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  1. M

    Bridgeport, CT sues gunmakers

    <a href="">Here's</a> the story.
  2. M

    Atlanta gun suit blockade

    <a href="">The Independence Institute</a> has a good story. This is more good news! [This message has been edited by Morgan (edited 01-27-99).]
  3. M

    Great site, especially for Kalifornians

    <a href="">The Real Mench/Weekly Antagonist</a> is funny and interesting. Has good commentary, quotes, and humorous/political slang of the day. California based, but good for all. P.S. Scandinavian - thanks for the quick HTML lesson!
  4. M

    SHOT Show moving due to Atlanta gun suit

    Here's the scoop -
  5. M

    "Smart" gun technology - Beretta's position
  6. M

    Online real-time gun debate tonight!

    Tonight at 5pm Pacific time - go to for details. You have to have RealPlayer, but it comes with most browsers. HCI, Second Amendment Foundation, NRA, some anti mayor, etc., will be in the debate. [This message has been edited by Morgan (edited...
  7. M

    Forbes magazine - Thomas Sowell

    Forbes magazine has an editorial by Thomas Sowell (I've always liked this guy) that you may find interesting. Try . He's eloquent and I usually agree with his opinions.
  8. M

    SKS - slamfires and other stuff

    Okay, guys. I'm open to all sorts of suggestions, and SKS has been suggested. What's up with the slamfires? Just how common are they? What causes them? Anything else I should know about the SKS before I go looking?
  9. M

    Mini-14 or Mini-30

    I've decided against the MAS - looks like more aggravation than I want to deal with at this time. I'm seriously considering a Mini, but which one? I'm leaning towards the Mini-14 Ranch. Advice? Comments?
  10. M

    Another WSJ article

    I've got another good WSJ article. E-mail me if you'd like a copy. I think I got everyone who requested the last few, but I apologize if I missed anyone.
  11. M

    New (old) rifle - MAS 49/56?

    I'm looking into purchasing my first (real, as in not .22LR) rifle, and I'm intrigued by the subject rifle. I've got questions, and could use any useful advice. First I should say what I want it for - plinking, hunting (any kind of deer, elk), and ranch/home defense. I don't want to spend...
  12. M

    FIST holster test

    Jim Murnak, president of FIST holsters, has asked me to test one of his holsters for him. He asked only for my honest opinion, and you Firing Line guys are scooping him! The holster is a #12 (his basic strong side hip pancake model), with the optional body protector tab. Normal cost is...
  13. M

    WSJ article... Want it?

    Today's Wall Street Journal has a lengthy and interesting article on the suits currently being brought against gun manufacturers by some cities. You're supposed to be a member to see it, but I've found it e-mails okay. If you want it, e-mail me.
  14. M

    Beretta 84F slide lockback problems

    I've an 84F that, after less than 500 rounds, stopped locking back the slide when the last round was fired. Took it to a local smith, who did a bit of work on the slide. Now it usually locks back on the last round, but not quite all the time. It also now occasionally locks back when there's...
  15. M

    Liberal media swinging to the right?

    I've seen many smaller news outlets outraged at Clinton's smugness and evasive nature, but not one of the major nationals. Look at . With the traditionally leftish media characterizing Clinton this way, maybe some of the "I...
  16. M

    Kydex vs. Leather

    I've never used a Kydex holster - anyone with experience with both leather and Kydex who can give me the scoop?
  17. M

    One rare steak? That'll be $211.94...

    Take a look... It'd be funny if it weren't so scary.
  18. M

    GREAT web site/policy/thinktank

    I found something great this morning - check this out: Very well written, well researched, and well documented. I'm going to e-mail it too all of my elected wardens, and join the group, too. I know it is Colorado specific, but most of the ideas are...
  19. M

    Looking for lawyers and expert witnesses

    Are there any lawyers present? Any of you know any good pro-2nd Amendment lawyers? How about any of the instructors who would be willing to provide expert testimony in a civil or criminal self defense shooting case? If you know of anyone please post their name, city and phone number. God...