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    Smith & Wesson brings back the 586

    It's that time of year again and S&W is showing a re-introduced Model 586. Available in either 4 or 6 inch barrels the 586 is the blued version of the popular selling 686. The 586 was produced for 19 years, starting at the same time as the 686 and ceasing in 1999. The 686 has been one of...
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    Nationwide Lead Ammo Ban

    The gun-banners are at it yet again. This time it's a nationwide ban on lead ammunition. American Bird Conservancy Press release The five groups filing the EPA request are: American Bird Conservancy Center for Biological Diversity Association of Avian Veterinarians Public Employees for...
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    Home defense without electricity

    Okay y'all. Interesting news. The basic question here is what are your plans for home defense in the event of a major power outage? When I say major, I'm talking a grid outage that spreads across several states. No phones, no lights, cell-towers go offline after 8-24 hours. Here's the...
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    Police Taser Bedridden Grandmother

    Someone has to explain this one to me. Further comments below. Let's not turn this into a general cop-bashing thread, please. I'd like to hear the officer articulate how he could "fear for his safety" because a frail, bedridden...
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    Colorado Bear Encounters on the Rise?

    What is it with the bear encounters in Colorado this year? This seems like an abnormally high number of encounters over the last 4 months. Or am I just ill-informed about Colorado's bear problems? It seems that too many bears are losing their fear of man. Or in the case of the woman killed by...
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    FFL's with an Export License

    Does anyone know of an FFL holder who also has a federal Export License? The license has to come from the State Department's Office of Defense Technology Control (ODTC). Looking to dealers anywhere, but specifically the Florida area for a legitimate export.
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    Passive Non-Compliance

    This is based on a situation in which a friend of mine in another state experienced. I'd like to get your take on what you'd do. You are at home and it is "trash night". You decide to take out the trash, then put the trash can out by the curb. You're still wearing your CCW pistol, covered...
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    Who Owns the Supply Chain?

    The recent shortages of both certain models of guns and a lot of ammo started me to thinking. Who owns the supply chain? What got me thinking was the idea of some wealthy leftist billionarie (e.g. George Soros) working with others of a like mind to create an "investment company" to buy out...
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    The S&W Model 58 "Classic" returns - from S&W. SKU: 150500 (150501 for Nickel) Model: 58 Caliber: .41Mag Capacity: 6 Rounds Action: Single/Double Action Barrel Length: 4" Light Lug Front Sight: Integral Black Ramp Rear Sight: Fixed Service Sight Overall Length: 9 1/4" Weight: 40.8...
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    New School Tactics: Active shooter

    A news article from WCPO Channel 9 in Kentucky points to the changing tactics for dealing with an active shooter situation. For those who don't like links, here's the executive summary. First - the important points were made about mass murders in the U.S. Most mass murders perform their...
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    Chicago Gun Ban Case & Incorporation

    In case no one was watching... One of the byproducts of Heller was the filing of a challenge to Chicago's gun ban laws. Rather than taking years to bring up the matter of incorporation, two cases are now looking at the question. The first is the Nordyke, et al v. King, et al case, for which...
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    Florida: 30,000 Felons on voter rosters

    This popped up on my radar... Many convicted felons remain on voter rolls, according to Sun Sentinel investigation Thousands who should be ineligible are registered to vote,0,3762352.story More than 30,000 Florida...
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    Your leadership of S&W

    Flight of fancy stuff here. Another thread that pointed out S&W's stock is now just under $3 a share got me to thinking about some of the mis-steps and silliness that S&W has done over the years. So here's the basic question - If you were CEO of S&W what kinds of changes would you make to...
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    911 Fails: Woman killed in police parking lot

    A cursory search didn't show anyone had posted this story for comments yet. This story, on the FoxNews Kellys Court show, discusses a Florida woman who lured a stalker away from her kids and was being chased in her car. She was on the phone to 911 and in the parking lot of a police department...
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    Correcting S&W's "missed opportunities"

    After participating in Mordis' thead what does the future hold for revolvers I thought this thread might be enlightening. In recent years we've seen S&W bring out modern versions of "classic" revolvers and some "botique" revolvers ordered by distributors. Good examples of both are the...
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    ABC News: Joe Biden likely Obama VP

    ABC News just reported that Joe Biden (D-Del)is Obama's likely running mate. Bayh and Kaine have been notified that they are "not it". Secret Service has dispatched a detail to Biden's home to begin his protection detail. More at...
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    Cannon's Safari S21E 30-minute fire safe: $699 deilvered

    Costco has a special running on Cannon's Safari S21E 30-minute fire safe. With 21 cu ft of space this is even a better deal that last year's Liberty safe (17 cu ft). Plus Cannon safes are a little more expensive generally than the Liberty. 699.99 delivered to your home (does not include...
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    Detroit Mob robs, beats motorist, assaults pedestrians

    The news story is here: See Video Here I'm sure we'll have the Zombie theory show up, but this is one reason why high-cap magazines are a good thing. Question for the legal beagles around here... if running from a mob of 12-20 people...
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    Gas Theft - What to do about it

    I keep hearing on the news that gas thefts are on the rise. So far, I haven't heard of anyone locally being victimized, but several articles online talk about truckers being hit for huge thefts. I also heard that in SoCal theives have cut gas lines to drain fuel from vehicles. So, I'm...
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    Reversing "Smart gun" technology

    Preface & disclaimer This is not a suggestion to promote a legislated engineering change to firearms. Rather, this post simply raises a talking-point against one of the anti-gun lobby's favorite ideas. It points out the flaws in their logic and asks why can't it be done another way. Once this...