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  1. J

    Pink Pistols membership soars

    Channel 2 News, here in Denver, had an article on how firearm sales are soaring; and a good percentage of those sales are to gays. They also stated that the Pink Pistols ( membership soared from 1,500 on Saturday to 3,500 Monday. Here is a link to the report...
  2. J

    7 - 10,000 stolen firearms found in man's home

    This happened in South Carolina. The cops say that there is no evidence that he was trafficking the firearms and that 99.9% of them were long guns. He is apparently simply a hoarder -- of stolen goods. The best pics of the booty are on The Daily Mail site out of Britain. It took four tractor...
  3. J

    Dentist who took Cecil the lion did nothing wrong

    As it turns out, after all of the catcalls for his head on a plate, and extradition, the Zimbabwean government has now declared that Walter Palmer did nothing wrong. After the investigation by the police and the National Prosecuting Authority it was found that he was innocent of wrongdoing and...
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    Can we talk about this now?

    In reference to the man who shot two reporters, on air, the man who attacked an Oregon college stated the following about the other: This flies in the face of those who state that publicity about mass shootings does not engender further shootings by those who seek infamy. This man posted that...
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    Contemporary art for the firearms enthusiast

    Mods, please remove this thread. j
  6. J

    Greek government seizes ship laden with firearms

    The Greek customs inspectors found 5,000 shotguns, some tactical and some sporting, hidden in a container bound for Libya. SOURCE VIDEO HERE
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    Impressive side-by-side video

    This compares the two reload and slide release methods. The first shows the thumb release of the slide and the second shows the overhand slide release method. The video is shown in regular and slo-mo. One of them is far more effective. Guess which one...
  8. J

    Guess who finally wound up in jail?

    Rich Wyatt of Gunsmoke Guns, and the butt of many comments on these boards, has been arrested for -- wait for it -- theft of firearms. Whoda thunk it? SOURCE More from "The Denver Channel" ABC Channel 7. As well as THIS. Everyone here in Colorado, except the uninitiated, are fully aware to...
  9. J

    Did anyone else get one of these?

    Got this in my e-mail. Apparently, when we petitioned for relief from the BATFE's mandate that records all multiple rifle sales within a certain distance of the Mexican border, they took notice; but they will continue anyway. The OMB wants to record all of those purchases which is a de facto...
  10. J

    How can people still be this stupid?

    It seems that the TSA is busy confiscating firearms at an increasing rate from people trying to carry them onto aircraft. In October alone they confiscated 181 firearms from carry-on baggage. Of those 181 firearms 157 were loaded and about a third of those also had a chambered round. With all...
  11. J

    Canadian Parliament attacked. Watch for gun control coming to an area near you.

    I am sure that there will be calls for increased firearms controls in Canada and our government will likely leap aboard in full splendor. Refer to THIS THREAD about the repeal of C-68. How profound is it that Quebec was the sole province which filed for, and was granted, an injunction against...
  12. J

    Has anyone here ever tried Xado Snipex?

    They tout this as the end-all be-all for firearms. Has anyone here ever actually tried it? Jus' askin'
  13. J

    Had a scary moment this weekend

    I live in CO and we were going shooting at Great Guns in Nunn, CO. I packed up the SKS, Browning HP, Taurus 1911, my wife's Lady Smith and lots of ammo. Threw it all in the trunk and we were off. We stopped at a truck stop named Johnson's Corner and had breakfast. When we came out, the trunk...
  14. J

    Brady Campaign encourages victim's parents to sue ammo supplier

    The Brady Campaign is now encouraging the parents of one of the Aurora theater shooting victims to assuage their grief by suing,, and BTP Arms for selling the shooter the ammo and other goods he used in the attack. READ THE FILING HERE...
  15. J

    Something to make hunters hearts glad

    In a record breaking settlement the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Born Free USA/Animal Protection Institute, Fund for Animals, Animal Welfare Institute, and the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) agreed to pay Feld Entertainment, Inc., owners of Ringling...
  16. J

    A PSA that makes the point about magazine restrictions‏

    MB Studio Productions has produced a PSA that takes the New York Safe Act seven round limit to task in a graphic way. The PSA shows what happens when the government dictates a limit on what is needed to protect your family. The scenario is about a home invasion and the successful defense of...
  17. J

    Court rules ATF did not properly decide that Innovator muzzle brake is a silencer

    SOURCE SOURCE w/ PATENT DIAGRAMS The court found that the ATF designation of the Innovator as a silencer to be capricious based upon the agency's definition of a silencer based on physical characteristics of "known silencers." The agency stated that three physical characteristics found on...
  18. J

    Last American primary lead smelter to close in December

    Why is this being posted in Law and Civil Rights? Because this will affect your ability to purchase ammo for your firearms and will thus take away your right to arms. This is like the government saying "You can have the most powerful, fastest car you want; but we are closing down all of the...
  19. J

    So how does a MAC-11 machine pistol end up at the local airport?

    It seems that an electrician pulling wire found a cased MAC-11 machine pistol in the ceiling above a closet. There was no ammo and no one can come up with how it got there in the first place; but they are sure it has nothing to do with any terrorist plot. How they came to that instantaneous...
  20. J

    Insurance programs that defend gun owners

    In light of the Zimmerman case many firearms owners, especially those who carry on a daily basis, are becoming interested in insurance against firearms liability, etc. One such insurance company is Texas Law Shield out of Texas. I did the math on $11/mo x 70,000 and the amount is impressive...