Search results

  1. B

    Confiscation of firearms after self-defense

    Could someone clarify something for me? After a self-defense situation where the BG is injured or killed (for the sake of argument, let's say that this is a home-invasion scenario), would all of the homeowners firearms be taken by the police or just the one involved in the shooting? Does this...
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    More humor

    A friend sent me the following in the body of an e-mail. Some of it is quite funny. Note some of the answers to history questions and the comment about the Second Amendment farther along in the text. Then these be truly euphoric children... This is a compilation of actual student GCSE...
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    Advice on 10 mm

    Can anyone make a recommendation on a suitable, well-built, and reliable 10 mm semiautomatic pistol, preferably full-size? I know that Glock makes a 10 mm, but what other manufacturers do this? I'd love to see a Ruger manufactured in 10 mm, but so far as I know, they don't have this caliber.
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    Recently, I purchased a Baikal 12 gauge, SxS 20" bbl shotgun with internal hammers and double triggers. It seems like a rather decent shotgun (for the money, especially), and it won't be used very often. I bought it mainly for home defense (hence the shorter barrels). Has any of you had much...
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    Steyr distributor

    I live about 20 minutes away from GSI which, until recently, was the sole U.S. distributor of Steyr pistols. Now, they carry only Merkel shotguns and have stopped carrying the Steyrs. Does anyone know what happened? Is there another distributor for Steyrs now?
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    Do these really exist?

    This may be a stupid question, but here goes: Is there any such thing as an 8 gauge shotgun? I would almost swear that I've read articles about them before ( a long time ago ), but I've never seen or fired one (thank God). Has anyone ever seen and/or fired one of these?
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    Registering Class III Weapons

    How many of you have gone to the trouble of registering and buying Class III weapons? What do you own and use? Is the process of taking care of Form 4 and everything else involved in the process complicated and/or frustrating?
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    Smoking and RKBA

    I found this quote on another thread and it made me wonder something: How many members smoke (whether it be cigarettes, cigars, or pipe) or otherwise use tobacco products? Personally, I smoke (Camel Wides and a pipe occasionally...the last cigar I bought was "green" and so was I after I...
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    U.S. Government's View of the 2nd As of this moment, it is the official position of the Federal Government that the Second Amendment does not protect the right of individual citizens to keep and bear firearms. The exact words used are that "the Second Amendment does not apply to...
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    Military Exercise in North Carolina

    Army Role-Playing Game Turns Deadly 02/26/02 ELDORADO, N.C. (AP) - The Special Forces troops are led blindfolded into a forest cave. Their eyes are uncovered, and they see a flickering candle jutting from a human skull. Standing before them is Col. Tomcat, the deposed ruler of wartorn...
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    Gun Control in Other Countries

    What nations have gun control laws that approximate what we have in this country? What countries have more lenient laws? Switzerland, for one, that I know of. Since I'm assuming that most of the world is effectively disarmed, I don't figure these responses will be lengthy.
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    Anti-Gun Initiatives

    Has anyone heard of any recent or developing anti-gun initiatives in the state of Alabama or can someone point out some links where I may find out the information? I went to Sarah's website, but couldn't find anything because most of what I was looking for was under construction. Also, after...
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    CCW in lieu of background check

    Over the past year or so, I've read a few posts which mention having a CCW to be used in lieu of having a background check whenever purchasing a firearm. Is this the case everywhere or just in certain states? Here in Alabama, I have a CCW, but I've never been asked about it before being handed...
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    Favorite Movies

    What are some of your favorite movies that contain any references to firearms or RKBA? Mine would be "Blade Runner", the "Mad Max" trilogy, any of the Dirty Harry movies, earlier James Bond movies (with Sean Connery or Roger Moore), and most any older westerns or military/war epics. The...
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    Guess who said this

    Guess which (in)famous politician of our time had this to say about those who choose to burn or otherwise desecrate the American flag. Give up? Here's another hint. He also made the following comment about another one of the Bill of Rights, this one not quite so tolerant. - (Former) Senator...
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    Walter Mondale comments

    CLINTON OFFICIAL CONFIRMS PRIVATE GUN OWNERSHIP IN AMERICA DETERS CRIME Washington, D.C. -- Days before the U.S. Congress holds hearings on whether to ban guns, a Clinton Administration official -- former Vice President Walter Mondale -- confirmed that private gun ownership in America deters...
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    Rosie Rosie, Make Up Your Mind

    Quotes attributed to Rosie O'Donnell: "Of course I'm against them," Rosie answered, because they "do more harm than good." Rosie 0'Donnell speaking with Cokie Roberts about conceal carry laws on ABC's "This Week" the day before the Million Mom March "I also think you should not buy a gun...
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    Has anyone ever heard of the company Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos (CBC)? A shotgun that my grandfather gave me is stamped as having been manufactured by this company. I looked up their website, but it is in what I assume to be Portugese and I can't get the translator to work. What sort...
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    WWYD (What would you do?)

    You're in the local grocery store at night, standing in line behind an obviously well-to-do lady. She pays for her items and, because you only have one or two items, you exit the store immediately after the lady. As she walks across a deserted parking lot towards her car, you notice a BG...
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    Modified shotguns

    Do any of you have shotguns which have had their lengths modified to within legal limits; i.e., chopped barrel or shortened stock? What is your primary use for the firearm? I have an old 20 gauge shotgun that I've spoken with a gunsmith about modifying to within legal limits simply for...