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  1. E

    Why We Should Vote For Al Gore

    This post does not address gun owners, you already know the score, but you can read it for laughs, if you please. This post is for undecided lurkers, people on this board who are not members of the firearms community but are concerned about what little remains of our Constitutional...
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    Klintons Secret White House Report on Crime and Gun Violence, the anti gun rights gam

    When reading the following, keep in mine Klinton's Standard Opperating Proceedure, "The bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell!" Below are told many big lies to sell the BS to the un-informed, dis-informed and propagandized by biased tv media reporting to the unsuspecting and trustfull or...
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    old email alert provides a still revalent message

    ok guys, I was cleaning out my email box to try to keep some free space on my hard drive and I came across this old email telling how the press constantly lies about gun rights in really simple terms that even a democrat sockor mom could understand without much brain damage occuring from brain...
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    "They" -- ARE -- Out to get us!

    Hi TFL er's, As you know , I heve not been posting lately or even spending any time on the internet because I have been too busy trying to earn enough money to pay the massive array of huge bills that comes with being a new land owner. I was left property that incures expenses but...
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    backdoor gun control in Indiana shuts down Sat &Sun gun shop sales &shows.

    Independent Commentary: Here we see the Indiana State Police Limiting Gun Store opperation to Monday through Friday from 9am to 5:30 Pm with no availability to opperations on Saterday and Sunday; both the best days for gun store retailers. And , because gun shows opperate only on Sat and...
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    If the Anti's can have feel good gun laws ,I can have a feel good post!

    ----- Original Message ----- From: Robert T Crook <> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:41 PM Subject: A different time > Do these things sound like something you did? > > Close your eyes.....And go back........ > Before the Internet or the MAC, > Before gun control and crack > >...
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    Summer Gun Camp Firearms safety Skills and markmanship of 14 and older.

    This post is inspired by the string addressed below entitled The Most Discriminated Against Minority in the USA; Its US Gun Owners. Dennis says that we are one generation away from elimination of the gun culture in the...
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    Carnivore--FBI email spy program -help to kill the carnivore now

    This is a forwarded e-mail alert regarding Hearings set for Monday 7/24/2000 concerning the FBI cybersnooping device code-named Carnivore. Committee hearing information is at: If you already received this alert - then delete this message...
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    The "ROOTS" of Gun Control... And how we got to where we are.

    This is a long article, but it is most very educational and well worth your time. I felt many on tfl would benifit from its reading as it gives insight into the mind set of our enemies; those working towards the destruction of the US Constitution of which our beloved Second Ammendment rights...
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    "OH-NO" -Yet another shooting and the KlintonGore Team "jump" right on it!

    WARNING: ANYONE EASILY OFFENDED BY SICK HUMOR PLEASE STOP NOW AND READ NO FURTHER. I have no wish to offend the sensibilities of any member of the firearms community. If you are a gun control advocate, a MMM or a politician ; please read on , if you are offended, all the better! :) :D...
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    What no one ever told you about the S&W agreement,3 part article

    source = Part 1 of 3 parts What No One Bothered To Tell You About The Smith & Wesson Settlement by Jeff Snyder -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [An abridged version of this...
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    Just What Bad Stuff is Congress Up to Now???

    I copied this off of which is part of their intoduction to their congressional emailer program. I my opinion , it does a p!ss poor job of explaining anything and must have been written by a generalist, which is all to close to a liberal for my liking. I hate writing...
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    WARNING, IT IS STARTING, Just as I said it would.

    Since last Oct 99, I have been warning tfl members about federal firearms registration and licensing. Not just about them leading to confiscation, but also about the government's scheme to price registration fees and pistol permit fees beyond the ability of an average citizen to financally...
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    The Shape of the Future,getting a CCW permit in Cal.

    This provides a look into the future for all of us complacent TFL members who are even afeared to send targets to our legislators for the 50 million round march. Our enemies in the federal government have plans for us and not getting involved in the defense of your civil constitutional...
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    Where is our Counter Stratigy??We are Missing the boat and getting blind sided! The mmm and bell campains, their plans against us. Please read! Thers actions of theirs require a response AND counter from our side.
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    Test Fire The Clinton Smart Gun Against a Hot Home Intruder! A vertuial test drive game. Yep , a genuine Smith and Clinton Smart Gun Working Prototype ready for you to test fire against a real "Hot Home Intrusion" armed felon type Burgerler. I only got shot 10 times by the armed felon before I...
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    Cardboard Wars, easier to do that "the Million Round March" &better that Windows Wars

    I support the million round march, but this we can do every day, just 30 minutes a day. Please refer to the windows war thread to better understand this post. WINDOWS WARS IS ABOUT PRO-GUN CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, about throwing rocks through Democratic party headquarters. I DO NOT RECOMMEND...
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    The Social Hygiene of Gun Control Link to associated Post --------------------------------------- Link to Source Web Page CLICK ON... Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership | and Click on...
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    New York City Residents Love the Idea of the NRA Sports Restaraunt Link to previous post SAVE THE NRA RESTARAUNT lead story June 8, 2000 NRA took its nralive cameras to Times Square yesterday to check the pulse of New York City residents about the new NRA Theme...
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    ALERT!!!ALERT!!!! ALERT !!! DANGER!! LOSS OF RIGHTS!!!!! This is the ignored thread due to poor labeling on the part of the original poster that explains the topic more fully. The firearms community can not afford to ignore this because of poor labeling; so I am forced to repost...