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  1. M

    10/9/06 Another School Shooting - No Injuries ... Student, 13, fires AK-47 in Missou,2933,218878,00.html Is it obvious to anyone else the loonies are feeding off each other? At least this kid walked out without killing anyone but if he had decided to do so as usual nobody could have stopped him. Isn't it obvious we need to do something about...
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    Anti Gun / School Rampage Book Pushed on School Kids

    The link is for the book "Give the boy a Gun" on I just had a lady in my office come in to tell me her 12 year old is being forced to read this trash...
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    My conversation with Wayne LaPierre at the CCW rally on Long Island

    I attended the Sportsmen’s’ Association for Firearm Education (SAFE) CCW meeting on Long Island over the weekend. This is the second time I have attended and turn out looked impressive to me. We filled an entire double sized ballroom at the Sheraton in Smithtown New York with every seat taken...
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    School Safety & Armed Defense

    By now we are all aware of the Bailey, CO school shootings. I am not posting to discuss how it was handled (although I agree with the sheriff's actions as far as I can tell) but this part of the story troubled me.,2933,216564,00.html Exactly WHAT did the...
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    Is Re-Enacting with Real Weapons a Violation of the Four Rules?

    Thos are the rules we all know and generally do not question. In another thread the isue of re-enacting has come up and I do not know if it has ever been addressed. I can't help but see that it is a violation of rules One and Two if conducted with real weapons. This is certain to draw flames...
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    Just returned from Switzerland

    For the last week I have been in Switzerland. Land of Chocolate, Fine Watches and ..... GUNS. I was there for work and time was limited but I did get to see some interesting things. For part of the time there I stayed in the old town of Aarberg, est 1220. Right next to my hotel (est. 1233)...
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    Gun Control Online Debate with Europeans The forum is one for a WWII computer game and the thread is one discussing gun control. It is interesting to see the input from the several Europeans. My latest thread on how the nany state mentality spurs on such foolish...
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    Trump's The Apprentice and Shotguns

    The Apprentice is one of the few shows I make a point of watching every week. Being in business I enjoy seeing how these people approach the tasks as well as watching the personal dynamics at work. On the Monday, March 13th, show the two teams had to do an event for auto dealers to showcase...
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    Wheeler Cerama-Coat for Firestar M-43 I will be picking up a Firestorm M-43 that I have on hold in two weeks. The gun is in great physical condition but the bluing is severly degraded from years of carry. Struck me as a gun with plenty of holster time but little range time. This...
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    HR1243 - National Reciprocity (All United States) You want concealed carry rights NATIONWIDE? DATE: Tuesday November, 8th ALL DAY (call when you can) WHO TO CALL: House Committee on the Judiciary. NUMBER: 1-202-225-3951 Please call and urge the committee to bring HR 1243...