Search results

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    What do you consider "heavy usage" in a handgun?

    By round-count, what do you consider "heavy usage" in a handgun? We are assuming: - A quality built firearm - Steel or Polymer frame - Factory standard pressure ammo - Normal cleaning and maintenance What say you?
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    Neighbor w/Handgun Shoots Wife Killer

    Bethel Township, PA. An 11 year old boy watched as his father stabbed his mother to death during a daylight homicide. A neighbor ran across the street to find a man stabbing a woman repeatedly. The neighbor fired 3 shots when the man advanced on him screaming "kill me! kill me!" No charges...
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    LSWC Bullet idea

    This just came to me the other night while reading about various calibers, loads and JHP performance. One problem with LSWC bullets, historically, has been their propensity to lead up the bore. If you make them harder, they don't expand. Make them soft, such as the Remington .38 Special 158gr...
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    Visually Assessing Threats

    I did a search and didn't see this as a topic, though some of it may be buried in other threads. I think it's a good topic for discussion. When you are in public, what sort of visual cues do you use to designate another person as a potential threat? I guess we could include audible cues...
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    Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer

    You can't make this stuff up... Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer She described herself as a pro-gun churchgoer, recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was...
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    Home At Last - Stolen Gun Recovered

    Back in 2004 my house was burglarized and the SOB's got away with about 12 handguns. It was pretty traumatic and a serious financial loss at the time. The guns were stored in a steel "gun cabinet" like those sold by Homak and Stack-on for under $200. If you have one, use it to store paint in...
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    RateMyCop website has police on edge

    A website claims to allow users to rate their encounters with police officers from various LE agencies. See: (video news story). Or: KGO (SF) story here. What do you think about this concept? Could it be misused by lawyers or others? What concerns do any...
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    2A Victory bumperstickers

    In anticipation that the Supreme Court will uphold the individual rights interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and likely strike down the D.C. gun laws, I'm thinking of messages we could put on bumperstickers, once the decision is made public. I know, I know, don't jinx it. :p And there are...
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    California Rep. Tom Lantos, 80, Dies

    California Rep. Tom Lantos, 80, Dies. Full story:,2933,330290,00.html Monday, February 11, 2008 WASHINGTON — Rep. Tom Lantos of California, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, has died. He was 80. Spokeswoman Lynne Weil said Lantos died early...
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    Police DNA collections during car-stops?

    Just spotted this interesting development... Now, the question is, what happens if you refuse? I don't believe the police can force you to submit to them collecting "DNA samples" if you are stopped for mundane traffic infractions like a tail light out or not signaling a turn.
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    Neutering 101: Robber Shoots Self during robbery

    Robber shoots self during robbery. No word from doctors if his reproduction days are over. :eek:
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    D.C. Appellate Court Upholds Dismissal of Lawsuit Against Gun Makers

    TO: ALL MEDIA For immediate release January 10, 2008 For more information contact: Ted Novin Office: (203) 426-1320 Cell: (202) 253-1860 District of Columbia Appellate Court Upholds Dismissal of Lawsuit Against Gun Makers NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Earlier today, a unanimous (3-0)...
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    Girl Field Strips AR15

    Some dad is awfully proud...
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    Gangs changing their image

    For Gangs, Tattoos Out; College Look In By JUAN CARLOS LLORCA Associated Press Writer CHIMALTENANGO, Guatemala (AP) - Tattoos, baggy pants and tank tops are out. Smart blazers and university recruits are in. It's an extreme makeover for Central America's gangs. Facing harsh crackdowns by...
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    Do any limits pass constitutional muster?

    Since many folks have different ideas of what should be permitted under the 2nd amendment in an "ideal world" I'd like to see what laws you think would pass constitutional muster. This isn't about what you want, but what you think would be permissible laws under the constitution. Chose all...
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    Could you live with being a "coward"?

    The recent Omaha mall shooting, while sad and tragic, showed that there are not enough armed citizens out there to really suppress most of these types of events. Another post asked if one could live with the aftermath of a fatal shooting incident. Now I'll go in the opposite direction...
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    Ho Ho Ho! Stocking Stuffers for Shooters

    Okay folks, I'd like to see some ideas for "stocking stuffers" for gun owners. Things a gun owner would appreciate. The idea here is that we're talking items that are "low priced" (let's keep it at $49.99 or less) and will fit in in a stocking of average size. I'll start off... Bore...
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    Dallas Reporter Suspended After Controversial Report

    TV Reporter Suspended Over ‘Ambush’ of Home Defender Who Killed Two Dallas Reporter Suspended After Controversial Report KDFW reporter Rebecca Aguilar has been suspended in the wake of her controversial 'ambush' (interview) of a 70-year-old man. Monday night, KDFW-Channel 4 ran a piece about...
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    Hello, Hello’: Man Shoots, Kills Intruder After Parrot’s Alert

    Hello, Hello’: Man Shoots, Kills Intruder After Parrot’s Alert Another satisfactory story.
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    Video: ‘You Sneeze, You’re Dead Man’: Texas Man Humiliates Burglars With 12-Gauge

    I ran across this looking at the news this morning. It's a good piece on a homeowner using a shotgun to capture a pair of burglars. Best part is what his wife says. :D