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  1. B

    Gun Control Is A Failure

    Gun Control Is A Failure I'm no longer arguing that we have rights guaranteed under the Constitution or that some new law is not needed. I'm now arguing that gun control is a complete failure. Why am I doing this? Because it's true. All one has to do is compare the number and types of...
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    Controlling a suspect

    This may have been covered under a different thread, but I didn't find such in my searches. So here's the question. How much training have you devoted to controlling a suspect/threat if he appears to capitulate? For example: A bump in the night wakes you and you find an intruder in your...
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    Your ammo inventory is based on what?

    Another thread asked how much ammo you have on hand. After reading how much some folks have and how little others have, a question came to mind. Why do some folks stock up on "so much" ammo? This is really aimed at folks who keep 1,000 rounds per gun or caliber and/or have well over 10,000...
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    Back Country Bandit - A question of Ethics

    I've titled this Back Country Bandit - A Question of Ethics although morality will play a big part too, I'm sure. You are travelling in the back country, a good 10 to 20 miles from any sort of "civilization" and about 3 or 4 rugged miles from your camp. You're afoot, on your ATV, on...
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    Monster Pig vs. Hogzilla

    Boy Bags Wild Hog Bigger Than 'Hogzilla' MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4...
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    Fred Thompson Replies to Michael Moore's Debate Challenge

    Senator Fred Thompson replies to Michael Moore's challenge to debate him. This is the kind of guy I could vote for! :D
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    Wierd News: Baby Issued Illinois Gun ID Card (merged)

    Just one of those amusing things you find in the news... Baby Issued Illinois Gun ID Card Click on the headline to see the full article.
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    Do you get involved...

    Lots of discussions have revolved around either getting involved on the behalf of another person or not. Please watch the video below and presume you're one of the bystanders who can clearly see what's happening. Do you get involved? Video:
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    Arrests in Terrorist Plot on Ft. Dix

    NEW YORK -- Six men from New Jersey have been charged in an alleged terror plot against soldiers at Fort Dix, according to law enforcement sources. Investigators said the men planned to use automatic rifles to enter Fort Dix and kill as many soldiers as they could at the New Jersey military...
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    Kansas City Mall Shooting

    Without knowing more, I'm guessing the man will turn out to be someone who wasn't quite right to begin with.
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    CCW Permits & Mentally Ill

    Other discussions have focused on the need for mental health records access for NICS checks or for background checks when obtaining a CCW. Here's an article about the failings in Ohio where state judges who commit people for mental illness are not reporting these commitments to the state...
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    California Self-Defense (Armed Citizen)

    The San Francisco Chronicle reported this last week and some of the (highlighted) comments in this story are so typical of a California attitude it's revolting. Police: We want good little sheeple...
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    Food Shortages-disappearing bees

    Without trying to emulate Chicken Little, this is a situation that bears watching. I don't want to start some kind of TEOTWAWKI thread here. Rational discussion and comments welcome. See my comments below. Whether...
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    A little Humor

    Some of you may find this in bad taste. If so, I apologize, but I did find it funny. Many of you will recall a few years ago there were several robbery/murders of European (mostly German) tourists in Florida because the BGs figured out they would have valuables, not speak the language well --...
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    Handgun Security Products

    Some folks have asked how to hide or secure their guns without resorting to a big, expensive and heavy safe. Some live in apartments or other non-ground-floor arrangements where a safe is impractical. Here's one idea I stumbled on today that might be useful for some...
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    Lexus-Nexus & other searches

    I'm looking for someone who has access to Lexus-nexus to do some searches. Or knowledge of how to find out if certain people (corporate officers) have stock in other companies. PM me if you can help.
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    One-Gun-A-Month & The Constitution

    Okay, we've celebrated that a second district appeals court has recognized the 2nd Amendment as an individual right. It is still an uphill battle yet there are some promising cracks in the dam. Let's chip away a little more. Several states have a law that limits you to buying...
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    Sight Alignment - 6 o'clock or not?

    I'm just curious about how others prefer their sights to be set up on their handguns. For most of my shooting, I prefer a "bullseye" hold where the front sight is held splitting the X-ring. Where the front sight points is where the bullet hits. Others I've known have preferred the 6 o'clock...
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    Merry Christmas

    Just a quick note to the staff of TFL and SWAT magazine Merry Christmas And a big THANK YOU for all the work you do to keep TFL running smoothly. I hope all of you have a great Christmas and get to make wonderful memories with your family and loved ones.
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    A Newbie's first Time Shooting

    As I mentioned in another thread here, I took a neighbor lady shooting the other day. This was an outgrowth of a recent incident where a BG was hiding from police on the roof of her townhome. This incident made her acutely aware of how defenseless she is when relying on 911 and PD response...