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  1. R

    Smith lockup--it happened

    As the owner of several newer (with lock) Smith revolvers I've been skeptical about reports of them spontaneously locking up....until yesterday. I was testing some new handloads in my model 632. On what would have been the 5th shot it locked up. I've read that this is most likely to happen...
  2. R

    Bad advice

    I've noticed that since I began reading gun and outdoor magazines (c. 1958) the quality of writing has steadily declined. I generally ignore it, but while perusing the magazine rack at the local Kroger's this evening I saw such a profound example of dangerous stupidity I had to mention it...
  3. R

    .38 HBWC loaded backwards--do they stabilize?

    I frequently see posts recommending this load for defense. It looked like a great idea to me back in the 70's and I loaded a bunch of 148gr Speer HBWC backwards over 3 gr of Bullseye. I was a bit surprised and disheartened to note at the range that most of them went through the target...