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    Unknown, unheralded, they served.

    TFL is about responsible firearms ownership. However, we might remember that a firearm is merely a tool—the weapon is the mind. Obviously it is appropriate to recognize and honor our combat personnel. However, there are many military and civilian personnel who have served in potentially...
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    Yes, Virginia, there is a ....

    Today I met a friend I haven't seen since 1975. He had his (5 y/o) granddaughter with him and we had a small "tailgate party" in a store's parking lot. So bear with me, please. I'm fulfilling an obligation here. I said I would title this, "Yes, Virginia, you have the Right to protect...
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    U.S. cares for terrorists (Cuba)

    The legality and care of the terrorists held captive at Guantanomo have been discussed here, so this applies to the legal aspect of the terrorists' confinement. These comments are by Charlie Daniels (of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" fame): EXCERPT Charlie recently returned from Guantanamo...
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    U.S. citizen tried by military

    "Ashcroft said Abdullah Al Mujahir – a U.S. citizen who was born Jose Padilla -- was captured May 8..." (bold added for stress) "Ashcroft said Al Mujahir would be treated as an 'enemy combatant' of the United States, a move that means he has fewer legal rights than an ordinary defendant in a...
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    State Senator(CA) Tom McClintock Speaks

    (Part 1 of 3: I apologize for the length but believe this is worth your attention) This is the best speech on liberty and freedom I've seen in years. Surprisingly, it comes from a California State Senator (District 19)—Tom McClintock—discussing California Senate SB52 (2001). Here is a good...
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    Blackhawk Down Actor Speaks

    Blackhawk Down: An Actor's Perspective (Part 1 of 2) I found this article by chance. Apparently it is required reading for a college-level English class. Here's the entire article: And here's a...
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    International Criminal Court

    Does anyone have any info on this? (Mods: If this is a duplicate thread, please delete.) American Justice for Americans No International Criminal Court for Us April 4, 2002 Dear friend of liberty, The International Criminal Court (ICC) will soon become a reality. The United Nations will...
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    UN Global Tax?

    (Quote) March 25, 2002 UN Planting the Seeds for a Coming Global Tax April 15th is coming, and you’re getting ready to file your tax return. Throughout the year you paid federal taxes through withholding, including Social Security payroll taxes. You also paid state income taxes, unless you’re...
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    need advice for an anti-gun girlfriend who feels mace is enough.

    "Having" a gun without the skill and will to use it appropriately may (or may not) endanger her more than being unarmed. Hopefully she will learn (without being hurt) that her most lethal weapon is her brain. Until she takes responsibility for her own safety, get her all the preparation and...
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    Ode to America

    This article was written by Mr. Cornel Nistorescu and published under the title "Cintarea Americii". As Associated Press reported about Mr. Nistorescu: Nistorescu, managing director of the daily newspaper Evenimentul Zilei -- News of the Day -- published his editorial Sept 24, two days after...
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    CDC to get $50,000,000 Taxpayer Dollars

    All, I just received the following message from the American Heart Association.
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    To Mike Christian

    A friend sent me this story. I’m glad for several reasons. Although John McCain apparently conducted himself appropriately as a POW, his recent political career is an affront to our Constitution, to America and those Americans who prefer a republic rather than a socialist, elitist oligarchy...
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    Americans discard Bill of Rights

    On the weekend after 9/11 “...Reader’s Digest and Yahoo! asked people to give their opinions about security and civil liberties.” Civil liberties lost. (quote) How Much Freedom Would You Give Up? More then 30,000 people responded to our online poll about the trade-offs between keeping citizens...
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    A Captain to Admire

    I just received this by e-mail from a personal friend, a former fairly high-ranking member of the American intelligence community. He held this message back until he saw references to this flight on television. This evening (9/27/01), on ABC's "Prime Time Thursday", two airline passengers...
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    Texas Lawyers Help Victims

    Considering some of the things we've said in the past, we owe them this: Texas Lawyers Helping Victims of Terrorist Attacks 9/14/01 Contact Kimberly Schmitt (800)204-2222 or (512)463-1463, Ext. 1720 (Galveston) "What can we do?"...
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    Using "Training" Against Us

    Using “Training” Against Us. Bear with me a moment. A musician friend of mine once sold pianos in a mall. Upon being hired, he sat down and played virtuoso classical music which immediately caused a large, appreciative crowd to gather. The boss called him aside and threatened to fire him...
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    USAF uniform forbidden on aircraft

    USAF PERSONNEL NOT AUTHORIZED TO WEAR UNIFORM ON COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT (QUOTE) As reported by the Air Force Print News, USAF personnel are no longer authorized to wear their uniforms when traveling aboard...
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    One -- Unknown As the soot and dirt and ash rained down, We became one color. As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building, We became one class. As we lit candles of waiting and hope, We became one generation. As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into...
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    To Win the War on Terrorism (long!)

    Hank B asked me how I would fight the war on terrorism. Here’s my quick answer. ------ Let’s start with a couple caveats. 1) I no longer am part of the intelligence community; therefore, my guesses are only as...
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    United States Code; TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART I - ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERS CHAPTER 13 - THE MILITIA; Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age...