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  1. E

    Help stop Mayor Dialey, Illinois from legislating disgusting gun laws aimed at law ab>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <> From: "F&F" <> | Block address Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 16:45:56 -0600 Reply-to...
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    How Al "pregnant chad" Gore steals elections. By Jon Dougherty and David Kupelian © 2000 The manual vote recounts being insisted on by Democratic operatives in Palm Beach County, Fla., have been used for over 20 years to steal elections from...
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    Democraps practise voter fraud in Presidential election

    MONDAY NOVEMBER 6 2000 -------------------------------------------- Voter fraud, again! --------------------------------------------- © 2000 Stop the presses! I mean it. Stop the election! Something is going on in Washington and California that will have a...
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    Useing Politically CORRECTED Firearms Language!

    We've all talked about how we're losing the war of words in the struggle for our liberties. Well here comes the cavalry. Politically Corrected Language that does not automatically bias a debate about the Bill of Rights against individual liberty and freedom. Opposite of "politically...
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    Changing the Tone of the Gun Debate--Putting the gun grabbers on the defensive!

    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization October 25, 2000 ALERT: Psychiatric Study Fingers The Real "Nuts"! All of the fact-oriented arguments for "gun control" are demolished, but...
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    Pro-gun petition 5,000 names, anti gun petition 1.8 mill. names, LETS GET GOING!!!

    The pro-gun Patroit Petition @ 5,000 signatures is required to counter the anti- civil gun rights petition of the National education Association which currently has 1.8 MILLION anti gun signatures. We have been remiss in our duties!!!! Lets get busy!!!
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    Ammo for Gore bashing. Non-gun reasons not to vote for Gore!

    Just incase some of you are trying to convince people not to vote for Gore, here are some non gun reasons not to vote for gore. Enjoy! Goring Gore The following are some excerpts from a recent column by John Guthmiller, a freelance political writer and a staff columnist for Ether Zone. The...
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    Some good new pro-gun web sites, Check em out!

    Wow, another ernest2 post; wonders will never cease! And Bush will be elected, too! Alright, enough good cheer for one day; I dont want you to forget that grit your teeth feeling we all get every time Gore opens his mouth! Now what was the purpose of this post again? Oh yea..... new pro...
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    Political humor......The Al Gore Story

    Feel free to copy and paste this story all around the web. Subject: The Al Gore Story > > > > Good afternoon all. I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you a little about > > myself. I know a lot about hardship, because I came into this world as a > > poor black child in a tiny town in the...
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    Mr Gore, More gun contol would not have stopped Colimbine.

    source = Subject: Why Gore is wrong about Columbine source= -------------------------------------------- Ernest2's opinion: I would like to point out the 65 propaine bombs planted through out the school. Even if the Colombine...
  11. E,no authorization searches Action Alert! October 12, 2000 Secret searches provision could pass Congress by Friday, and we need your help to stop it! Privacy Update The week before Congress adjourns is always a hazardous time for privacy rights, and this week is no exception. Politicians...
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    NRA-the firearms community's Civil Liberties Union

    Things are heating up a bit, and the anti gun liberals are again bashing the firearms community and the NRA as seen monday night on CBS news peter jennings The Gun Fight where jennings again refered to the NRA as a "Deep Pockets Gun Lobby " and generally did a hatchet job on not only the NRA...
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    Star Gun Trek--Political Satire and Humor,episodes 1&2

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sarcastic Humor by ernest2 How, oh how, can we ever defeat the Borg, er, Gore, when the Gore Socialist Collective Cubes have access to the Mind Warping Politically Correct Brain Control TV Media Ray and we do not...
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    Do YOU VOTE?????

    A (almost) brief sarcasim by ernest2 Vote Freedom First---- This means that all the other considerations about the differences between tweedle dee ,Bush and tweedle dumber, Gore, dont matter any more. You need to vote only to preserve your gun rights ,period. Let me spell it out for you...
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    Typewriter brigade, getting the gun rights message read!!!

    Yep--Brand new post for a slightly different message. See the rubber stamp brigade post done at an earlier date. Why out of 7000 tfl er's only 20 or so are doing this? Because we all have to many things to do to have the rubber stamp made up and some don't want to spend 15.oo...
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    Chautaqua Rising not sequal of Unintended Consequenses, it just reads like it is.

    2000 unread messages in my email mail box, but I find gems here & there when I clean it out. The Chautaqua Rising is 75% of the way down this message which I posted to share with all of you. If you already have this info, maybe other people dont and would enjoy it. I dont have any time to keep...
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    CCOPS bulitin-US Govt National Socialism Plan needs emergncy to activate.

    CCOPS: Concerned Citizens Opposed to Police States September 18, 2000 National Socialism: A Plan Waiting For An "Emergency" Commentary by Richard W. Stevens, Esq. Does the Federal Government have the legal authority to take control and directly rule the United States? The shocking answer...
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    The Land of the Free??? The Home of the Brave??? I dont think so!

    Are You Free? "In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing." Do You Really Think You Are Free: > < > < WHEN over 40% of your hard-earned money is stolen by fraud, via...
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    Gun Owners of America-Texas Alert-Good Info here!

    Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 15:15:40 -0500 From: GOA-Texas <> | Block address Reply-to: GOA-Texas <> To: Subject: Stand Up for Your 2nd Amendment Rights Rally - 14 October 2000 Add Addresses -----BEGIN PGP...
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    the gun rights rubber stamp advertising brigade,Get Our Message Read

    THE GUN RIGHTS DOLLAR Funny the stuff I find cleaning out my email box. This a good idea that never would have occured to me. Go to the stationary store or photo copy store and have them make a small rubber stamp for you with the following or similar message...