Search results

  1. M

    Colt Official Police - Commando model

    Picked up one of these today, in Good to VG condition, for $300. I know the Commando was a wartime model, starting with Serial number 1 in 1942. Mine is in the low 3900's. Anyone know when it was made, and when they stopped making them?
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    Approximate age of S&W 19

    I just bought this, LNIB. Blue, 6", adjustable sights, serial no. 7K40XXX, model 19-3. How old is it, and is there anything I should know before shooting it?
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    Sistema Colt 1927 and McCormick magazines

    I just got home with a new toy, a 1927 Colt Sistema, and amazingly enough, just caught the UPS guy with my Natchez order, which included thre Chip McCormick Shooting Star magazines. I'm playing with the new gun (very nice, and only $300!), and I try to slip in one of the new magazines... It is...
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    Australian military gearing up for...? Interesting stuff. Sounds like a perfect military setup for keeping down a bunch of rebellious rapscallions, though I doubt it's anything so sinister.
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    Source for Falco leather?

    I wish to purchase a Falco shoulder rig (CZ-75) for a friend as a Christmas present, but's store is closed until the end of December. Any other sources?
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    IE 5.5 and cookies

    I recently upgraded to IE 5.5, and now my last login cookies are reset anytime I open another link within a post. When I come back to the forums menu page, it shows that there are no new posts since my last visit. Not a big deal, especially if you're going to new software, but kind of a pain...
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    You're all registered to vote, right? RIGHT?!

    If you're not, it may already be too late. If you don't vote, you suck and deserve whatever bloated, tyrannical government you get, and a bitch-slap from the rest of us, too. GO TO WWW.ELECTION.COM ! DO IT NOW! You can print out pre-filled registration forms there for mailing or drop-off at...
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    CZ75 - 1985 v. new production

    I've decided to get myself a CZ75, but I have some options and some questions. I found a new, unfired 1985 (or so says the owner) model for only a pittance more than I can get one of the military overrun types. The 85 has two full-capacity magazines, box, and manual. The new one comes with...
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    Objective Individual Combat Weapon enters PDRR

    I want one! For hunting deer, of course ;). 9 August 2000 The US Army's next generation personal weapon, the Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW), has entered the next phase in its development. The US Army Armament, Research, Development...
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    S&W 6926

    Looking into the purchase of a used S&W 6926 for a friend. Any experience, caveats? What's a fair price for one in VG/EX condition?
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    Gun cabinets/lockers

    I'm in the market for a gun cabinet or locker. A safe is just too heavy and pricey for my needs right now. About all I've seen are the Stack-On brand (Midway has 'em for what looks like decent prices - $180 for an eight gun, $250 for a twelve, $300 for a sixteen). Anyone have any experince...
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    Taxpayer paid White House staffers assist Gore campaign

    Like it or not, you're helping pay for Gore's campaign... Taxpayer paid White House staffers assist Gore campaign WASHINGTON (AP) _ Top White House talent employed by the taxpayers is helping Democrat Al Gore write his campaign speeches, work up...
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    Denver students bused to gun control rally

    "Nearly a third of the crowd at SAFE Colorado's rally Wednesday were metro-area students who got the day off to see President Clinton up close." Since when is this education - attending an anti-freedom rally at MY expense! I don't care if SAFE paid for the gas and driver's salaries, this is...
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    Kathryn and Dr. Rob's first IDPA match

    I just got back home from the Front Range IDPA Owl Canyon match. Two scenario stages, one standards stage, and a rifle side match. For Kathryn and Dr. Rob, it was their first match ever, and both did astoundingly well! I was lucky enough to be Safety Officer for their squad, and it really...
  15. M

    Browning M1895 lever action

    I've a friend who's interested in this rifle, and I want to know more about it. I understand it was chambered in .348, .30-06, and .270. How many are out there? What are they worth? Pros/cons?
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    Mossberg 590 last round feeding problem

    I've a few week old Mossy 590 that doesn't always feed the last round out of the tube properly. The shell doesn't jump out of the tube when the elevator drops, but when the elevator rises and the bolt goes forward it does - right out onto the ground by my feet. The cartridge stop seems to be...
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    Sorce for general shotgun/shotshell info?

    Thanks to Coinneach, I've been bitten by the scattergun bug, and have tons of questions. I've been unable to find a good source for answers to things like what the difference is between upland game shells and target shells, what the exact size of each size of shot is, and what the hell is a...
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    Going to an auction - help on pricing

    I'm off to an estate auction this weekend. A rural farmer has passed and nobody wanted his guns. What can anyone give me regarding the fair value of the following firearms (these are from the ad, so the descriptions may not be accurate): Remington 870 Ruger 77, .223 w/scope Remington Mark...
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    Majority Whip Tom DeLay and the Gun Owners' Task Force

    I got a call this morning from a Stephanie Kubric representing Tom DeLay's office and the Gun Owners' Task Force. She played a recorded message from DeLay that sounded pretty good, then asked me to become a charter member for $150. I asked for more information on what the money was used for...
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    Democrats to flaunt unconstitutional rule

    From the Independence Institute edition of Capitol Watch. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>House Democratic Whip David Bonior (D-MI) has confirmed that, should Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives, they will reinstate the patently...