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  1. M

    Dumbest NON POLITICAL celebrity quote about firearms

    I couldn't help but post this from Foxnews talking to the actress in the new GI Joe. "Adrianne Palicki Lady Jaye is a weapons expert. Do you have a favorite gun? An AK is kind of great, but I like the Glock. It’s simple because it’s easy to change the cartridge, so you look like the biggest...
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    New fiction by a Shooter for Shooters.

    For those who haven't already I recommend looking into Larry Correia's writing. His latest Monster Hunters book kicks off at of all places, The SHOT Show. Technically it is at a convention timed to coincide with SHOT and across the street. Larry's books, both the Monster Humter series and...
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    Facebook Ammunition for your Anti "Friends"

    I have a good sized family as friends in Facebook who are at the opposite end of the political spectrum than I. Where that comes into play here is on the 2A where most are Fudds. They have no problem with a deer rifle or trap gun (except for the total pacifist vegan) but handguns and anything...
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    Positive Firearms Depiction in Movie: Couples Retreat

    I saw this movie with the wife and was pleasantly surprised. Fairly early in the movie Vince Vaughn and his wife awake to hear someone messing with the glass door to their home. Vaughn grabs a Ruger autopistol from one of the lockboxes with the hand shaped key pad before going downstairs to...
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    For those who claim the NRA does not support Democrats.

    Well it looks like NY has a new senator. Patterson has by all accounts chosen Kristen Gillibrand to replace Clinton as the junior senator from NY. Of course she is a Democrat, Paterson is...
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    Let's try to be constructive now... Happy Birthday Bill of Rights!

    Happy 217th birthday, Bill of Rights ... Now instead of descending into the meaningless diatribe which closed the other thread which started this let's be constructive! If you have problems with the way the Gov't is following the BoR then what are you doing to fix it outside of ranting online...
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    Woman sues Sheriff over CCW revocation

    This is an interesting article and I think we talked about the sheriff being forced to return the CCW back in September. Now we see there have been lasting consequences to the sheriff"s actions.,2933,457367,00.html It is pretty clear the sheriff was in the wrong...
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    Hog the size of a Shetland Pony traaps woman in home.

    This is just too funny...,2933,426272,00.html An aggressive several hundred pound hog which has gone feral attacks a woman, traps her in her home, and the gov't is scratching its head in rural Australia to figure out how to handle the situation. Oh, and they...
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    Shooter of teens gave off unrecognized signs...

    Hopefully being about a shooting is firearms related enough. Again I see a shooter being painted as someone who "just snapped" when that is obviously far from the truth. This guy had big problems already and hopefully others will learn from some of these OBVIOUS danger signs... Bold type...
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    I just convinced an interested person NOT to try shooting...

    I hate this state (NY). My assistant came to me today and said her boyfriend and her were going to go find a range this weekend and try shooting for the first time. They wanted to rent some handguns and see how they liked it... I told them they could not. In NY you need to go through a...
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    Anybody else displeased with the trend in American Hangunner's Ayoob Files?

    FIRST: This is NOT an Ayoob bashing thread. There are plenty here who hate the guy for whatever reason they may have. That is NOT what this is about. I have long been a fan of The Ayoob Files in AH. I find them interesting and educational. I believe I am seeing a trend though and I don't...
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    Another Bulldozer attack in Isreal but stopped by an armed citizen. Another use of construction equipment in an attempt to kill people by a terrorist. It sounds like once again an armed Israeli civilian helped end an attack. I wonder how this will be edited here?
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    Ammo for the fight to have weapons in national parks! Bear Attack in Yellowstone

    Food was properly stored and the camper was asleep in his tent when the grizzly attacked. Amazing that he is still alive. Remember this story when discussing the ban on firearms in national parks.,2933,385645,00.html
  14. M

    Heller and Suffolk County, NY

    Many have looked at Heller as some sort of ultimate case which would sweep away all regulations, it is not. One thing it does do though is affirm the right to ownership AND THE RIGHT TO HAVE THE WEAPON READILY AVAILABLE IN ONE'S HOME. For a long time our friends at the Suffolk County PD have...
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    Heller SCOTUS Decision could come any time now...

    Today the SCOTUS handed down another decision on detainees. Decisions have been coming out every couple days and at any time this month one will come out for Heller on the 2A. Keep your eyes open, fingers crossed and let's see who will be first to post the decision!
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    Dumbest No Guns Sign Ever

    So I am travelling and enter one of the bars in Sea-Tac Airport in WA. Greeting me upon enterring the bar (well within the secure area) is a sign stating it is illegal to bring a firearm into the bar. I can't help but wonder what type of a problem they must have had before the sign...
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    Managers, customer all draw guns in West Palm Beach grocery Looks like the instigator had no permit. The managers were both armed although they did not fire. I am not keen on pursuing someone who has been was already shooting at me but luckily this ended...
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    What do you think of $650 for this trap gun?

    I have a selling price offered to me from a coworker who I trust not to intentionally deceive me. I also think he knows his stuff. I am looking for a trap gun and think this may be a good buy, what does everyone here think?
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    Dilema... Is there a shotty good for CAS and Trap?

    I have been shooting trap with an 870 that I picked up a used Wingmaster barrel for. It fits me horribly and needs the stock sized. I am thinking of getting a gun for trap this year, under $1,000 for certain, but would also like to one day get into Cowboy Action Shooting. Are there any...
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    Please do not carry ammunition to Russia in your luggage...

    MORON!!!,2933,351922,00.html Sorry but on this one I don't think the state dept. should lift a finger. I check all local laws before transporting guns and ammunition here, I can't imagine trying to bring ammo to Russia.