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  1. E

    The Startling Truth About Wal Mart

    From: "Sterling D. Allan" <> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 03:02:07 -0600 Subject: [Greater Things] ENOUGH!! Wal-Mart's Cheap Prices Come at a Terrible Price Reply-to: PART 1 OF 2 PARTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORTH READING...
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    latest news in the fight to arm pilots

    Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 09:34:56 -0400 (EDT) PART1 OF 2 PARTS APSA Armed Pilot Update, May, 2002 PLEASE PASS THIS UPDATE ALONG TO ANYONE YOU KNOW THAT MAY FAVOR ARMING AIRLINE PILOTS! Overview Welcome aboard. Many of you are...
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    transcript of Wayne LaPerrie's Feb 2002 Speech

    Worth Reading. PART 1 OF 2 PARTS Transcript of Wayne LaPiere's Speech to the Republican National Comeette in Feb 2002 Frightened, or Free? When our country’s founders declared our Independence, we became the first nation in history that was based not a religion, not on a royalty, not...
  4. E Sign petition to arm our pilots. ATTENTION : TFL' ers! Please--PLEASE--please ! SIGN THE PETITION TO ARM OUR PILOTS at 5 , count them , five pilot's unions have banded together in a --- LAST DITCH EFFORT --- to get action on arming our...
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    Wwwhoosh internet accelerator tripple speeds thefiringline.

    As a public service to every one on thefiringline , I recommend to you to go to and click on pc downloads, then internet accelerators or internet optimizers. Or do a search for Wwwoosh Internet Accelerator , V2.1 and download and install it onto your computer. the Wwwoosh...
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    Beware NNY Brass

    Look Out for the NNY on the headstamp and seperate out this brass for special treatment BEFORE RESIZING. The flash hole of NNY brass is too small for the decapping pin to fit through and usually results in A BROKEN DECAPPING PIN...... To deal with this, get a HARDENED nail from the...
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    tumbling and case cleaning notes

    I have been experimenting with different waxes and polishes and both corn cob and walnut shell media and decieded to "publish my findings" here for you. Untreated corn cob and walnut shell. I purchased untreated corn cob at the local pet store for 3.50 to 4.oo for 4 pounds. Make...
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    Reloading Range Brass with ejection slide dents.

    I would like to read your opinions on reloading range brass that has scraches on the side of the case and in 9 out of 10 cases has dents from the slide that occured during ejection of the spent case. These are 380 acp cases of which I have precious few that do not show dents from the...
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    Let the Irrigation Water Flow in the Klamath

    Dear Friends, I have just read and signed the online petition: "Let the Irrigation Water Flow in the Klamath Basin of Oregon" hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at: I personally agree with what this...
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    Last Chance to Stop Ct Assault Rifle Ban tues 5/29 & wen 5/30/01

    email EMERGENCY ALERT --- ATTENTION CONN GUN OWNERS TUES MAY 29, WEN MAY30 AND CONTINUING THROUGH THE WEEK IF NECESSARY, prehaps including Sat June 2,2001 the Ct House of Reps will vote on the 100+ gun add on to the conn assault rifle ban. We ask that every Conn gun...
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    3 cheers for Rich, he got tfl working again!

    I just wanted to say that--- as well as thanking anyone else that helped Rich get tfl back on line. When computer's don't work right, or at all, it's not much fun fixxing them and sometimes its almost easier leaving them broke if you can live with it. I have...
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    New Paradigms in the Civil-Rights Movement

    Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc. P.O. Box 270143 Hartford, WI 53027 Phone (262) 673-9745 Fax (262) 673-9746 ------------------------------------------------------------ New Paradigms in the Civil-Rights Movement .... if you do not MAKE the time to read...
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    CELL PHONE GUNS -22lr- 4 shots -Looks like real phone

    New Smith and Wesson Cell Phone Gun Not really a Smith & Wesson, but how apre'po that would have been! See color picture of cell phone gun at hyper link above. See color break down schematic: One quarter of the scroll down on...
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    New Non Lethal Laser Rifles Parilize at 1/4 mile range.A must have for your collectio

    New non lethal laser rifles temporarly paralize people at up to 1/4 mile range.You heard it here first from ernest2 source= | FAQ| Press| Safety| Articles| Links| Guestbook| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real life...
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    New Non-Lethal Laser pistols & rifles,1/4 mile range.

    You heard it here first from me! Compliements of Ernest2 source= | FAQ| Press| Safety| Articles| Links| Guestbook| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real life catches up with Star Trek HSV Technologies Inc., of San...
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    Comming soon to a gun shop near you--Non Lethal Laser pistols and rifles. Reality cat

    Complements of Ernest2 -tfl'er You heard it from me first! Source= | FAQ| Press| Safety| Articles| Links| Guestbook| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real life catches up with Star Trek HSV Technologies Inc., of San...
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    BREAKING NEWS!! Non lethal Laser rifles and Pistols are Here!!!

    COMPLIMENTS OF ERNEST2 Lawrence Montambault Larrys Discount Gun Shop Well folks, it has finally happened! The Buck Rogers Ray Gun is really and truely here and I can hardly wait to be the first person in my state to own and carry one!! source=
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    our country, teeters on the edge of a Constitutional crisis the likes of which we hav Urgent Letter to Concerned Americans To: Concerned Americans FROM: Christopher Ruddy, Carl Limbacher, John LeBoutillier, Dan Frisa, Jack Thompson RE: Emergency Campaign Dear friend: We are writing to you as the country, our country...
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    statistical evidence of massive ballot tampering in Palm Beach, Fl"

    souece url source= also see post on this board titled: 26 people per minute were confused in Palm Beach during the Election Posted11/17/2000 on page 5 of the" see posts for past 20 days" click on go...
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    Beyond this election--For next time we need ATM type voting Machines has a poll asking if voting should be done in the future by home computer over the internet.This idea has been rejected because the wrong question was asked in the poll. Few people believe that the internet is free from hacking and many Americans still do...