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  1. M

    Declaration of Noncompliance

    Double post. Ooops. [This message has been edited by Morgan (edited May 17, 1999).]
  2. M

    Declaration of Noncompliance

    J.D. Tuccille of's Civil Liberties page has written a very good piece, the <a href="">Declaration of Noncompliance</a>. It probably looks familiar to anyone who's seen FOUP. Here's a sample: <BLOCKQUOTE><font...
  3. M

    Colt's Smart Gun - WSJ (long)

    I would never have one, especially a "fingerprint identification" one per S&W, but here's an interisting article: May 12, 1999 Personal Weapon: How a Gun Company Tries to Propel Itself Into Computer Age By PAUL M. BARRETT and VANESSA O'CONNELL Staff Reporters of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL...
  4. M

    Forgive me, members, for I have sinned...

    But I'm in good company! Hunter S. Thompson (gonzo journalist and wonderfully whacko gentleman) speaking to the New York Post, on his support of President Clinton: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> of my greatest tactical errors in politics... I don't...
  5. M

    Making Major in IPSC & Advice for Clueless Newbie

    I'm finally going to try some gungames! I'm pretty excited about it, too, since I'm not racing bikes this year :(. Friday I'll run through the IDPA qualifier to be ranked for a match on Saturday the 22nd. Colorado Championships are in July, and I want to shoot as many matches as I can before...
  6. M

    Safer Liquor Stores

    From today's Real Mensch: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We need more petite, attractive women blowing more large ugly holes in the predators of their choice. We need less gun control and more controlled shooting. We need more dead assailants and less dead...
  7. M

    Responsibility/Absurdity (long)

    If only more people thought about issues, instead of feeling, we'd see more of this (from Whitespace by Tom White, shamelessly stolen from The Real Mensch): What will it take to make people realize that everyone must be held fully responsible for their own actions, no-one else's, if we are to...
  8. M

    NRA meeting Saturday 1 May

    I'll be there. Seems a bunch of anti-self defense activists have been recruiting protesters from local high schools, so it should be interesting. I've 40 or so nicely printed copies of Jeff Snyder's "A Nation of Cowards" which I intend to give to anyone who I think will actually read it. I'll...
  9. M

    James Madison

    From The Real Mensch, <a href="">Madison on Littleton.</a> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> There are two methods of curing the mischiefs of faction: the one by removing its causes; the other by controlling its...
  10. M

    School Attack May Bring Changes In Police Tactics

    According to a <a href="">N.Y. Times article,</a> the Colorado teams did exactly as they were trained. The trouble was that they'd never trained for a situation like this. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana...
  11. M

    School Shooting Turns Deadly... For the Shooter

    Good piece in The Real Mensch's <a href="">Literary Mayhem</a> column.
  12. M - Civil libeties

    This guy's great. <a href="">Littleton Feeds the Creeps' Frenzy.</a> and <a href="">Massacres and Hot Air.</a> His sense of outrage and...
  13. M

    Colorado gun bills tabled

    From AP: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Also Wednesday, the shootings at Columbine High School led two Colorado state lawmakers to withdraw gun proposals from the current legislative calendar. One measure, by Republican state Rep. Gary McPherson, would let...
  14. M

    Denver shooting: How, Why, What Now?

    Well, I'm SOOOOO glad Owens is Governor now, having barely won in last year's elections. He seems to be giving a voice of reason to the GUN GUN GUN clamor, and giving me hope that the current pro-gun bills in consideration will still pass. I agree with the bent Owens is taking, that the...
  15. M

    Wall Street Journal: Guns and the Constitution

    Recent editorial from the <a href="">Wall Street Journal.</a>
  16. M

    Household Uses for Plastic Explosives

    For the full (tongue in cheek) story, go to <a href="">The Real Mensch.</a> I especially like the bit about pest control :).
  17. M

    Gun owners sue over targets with human images

    The PC Plod strikes again: Gun Owners Sue Over Restrictions BOSTON (AP) -- Gun club patrons have gone to court for the right to shoot at images of Adolf Hitler and other people during target practice, which is banned at some clubs by a new state law. "It is the first time in United States...
  18. M

    List of large Anti Prop. B donations

    Shamelessly stolen from <a href="">The Earp Institute.</a> The Following Information was compiled by Missourians Against Crime: The following Companies have provided financial opposition to Prop. B, in the form of cash donations...
  19. M

    Great website on Kosovo War

    Someone (I forget who, but thank you!) posted a page from , which led me to their <a href="">Kosovo Crisis Page</a>, by far the best source of unbiased news and commentary I've found. Enjoy!
  20. M

    Hallmark anti-self defense

    I've checked this out - it's true!!! <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>GUN OWNERS NEED TO DELIVER A BIG SLAP IN THE FACE TO HALLMARK CARDS, RIGHT NOW! Hallmark Cards ( is one of the largest contributors ($25,000) to a Missouri antigun group...