Search results

  1. J

    Cato Institute Challenges Washington, DC Anti-Self Defense Laws

    Despite the incredibly ignorant step of calling Cato a "Second Amendment group" (thank goodness they're finally spending a little more time on the RKBA), and a regrettably foolish typo ("bare arms"? ... please), this news is good. Regards from TX,2933,71750,00.html
  2. J

    Another SWAT Success in the War on Some Drugs

    Not worth much comment ... knowing how this discussion will go. Just another example of how SWAT tactics continue to erode the image of the otherwise large number of quality, professional peace officers (remember that antiquated term?). I do always love it when the management takes heart that...
  3. J

    Great Places to Shoot in Dallas, TX / Texas Area?

    Friends, What suggestions can you provide for great places to shoot in the north Dallas, TX / Texas area? Interested in indoor ranges for handgun, as well as outdoor ranges for rifle and shotgun. [Did a search, but no cigar ... also, you can't search with just 2 letters, such as a state...
  4. J

    Saudi Broadcasts Promote Anti-Semitism, Martyrdom

    Friends, some of us have recently debated "Islamists", and the implications of radical muslims, the "War on Terror", etc. Some people are still reluctant to describe and recognize the real enemy here. Please read the article below. Now, perhaps Fox made all of this up. Perhaps this arab...
  5. J

    Well, I AM Headed for Texas!

    After many interviews, including a trip to corporate HQ in Florida, it turns out I will be headed for a new career in Dallas, Texas! I'll reread the thread we discussed some time back when I was considering this move, and I've done a search on various moving advice (I would really hate to have...
  6. J

    Lou Dobbs ... Con Juevos

    A rare bird indeed. A CNN reporter con juevos, logic and patriotism for his country. Rare indeed. And, Consider visiting (hold your nose ..), and send a note to CNN...
  7. J

    Whoa ... What Kind of Firearm?

    Friends ... please take a look at this link, and tell me what kind of automatic weapon this is ... look about 25% of the way down the page (captioned "A Pakistani soldier with a machine gun ..."). Most bizarre.
  8. J

    Texas ... How Good is it, Really?

    Friends, I may have a significant opportunity in Dallas, TX. Up until now, I've been a relatively happy Arizona boy. I was committed to staying in this state ... though, not literally. ;) However, the Phoenix area's economy has become schizophrenic. We have had a burgeoning population, more...
  9. J

    American Traitors?

    In spite of my best efforts, and even though I rarely find the word useful, I am having trouble not calling up the term "traitor". As I watch the inane American demonstrations supporting the Palestinians, even while recognizing the tiny minority these demonstrators represent, it seems to me...
  10. J

    The Psychology of Unlocked Doors ... and Anti-Gun

    I humbly solicit your advice and ideas about a psychological conundrum I've encountered before ... and saw again last evening. We had dinner with a business associate and his wife. Nice, sharp people ... both work, and both are highly educated. They enjoyed a stint in Malaysia, where, as my...
  11. J

    VPC 2002 Alexander Hamilton Second Amendment Student Writing Competition

    Oh, you're going to love this one ...: Sharpen those pencils now, and don't worry ... I'm sure this will be a fair and unbiased "competition". :rolleyes: Regards from AZ
  12. J

    Uncle Mike's Kydex Holsters - Good Quality?

    I've noted recently in Popular Outdoor a new Kydex holster made by Uncle Mike's ... for $16.99! It has always irritated me that the desirable Kydex holsters go for $50 to $60 each. These new entrants are injection molded, and that process supposedly accounts for the better price. Now, the...
  13. J

    Is it Time for Israel to Drive out the Palestinians?

    Another suicide bomber, today. Hamas / Hezbollah have declared total war on Israel. Now, I know this thread will eventually dissolve into a political and history discussion / lesson, and we'll get to retrace Jewish / Palestinian history. But, for the moment, I'm simply curious as to the...
  14. J

    Kmart ... Anyone Else Enjoying This?

    Now, don't get me wrong. I take no pleasure in people losing their jobs, or investors losing their investments. However, I strongly believe in the free market, I think that bad management deserves to be replaced, and I think that significant corporate stockholders deserve to lose money when...
  15. J

    Gun-free-zone Liability Act Of 2002

    Noted author and gun law expert Alan Korwin (see ) has kindly offered his expertise by penning some important proposed legislation in the great state of Arizona. Legislation such as this could save many lives, by exposing the murderous fraud of so-called "Gun Free Zones", and by...
  16. J

    Your Favorite Source for Magazines

    Please post your favorite sources for magazines ... especially full-capacity, pre-ban mags. I'll start it off: 1. KY Imports - good selection of all kinds of mag's: 2. DS Arms - great source of excellent, cheap FAL mag's, and a number of others...
  17. J

    Hamas ... are they in our communities?

    Just read about what Israel has experienced in the last 24 hours, at the hands of the animals at Hamas. How active are these savages in our country? Regards from AZ
  18. J

    Happy Thanksgiving ... and, Thanks for TFL

    I just responded to another member's request for information, and I paused to consider again how thankful I am for this forum ... so kindly provided by Rich Lucibella and his amazing team. I'm amazed to note that it has been almost exactly 3 years since I began learning in the TFL classroom...
  19. J

    Best Firearm Photo Sites on the 'Net?

    I know Oleg has some great photos, and I've seen some other photo collection sites, but didn't keep track. And, I could have sworn we had this come up before on TFL, but I did a search and can't find the sites (problem is, "photo" is a pretty common word ...). Please post your favorite sites...