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  1. M

    Vandalism over the weekend. To confront if I had the chance...

    The dog woke us up around 3AM Friday night. We have a 100# Rhodesian so when he is excited you will wake up. I checked out the house and saw nothing wrong and looked out the front window. Nothing seemed to be the matter and both cars were in the driveway apparently unmolested. My car had...
  2. M

    Unarmed vs. Armed and how the media treats them.

    I saw this story today:,0,6826282.story?coll=ny_home_rail_headlines I am glad Mr. Ferraro is alright and happy the criminal has been caught. I love how the media will hype cases like this but stories of citizens defending themselves...
  3. M

    One more for the "Things like that don't happen here" crowd.

    Home invasion with victims left to burn to death... This is firearms related in that an armed homeowner may have been able to prevent this but an unarmed one is probably doomed.,2933,290460,00.html
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    Pro Gun / Concealed Carry article on ... Air America!

    Yes, Air America. Sometimes it helps to listen to the other side. I have always been a fan of Lionel and have for years been in agreement with most of his statements. He is very anti Bush, in part because he is very Libertarian. On the 2A though he has been bang on spot for the 10+ years I...
  5. M

    Self Defense Perspective From Singapore

    I am at the end of a 10 day trip to Singapore for work. Everything that can be considerred a weapon down to a sharpenned chopstick is of course illegal here. Singapore has next to no crime though as they are ruthless in chasing it down and prosecuting it, strictly maintain there border, have...
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    Are you a vigilante and do you support vigilante justice?

    This is serious. There is a current post asking about whether one should use deadly force to prevent a person from setting a dog on fire. No threat to human life present. The addition of a cuddly animal drew responses far beyond that...
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    Saved a life and was fired. Wow, the guy responds to a shooting, gives first aid the the bleeding victim and because he took a shotgun with him to the response is fired for it.
  8. M

    Fake Cop Indicted on Multiple Charges

    This is obviously a bad dude and reason to be aware of cop impersonators. This guy had made his car up to appear as an unmarked cruiser. With his fake cruiser and bogus badge he made traffic stops and now it appears did far worse...
  9. M

    What handgun round for 400 pound gorillas?

    My 10mm 1911 is loaded with a mag of 135 grain JHPs that scream at 1600+ fps but then backed up by two mags of 200 grain XTP HPs at about 1200 fps. I just figure there are times when real deep penetration backed up by expansion may be key. Here would be the reason why...
  10. M

    ABC already has a Gun Control poll up regarding the VT shootings!!! If there was any doubt that the media would jump all over this it should be gone now. ABC has never been a friend of the 2A. If we can trounce this poll soundly then we can at least be certain it will not be used against us...
  11. M

    Webb Aide Arrested For Taking Gun Into Senate Building - merged threads,2933,261368,00.html Gotta love this one. You work for a US Senator. He gives you a bag at the airport to take to his office. You do and get arrested for it. I wonder if he knew what was in it? Best bet would be for his legal counsul to say "No, it was the...
  12. M

    FoxNews Article on 2A Web Presence,2933,260492,00.html I have reposted this because the title of the old thread was not properly descriptive and drew no attention. Of course this will never count since Fox News posted it... ignore that their ratings have destroyed CNN and other leftist news outlets.
  13. M

    Be certain who you are talking to...

    One more case of a cop impersonator. This is not far from my home and is one more reason I tell my wife to only pull over for marked police cars. In all other cases she is to call 911 on her cell and proceed to a local precinct or fire department where there always seems to be a couple police...
  14. M

    Question from the movie RONIN

    I know this movie has been mentioned from time to time. I think it is one of the better spy/gunfight movies out there and the chase seens were spectacular without being "Hollywood Impossible." I watched this film again the other day with the director's commentary. One thing that stuck with me...
  15. M

    New York Times at it again... and here is my letter to the editor...
  16. M

    Non-Res CCW Permits from other states NO GOOD in PA!!!

    It has long been accepted that people with NH non-res permits could carry in PA but I saw a blurb on PDO about that not being the case for FL permits issued to non-residents of FL. That got me to thinking so I went to the AG site and searched for the agreement with NH. Here is its link...
  17. M

    Murder Rates Up ... Blame Guns,2933,239244,00.html I like how they tie ILLEGAL GUNS to the INCREASE IN MURDER. Excuse me but are the laws on handguns suddenly less restrictive in places like NY and Chicago than they were in the 90s? I believe they are even tougher. Weren't those "Illegal...
  18. M

    Gun Confiscation in New Orleans Video

    I have already recieved the DVD after contributing $30. I had seen it before the general release though when Wayne LaPierre showed it at the NY SAFE meeting in October. The video is quite frankly shocking. I had seen may of these stories before, because I had...
  19. M

    Indiana Town Swears In D-List Celebrities as Cops So They Can Carry Guns for Reality

    LaToya Jackson, Osbourne and Estrada packing heat and enforcing the law... really. I don't know what to say.,2933,234977,00.html
  20. M

    Real Life High Speed Chase and Gunfight,0,6568715.story?coll=ny-linews-headlines I have been following this for some time. I actually graduated from the same highschool the victims and attackers went to, although a very long time ago. This is most certainly not a high crime...