six years ago today, hogdogs joined our community, here at TFL. Not quite a year ago, we asked him to moderate the Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum. A simple country boy, whose passion for hunting and a life with rifles and shotguns, immediately endeared him to some of us. Yet his (most...
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    Another Friend Has Left This World

    Six years ago today, hogdogs joined our community, here at TFL. Not quite a year ago, we asked him to moderate the Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum. A simple country boy, whose passion for hunting and a life with rifles and shotguns, immediately endeared him to some of us. Yet his (most...
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    Another Friend Has Left This World

    Six years ago today, hogdogs joined our community, here at TFL. Not quite a year ago, we asked him to moderate the Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum. A simple country boy, whose passion for hunting and a life with rifles and shotguns, immediately endeared him to some of us. Yet his (most...
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    Palmer v. D.C.

    Concerning the long overdue adjudication of the Palmer (carry in DC) case, just yesterday, Alan Gura filed a Motion To Expedite. The docket has been updated and the motion (doc #44) and memorandum in support (doc #44.1) have been made available. This case was filed back on Aug. 6, 2009 and was...
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    Idaho: Morris v. US Army Corps of Engineers

    As we should all be aware, the US Forest Service and the BLM regulate firearms in accordance with State Law (in whatever State that land falls within). We also know that the US Park Service can no longer prohibit firearms, and now goes along with the laws of the State which the Park finds itself...
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    NYSRPA v. Cuomo

    There is a lot of movement in Case #80, New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, Inc. et al v. Cuomo et al. This was the NRA sponsored case filed on March 21st. I honestly hadn't expected to see what I did, today, when I logged onto PACER. On April 11th, a First Amended Complaint was filed...
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    Lawsuit against Connecticut filed

    Well, that didn't take long: Lawsuit Filed in Connecticut U.S. District Court (full press release available there). Here is the official filed complaint. PACER does not yet have the case listed. I will RECAP it when it becomes available.
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    Brady Campaign and Reality

    Did you all feel it? There is a twitch in the Universe last Thursday. A bit of what we term, Reality, blinked! The Brady Group has filed a lawsuit against the City of Nelson, Georgia for its recent enactment of a town ordinance that requires all "Heads of Households" to have a gun. They seem to...
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    55 (updated) Colorado Sheriffs File Against The State

    There are 64 Counties in Colorado. Yesterday, Friday May 17th, 54 of Colorado's Sheriffs (along with several other plaintiffs) filed a lawsuit in the US Federal District Court for Colorado. The suit seeks to enjoin the State from enforcing HB 1224 (13-1225) and HB 1229 (13-1229), on 2A and 14A...
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    Idaho Legislature Acts Up!

    I wasn't going to mention any of this, but the latest theatrics by two reps in the Idaho House, make this worth the effort. There were severl bills in the legislature that involve firearms. So let me list them as they are numbered and what has happened to them. House Bill 183 amends a portion...
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    Bad Plaintiff, but Good Law

    To Quote from Pp. 13 and 14 of the recent opinion, U.S. v. Black (CA4), Reversed and Vacated: This is the 4th circuit agreeing with the 10th circuit (and a NM Federal District Court) that openly carrying a firearm, in those States that this is permitted, is not grounds for a reasonable and...
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    It's Time to Choose a Side

    We all should be very aware of the political climate within the U.S. right now. The gun issue, while cooler heads appear to be gaining traction within the U.S. Congress, is still an abnormally hot issue. It appears that while those in Congress are cooling off, those in the various State Houses...