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  1. S

    Two Examples

    In the actions of two men during recent mass shooting events we saw two diametrically opposite courses of action based on what seem like 2 competing schools of thought. At Parkland, Deputy Scott Peterson assumed a defensive posture in a tactically secure area where his back and flanks weren’t...
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    Strange but practical question

    I had an incident recently where an object (2 "horse pills" actually) became lodged in my throat and nobody was present to help me. Fortunately I was able to cough them out on my own, but it was a close call. My question is whether discharging an air pistol into one's mouth (sucking the...
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    Best trunk rifle

    What is the best category of “trunk gun” and why? Offhand I’m thinking about comparing a Scout-type rifle, the semi-auto patrol carbines like the AR and surplus military weapons like the SKS. Which would you rather have available in a SHTF situation like the one some motorists wound up...
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    Anti-depressants and mass shootings

    This was a huge front and center issue around mass shootings in the ‘80’s and 90’s, as the generally dead perpetrators were commonly found to have been on these mind and mood altering drugs. However I can’t recall a single case in the last 10 yrs except possibly Sandy Hook where the mass...
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    Payments on out of state firearms purchases

    How do you safely pay an out of state seller you don’t know for a firearm? I don’t like the idea of blindly sending certified funds to someone and hoping the hardware shows up as promised at my local gun store. Is there an escrow service that handles transactions like this? Are there other...
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    Barret M95 recoil

    I’m trying to get an accurate picture of the felt recoil of this .50 BMG bolt action rifle but can’t find any empirical data online, even on Barrett’s website. Does anyone know the free recoil energy in ft/lbs, and recoil velocity in fps, after the mitigating effects of the muzzle break and...
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    Help request: Glock 19 Gen 4 dimensions

    I am interested in the Glock 19 Gen 4, w the double recoil spring and adjustable grip. I would like to know if the rail mounted laser on my Gen 3 Glock will fit securely on the Gen 4. Does anyone here have access to both the Gen 4 G19 and a caliper? If so, I would MUCH appreciate if you...
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    Ammo makers: playing both sides?

    I recently saw an article detailing how the Dept. of Homeland security is buying 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammo. Other Federal, state and municipal bureaus and agencies, including many from...
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    Why does anyone NEED to own an assault weapon anyway?

    The next time you hear someone (often a non-shooter but not invariably so) posit this as a hypothetical, it might be a good idea to take them up on their "offer". There are many sound empirical reasons why an AR-15, the most prevalent of the so-called "assault-style" weapons these questioners...
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    Webb case: Any difference between US and the 3rd world?

    So Jim Webb's aide walked on charges he illegally entered the Capital with a concealed handgun due to "lack of probable cause" (link below). Does anyone doubt what would happen if any of us had been in the same circumstances? Should we call US Attorney Jeff Taylor and "thank" him for...
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    Accurize an SKS?

    I have been toying with the idea of mounting an Eotech or other type of optical site on an SKS of mine. However (being an SKS) it isn't exactly what you'd call a tack driver, esp. with Chinese or Russian ammo. I like the sighting advantages (esp. speed) I could potentially get from an optical...
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    Edged weapons vs firearms

    I know that many police officers carry a knife along with their duty and backup firearms, as do many armed civilians (probably for some of the same tactical reasons). Which leads me to ask: Is defending ones self or loved ones with a knife or other edged weapon any more or less permissable...
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    Kel Tek Su-16: Military grade?

    I've been intrigued by the handy little Su-16 in 5.56 from Kel Tek since it came out. Now they have a Bravo version complete with Picatinny rails and an underfolder stock that doesn't prevent firing when folded (NOT that you'd deliberately fire from that position but it could happen). I seem...
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    Black talon and legal liability

    I have been carrying Black Talon in my CCW gun for years and thankfully have never had to fire any in defense of life and limb. However I've sometimes wondered if the fact that Winchester withdrew it from the market could create a legal liability. Specifically, could an attorney convincingly...
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    Guns for teachers- an idea who's time has come?

    The Israelis have been doing this for years, so it should make sense for US teachers. Does this sound like the "Arm the pilots" calls to you, which resonated so well after 9/11? I'm hoping this has the potential to trap the anti's beteen a rock and a hard place. My only question is, what...
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    Best soft body armor?

    Since law-abiding citizens can and do get in harm's way, what is the best current level III soft body armor in terms of "wearability"? I think I'm talking about a vest that is light, doesn't build up too much heat, restrict your range of motion, in short one that you might even forget you have...
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    Ideal trunk rifle?

    The recent courthouse shooting in TX has reinforced my sense that a good accessable long gun, aka a trunk rifle, is more of a need that a want. What rifle do you think has the right balance of qualities to ideally fill that role? The qualities that are desirable in a trunk rifle are...
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    "Right to shoot" states and ex-spouses

    I live in Indiana where the law states that anyone who breaks and enters a home, especially an occupied home, is PRESUMED to represent a to life and limb and thus lethal force may be employed by the homeowner basically carte blanche without fear of prosecution. Florida is trying to get the...
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    FOP still anti-gun?

    I remember the NRA used to warn us about Dewey Stokes and FOP, which always seemed to turn up to support Sarah Brady and Clinton on the next new "safety" measure to restrict gun rights. Fast forward to today, no more Dewey. Is FOB still in the Brady Campaign's pocket? Whenever they call me...
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    Obscure but interesting question...

    Here's a link about the ak-107 and ak-108, which both utilize a unique "balanced automatic operation" system: . Does anyone here know of any OTHER countries or designers who experimented with this novel approach to recoil reduction?