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  1. M

    Those who are unfit?

    A post about the Oklahoma pharmacy shooting brought up a really good point. Some people are mentally unstable and have never committed a felony. However, many people feel that they should not be allowed to carry or have access to a firearm. How do you create a policy limiting access to...
  2. M


    Does anyone else think that we, the shooters, are largely responsible for the rising ammo and firearm prices? I mean, let's look at this way. When Obama was running, the firearm websites had banners up screaming, "Buy now before they take your guns away! It may be your last chance!" A large...
  3. M

    Thoughts on the FN SLP Mark 1

    I am looking at possibly getting a new shotgun sometime this summer (preferably before deer season! :D ). I want it to be an all-around shotgun. I want it to be reliable, self-loading, and suitable for deer, turkey, duck, raccoon, garden varmints, and home intruders. I came across an FN SLP...
  4. M

    Assault Weapons Ban

    Ok. On February 25, 2009 (just a few months ago), Attorney General Eric Holder stated that the Obama administration would be seeking to reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban. However, I have a few questions regarding this that I am hoping some who has done much more research than I have can...
  5. M

    .40 S&W and +P/+P+ 9mm

    I am aware that differences between 9mm and .40 are marginal. I do not have hardly any experience with 9mm +P or +P+, though, and I was curious as to if the hotter 9mm load is equal to or possibly outperforms the .40. All of my guns are .40, .357, and 12 gauge to keep from having to stock a...
  6. M

    What are the pros/cons?

    I have a lot of experience with the H&K USP 40 and 45. I have had my eye on the newer H&K pistols, too. The P2000, in particular. I have been told that it is, for the most part, a USP with a few bells and whistles. Is that true? Which do you like better and why? What are the major...
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    Admittedly, this post is motivated by another one that was just a troll thread. However, it did give me the idea to ask this question. Which handgun (make and model) do you believe has the best ergonomics? I know this will be subjective, so no bashing each other for expressing opinions. I am...
  8. M

    FNP vs. Glock

    First of all this is not a thread to debate which of these fine handguns is better. Both have their place, and it is pointless to try and say that either is better than the other in every way. So, let's just stop that silliness right now. What this thread IS about is my experience with the...
  9. M

    Looking for suggestions.

    I am looking to buy a new handgun sometime soon, but I am absolutely clueless as to what I want. Well, I want a lot of things. I just don't know what to buy. I am looking for suggestions from all of you good people out there. I'll first clarify some of the things I'm looking for. 1. I...